Hey everybody,
This week was a good week. Me and my Zone leader went crazy trying to visit as many people as we could. Tracking is not as fun when you are doing it in the cold. I never thought that Florida would get so cold. luckily I got a jacket and we are able to continue knocking on doors.
We are working with a lot of people right now, I love them all and I always wish the best for them. It has been very hard in this season of Christmas to teach our investigators because they are always so busy. sometimes it gets frustrating but I know the lord has prepared some else to be taught at that time. For instance, We were down in Ruskin and we ran out of people to visit because a lesson fell through with the moons. So, as I thought about what we going to do next I instantly remembered a lady that the Spanish elders wanted us to follow up with. We went over to her house and we met her, Her name is Shauntel Boultin, and Black girl who is supper funny. We taught her and she is now really excited to learn more and read the Book of Mormon.
One thing that was really good this week was the Zone Christmas Conference. I was able to be in the choir and sing with the Tenors. It was good other than the missionary who was pretty much screaming off pitch in my ear the whole time. hehe. There was a very good piano solo by an Elder Sims. He sang with such conviction and I could tell Christmas meant alot to him.
Their many testimonies that were shared and I really was able to see the true meaning of Christmas. The Spirit was way Strong and I felt really close to my Savior. I know that Jesus Christ is my lord and my Redeemer. His is the Living Christ The King of Kings.
I love you all and I Wish you a Merry Christmas.
Elder Spencer Larson
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
count your many blessings name them one by one
Hi Mom,
Things are doing pretty good down here in Florida. I am glad President Summerhays gave you a letter about me being called as a district leader. We had a ZLDLC Leadership conference this last week. I went because I am a district leader. I had a very good time. I was able to see all my friends that I haven't seen for awhile like Elder Welch. It was so much fun and I learned how important this calling really is.
The rest of my week was alright, some discouragement but I am working though it as joyful as possible. I found out that the best was to not be discouraged is to count my many blessing and name them one by one. I have been thinking about parenting and how I can be the best parent to my children. I know I am not a father yet but being with Elder Prescott ( my son) makes me think about that. Needless to say he is a handfull and sometimes it takes great amounts of love and patience to be with him. but it is all good and I am learning valuable lessons for my life after the mission.
I still am having a hard time telling you what I want for Christmas because I just don't know what I want. We had a Ward Christmas party and I sat on Santa's knee and all I could ask for was "Referrals" ahahaha. I guess missionary work is just always on my mind. You know how much I love ties, which is a lot. I think that a cd of Andre Bochelli would just rock. I mean that would be really nice. hehe. ummmmmm. Maybe you could get me some socks. and some more G's would be nice. I guess that is all. sorry I am very bad at this.
What would you like for Christmas Mom? I want to know. I love you mom. count your many blessing name them one by one. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Things are doing pretty good down here in Florida. I am glad President Summerhays gave you a letter about me being called as a district leader. We had a ZLDLC Leadership conference this last week. I went because I am a district leader. I had a very good time. I was able to see all my friends that I haven't seen for awhile like Elder Welch. It was so much fun and I learned how important this calling really is.
The rest of my week was alright, some discouragement but I am working though it as joyful as possible. I found out that the best was to not be discouraged is to count my many blessing and name them one by one. I have been thinking about parenting and how I can be the best parent to my children. I know I am not a father yet but being with Elder Prescott ( my son) makes me think about that. Needless to say he is a handfull and sometimes it takes great amounts of love and patience to be with him. but it is all good and I am learning valuable lessons for my life after the mission.
I still am having a hard time telling you what I want for Christmas because I just don't know what I want. We had a Ward Christmas party and I sat on Santa's knee and all I could ask for was "Referrals" ahahaha. I guess missionary work is just always on my mind. You know how much I love ties, which is a lot. I think that a cd of Andre Bochelli would just rock. I mean that would be really nice. hehe. ummmmmm. Maybe you could get me some socks. and some more G's would be nice. I guess that is all. sorry I am very bad at this.
What would you like for Christmas Mom? I want to know. I love you mom. count your many blessing name them one by one. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Kick in a door
Hey everybody,
I am well and thank you to everybody who sent letters. We had a baptism last week. A young man named Pablo(18). oh, and I broke the key to house, so I had to kick in the door it cool. I always wanted to do that.Love you all, have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
I am well and thank you to everybody who sent letters. We had a baptism last week. A young man named Pablo(18). oh, and I broke the key to house, so I had to kick in the door it cool. I always wanted to do that.Love you all, have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
hi my good looking Family,
When missionaries come to our apartment they comment on how good looking you all are, especially Jess. So Jess, you might have alot of dates headed your way.
Apollo Beach this week was good. As a district leader somethings have changed but not much. I had to do a training to our district on how to stay in the right Spirit. It went well and I know that the spirit was with me to teach them. I am still with good old Elder Prescott and we are doing good. I am starting to pick up on the sign language more and more as I spend time with Sooryun Larrow( deaf lady) and she absolutely loves us to death. She gave us so much food and a 15lb ham.
Thanksgiving was very fun and enjoyable. We played flag football; It brought back memories of the times I used to play football in high school. I almost tackled somebody because I remembered so well. oops. But It was very fun and I was sore for all of the next day. All of the members were fighting over the missionaries to have them over for dinner. We ate with a cool family, the Foys. The food was so good and they made cheese cake. mmmmmmmmm!
I love cheesecake. but I enjoyed talking with the Foys. Victoria Foy recently returned from her mission in the Provo/Orem mission. Needless to say we had loads to talk about. After the that we went to the Molina family's house. They are not members and we are teaching them the lessons. When we got to their house they were waiting for us to get there to eat dinner with them. I was so stuffed already from the previous dinner but I ate with them any way. You just can't deny a Spanish family when food is involved. I am still alive and my stomach is alright.
Other than that not much happened this week other than helping investigators put up Christmas lights and decorations. This next week will be very good, hopefully with a baptismal date being set with Jim Cusack. He is a very good man, he is a psychologist and he is very smart. Pray for him that he will understand the need to be baptized.
I love you, and Have a good Christmas season. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
When missionaries come to our apartment they comment on how good looking you all are, especially Jess. So Jess, you might have alot of dates headed your way.
Apollo Beach this week was good. As a district leader somethings have changed but not much. I had to do a training to our district on how to stay in the right Spirit. It went well and I know that the spirit was with me to teach them. I am still with good old Elder Prescott and we are doing good. I am starting to pick up on the sign language more and more as I spend time with Sooryun Larrow( deaf lady) and she absolutely loves us to death. She gave us so much food and a 15lb ham.
Thanksgiving was very fun and enjoyable. We played flag football; It brought back memories of the times I used to play football in high school. I almost tackled somebody because I remembered so well. oops. But It was very fun and I was sore for all of the next day. All of the members were fighting over the missionaries to have them over for dinner. We ate with a cool family, the Foys. The food was so good and they made cheese cake. mmmmmmmmm!
I love cheesecake. but I enjoyed talking with the Foys. Victoria Foy recently returned from her mission in the Provo/Orem mission. Needless to say we had loads to talk about. After the that we went to the Molina family's house. They are not members and we are teaching them the lessons. When we got to their house they were waiting for us to get there to eat dinner with them. I was so stuffed already from the previous dinner but I ate with them any way. You just can't deny a Spanish family when food is involved. I am still alive and my stomach is alright.
Other than that not much happened this week other than helping investigators put up Christmas lights and decorations. This next week will be very good, hopefully with a baptismal date being set with Jim Cusack. He is a very good man, he is a psychologist and he is very smart. Pray for him that he will understand the need to be baptized.
I love you, and Have a good Christmas season. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Almost thanksgiving
Hi Mom,
Things are going Excellent here in this area. All of your prayers have increased the work that I have been having and I am so thankful to have a mom like you to support me. My Greenie Elder Prescott is doing OK, I am going to be staying with him for another transfer and see that he is fully trained and ready for everything. It is really a difficult task trying to train another missionary how to do everything. Especially when they think they know everything all ready. He is a good missionary and He is lucky that I love his guts. I bet that statement sounds familiar to you. Of course I always was the most perfect son a parent could ever have. Ha. But I know that this time with Elder Prescott is preparing me for something bigger,
possibly the time when I have my own kids.
Sign Language is coming very slowly. i guess it will help when I actually study it every morning instead of every other week. Sooryun Larrow( the deaf lady) is very awesome. There is a double language barrier, Japanese and Deafness. When we had our first lesson with her she signed and thought that me and Elder Prescott were sleeping together. I quickly learned then how to say "I like Girls." I was tempted to show a picture of Liz and say that she was my girlfriend.
Linda Reynolds was baptized and confirmed this past weekend. It was good but it was so stressful. There were some misunderstandings on how the program was going to work and she didn't know she had to sit in her white jump suit in front of everybody and go through the program. I thought she was going to slap me, but in the end everything worked out and she is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. yeah!
In church I had the opportunity to be with the high Priests. They also talked about the holy ghost and I thought it was funny that you had the same insight as me. It was just made even clearer for me in that lesson.
I am Thankful that I am your son apart of our family. others are not as fortunate and I am. I Love you mom. and Happy Thanksgiving.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Hey I forgot to tell you I was called to be a district leader for our district. I am excited to be more of a servant of the lord in helping bring about his work. Take care.
Things are going Excellent here in this area. All of your prayers have increased the work that I have been having and I am so thankful to have a mom like you to support me. My Greenie Elder Prescott is doing OK, I am going to be staying with him for another transfer and see that he is fully trained and ready for everything. It is really a difficult task trying to train another missionary how to do everything. Especially when they think they know everything all ready. He is a good missionary and He is lucky that I love his guts. I bet that statement sounds familiar to you. Of course I always was the most perfect son a parent could ever have. Ha. But I know that this time with Elder Prescott is preparing me for something bigger,
possibly the time when I have my own kids.
Sign Language is coming very slowly. i guess it will help when I actually study it every morning instead of every other week. Sooryun Larrow( the deaf lady) is very awesome. There is a double language barrier, Japanese and Deafness. When we had our first lesson with her she signed and thought that me and Elder Prescott were sleeping together. I quickly learned then how to say "I like Girls." I was tempted to show a picture of Liz and say that she was my girlfriend.
Linda Reynolds was baptized and confirmed this past weekend. It was good but it was so stressful. There were some misunderstandings on how the program was going to work and she didn't know she had to sit in her white jump suit in front of everybody and go through the program. I thought she was going to slap me, but in the end everything worked out and she is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. yeah!
In church I had the opportunity to be with the high Priests. They also talked about the holy ghost and I thought it was funny that you had the same insight as me. It was just made even clearer for me in that lesson.
I am Thankful that I am your son apart of our family. others are not as fortunate and I am. I Love you mom. and Happy Thanksgiving.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Hey I forgot to tell you I was called to be a district leader for our district. I am excited to be more of a servant of the lord in helping bring about his work. Take care.
I doing well
Hey everybody,
I hope your all doing well. The weather here is starting to get hotter and the humidity just makes me sweat more. Its funny to me to see Christmas lights on houses and be sweating at the same time. My comp is from the amazon so the heat doesn´t really seem to bother him as much,
But I am liking the new area, it doesn´t have as much music playing in the streets here. But the people act the same, or at less I can´t tell a difference. But I doing well and am learning a lot. Love you guys, have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
I hope your all doing well. The weather here is starting to get hotter and the humidity just makes me sweat more. Its funny to me to see Christmas lights on houses and be sweating at the same time. My comp is from the amazon so the heat doesn´t really seem to bother him as much,
But I am liking the new area, it doesn´t have as much music playing in the streets here. But the people act the same, or at less I can´t tell a difference. But I doing well and am learning a lot. Love you guys, have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
Friday, October 1, 2010
The end of September
Hey Everybody,
Well today is the last day of the transfer, Elder field is going to be changing areas and I will be staying hear in the Palmares with a new companion, most likely and hopefully a Brazilian. Elder field said that after a transfer with a Brazilian comp, that I will be fluent in Portuguese. At this point it seems almost impossible, but I know if the Lord blesses me it will happen.
Something funny happened on Thursday during comp study. What happened was I studying chapter 31 of second Nephi with my comp, and I turned to grab something from my backpack. When i turned I hit my ´´funny bone´´ on my chair, with a lot of force. The nerve pain in my arm hurt so bad that I passed out. The next thing I remember, I opened my eyes and I was on the floor. I asked Elder field ´´What happened?´´. He told me he though I was being dramatic or something (When am I ever dramatic) hehehehe. Then he told me my head was bleeding, its nothing big or bad, it's just noticeable. Now when we´re outside people ask what happened, its a good conversation starter, ha ha. But i´m fine.
On Friday President and sister Jackson (Our mission President) came to our apartment to see how clean it was. It could have been cleaner, lets just say it wasn´t up to my mother's standards. But it was fine, today I´m going to take time to clean it good.
Love you guys, hope your all doing well and have a good week.
-Elder Stephen Larson
Well today is the last day of the transfer, Elder field is going to be changing areas and I will be staying hear in the Palmares with a new companion, most likely and hopefully a Brazilian. Elder field said that after a transfer with a Brazilian comp, that I will be fluent in Portuguese. At this point it seems almost impossible, but I know if the Lord blesses me it will happen.
Something funny happened on Thursday during comp study. What happened was I studying chapter 31 of second Nephi with my comp, and I turned to grab something from my backpack. When i turned I hit my ´´funny bone´´ on my chair, with a lot of force. The nerve pain in my arm hurt so bad that I passed out. The next thing I remember, I opened my eyes and I was on the floor. I asked Elder field ´´What happened?´´. He told me he though I was being dramatic or something (When am I ever dramatic) hehehehe. Then he told me my head was bleeding, its nothing big or bad, it's just noticeable. Now when we´re outside people ask what happened, its a good conversation starter, ha ha. But i´m fine.
On Friday President and sister Jackson (Our mission President) came to our apartment to see how clean it was. It could have been cleaner, lets just say it wasn´t up to my mother's standards. But it was fine, today I´m going to take time to clean it good.
Love you guys, hope your all doing well and have a good week.
-Elder Stephen Larson
End of September
Hi my beautiful Mother,
Florida is great. I am having a fun time teaching and learning what the lord would have me be. The moon Family is coming a long really good. Starla and Bob moon were out of town for a while and they will be gone for the rest of October because of work. But We keep in contact with them and They both are reading the Book Of Mormon everyday and the cool thing is that they talk about it. Since those two have been gone we have been teaching her son Lawynn and his wife Jessica. It was really good and they are actually progressing. But I found out later something that really surprised me. The Spanish Elder met with them and they told me that Jessica said that I was Checking her out. I laughed really hard about that one and now I await the time to meet with them to clear up the misunderstanding.
I have felt the spirit so strongly this week it was amazing. I was tracting with a Spanish Elder and nothing was coming of it. You know how they say that on the last house is where we found the golden investigator; well I can say it is true. We walked up to the last house and someone yelled at us from the neighborhood pool across the street telling us nobody was home. I thought we were going to get yelled but I walked over anyway. A girl met us at the gate of the pool area and she look very interested. We talked and joked with her for a couple minutes and then she decided that she was interested in hearing what we had to say. Her name is Sierra Rock and she is a senior in high school. We started to teach her and two other guys named Dale and Chris joined us. It was a very good lesson. And as I shared the experience that Joseph had as he prayed; the spirit flooded into my heart and with all my conviction I bore my testimony to them that the things that I shared are true. They felt the spirit very strong as well and they are very positive, Sierra Rock mostly.
I love this mission and I mostly love the people I am able to serve with and teach. I pray for missionary experiences to happen and I love it when they do. I feel bad that the missionary that you told me about is not having the best time of his life. God knows that Utah is where he needs to be for reasons that are without number. I love you mom. I think I am good with all of my needs. Take care.
love Elder Spencer Handsome Larson
p.s. I am still working on humility, its hard when you're a guy like me. hehe.
Florida is great. I am having a fun time teaching and learning what the lord would have me be. The moon Family is coming a long really good. Starla and Bob moon were out of town for a while and they will be gone for the rest of October because of work. But We keep in contact with them and They both are reading the Book Of Mormon everyday and the cool thing is that they talk about it. Since those two have been gone we have been teaching her son Lawynn and his wife Jessica. It was really good and they are actually progressing. But I found out later something that really surprised me. The Spanish Elder met with them and they told me that Jessica said that I was Checking her out. I laughed really hard about that one and now I await the time to meet with them to clear up the misunderstanding.
I have felt the spirit so strongly this week it was amazing. I was tracting with a Spanish Elder and nothing was coming of it. You know how they say that on the last house is where we found the golden investigator; well I can say it is true. We walked up to the last house and someone yelled at us from the neighborhood pool across the street telling us nobody was home. I thought we were going to get yelled but I walked over anyway. A girl met us at the gate of the pool area and she look very interested. We talked and joked with her for a couple minutes and then she decided that she was interested in hearing what we had to say. Her name is Sierra Rock and she is a senior in high school. We started to teach her and two other guys named Dale and Chris joined us. It was a very good lesson. And as I shared the experience that Joseph had as he prayed; the spirit flooded into my heart and with all my conviction I bore my testimony to them that the things that I shared are true. They felt the spirit very strong as well and they are very positive, Sierra Rock mostly.
I love this mission and I mostly love the people I am able to serve with and teach. I pray for missionary experiences to happen and I love it when they do. I feel bad that the missionary that you told me about is not having the best time of his life. God knows that Utah is where he needs to be for reasons that are without number. I love you mom. I think I am good with all of my needs. Take care.
love Elder Spencer Handsome Larson
p.s. I am still working on humility, its hard when you're a guy like me. hehe.
Mid-September stuff
Hi Mom,
Sorry if I worried you this last week. I just was having some hard times and some discouraging moments. But I am all smiles and jokes now. This last week was very good, I felt the spirit prompt me a lot more than before. It was just a fun week. We biked a lot but because of that I now have legs of steel. Oh yeah!
I also taught a lot of people. One of the investigators is the moons. Jessica, Lawin and their daughter Dawn were all there for our lesson. Usually we teach grandma and Grandpa Moon. So we taught them the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was very surprised how strong the spirit was when we taught them. They each have disabilities and they need someone to support them but they all make it work some how. but I knew that I was in the right place and I needed to share that special message with them.
On Sunday We were over at the Hills house for a B-day Party/ dinner for Daisy. Daisy was getting pretty annoyed by her step daughter Neidy and told her to shut up in front of everybody at the table. Luckily this was new to Neidy but I think it still made her sad. So when everybody was done with eating I asked if I could do the dishes instead of daisy doing them. So I did and I had a very fun time doing it. Neidy helped me and everyone was cheerful when we left. I have a lot of fun with Neidy; she is like Jessica to me and we have a blast.
So I have been doing a lot of work and I have enjoyed it. And I am really excited for Halloween this year because I get to go trick-or-treating. yeah!!!!! hehe.
I love you Mom. Keep doing good stuff.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Sorry if I worried you this last week. I just was having some hard times and some discouraging moments. But I am all smiles and jokes now. This last week was very good, I felt the spirit prompt me a lot more than before. It was just a fun week. We biked a lot but because of that I now have legs of steel. Oh yeah!
I also taught a lot of people. One of the investigators is the moons. Jessica, Lawin and their daughter Dawn were all there for our lesson. Usually we teach grandma and Grandpa Moon. So we taught them the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was very surprised how strong the spirit was when we taught them. They each have disabilities and they need someone to support them but they all make it work some how. but I knew that I was in the right place and I needed to share that special message with them.
On Sunday We were over at the Hills house for a B-day Party/ dinner for Daisy. Daisy was getting pretty annoyed by her step daughter Neidy and told her to shut up in front of everybody at the table. Luckily this was new to Neidy but I think it still made her sad. So when everybody was done with eating I asked if I could do the dishes instead of daisy doing them. So I did and I had a very fun time doing it. Neidy helped me and everyone was cheerful when we left. I have a lot of fun with Neidy; she is like Jessica to me and we have a blast.
So I have been doing a lot of work and I have enjoyed it. And I am really excited for Halloween this year because I get to go trick-or-treating. yeah!!!!! hehe.
I love you Mom. Keep doing good stuff.
-Elder Spencer Larson
picking up where I last left off
Hey, sorry about not posting for such a long time. I got busy with all of my own stuff, like work!
Hey everybody,
Well this last week was good. The leaders in our mission had a training last week, so my comp (a district leader) and I had a division. My comp went to the training with another district leader, and I went with his Brazilian companion to there area. Its a lot easier to learn portages when you have a Brazilian companion. Next week I´ll get a Brazilian companion and then I will learn portages much faster. On the division I went to a area that is more out in the country, and I saw a Brazilian riding on a Bull with a saddle and reins. He had his cowboy hat and boots on, riding a big Bull down the street. Pretty crazy. I am surprised at all the people that have horses, even in the city.
Were teaching four kids that want to get baptized. Where excited to start working with them on preparing to enter into the water. I doing good, learning a lot. Love you guys, hope you guys have a good week.
-Elder Stephen Larson
Hey everybody,
Well this last week was good. The leaders in our mission had a training last week, so my comp (a district leader) and I had a division. My comp went to the training with another district leader, and I went with his Brazilian companion to there area. Its a lot easier to learn portages when you have a Brazilian companion. Next week I´ll get a Brazilian companion and then I will learn portages much faster. On the division I went to a area that is more out in the country, and I saw a Brazilian riding on a Bull with a saddle and reins. He had his cowboy hat and boots on, riding a big Bull down the street. Pretty crazy. I am surprised at all the people that have horses, even in the city.
Were teaching four kids that want to get baptized. Where excited to start working with them on preparing to enter into the water. I doing good, learning a lot. Love you guys, hope you guys have a good week.
-Elder Stephen Larson
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I hope you’re having fun with the fireworks. I really appreciate your last letter, it really helped me. There are a lot of people that I am working with and I have grown to love all of them; even the crazy ones. But I know what you mean about the people rejecting our invitation, after coming so close. Joyfully after a while many of them have made it back to church.
This week has been a very interesting week. On p-day the 28th, we had our whole zone in the gym playing dodge ball and Steal the Flag with tennis balls and it was a blast; until I beamed my companion, Elder Welch, in the eye. It was a very hard throw and I felt horrible. It got a little better, but Thursday morning at 1am he woke me up and said he was in a lot of pain and he couldn’t see out of his eye. I thought “oh crap.” So we went to Tampa General Hospital to the emergency room and stayed there until 8:30 am. So while Elder Welch was stuck in bed I went out with Elder Gate my district leader. It was a new experience for me to take over my area for awhile, but I had a blast. I even set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. All of this stuff happened while we were getting a new mission president, President Summerhays. His wife about had a heart attack when I called her 1 am in the morning, but everything is alright. Elder Welch is turning back into his usual charming self. Everyone in our ward and in our mission knows about what happened. Word spreads fast.
Well, I am loving it out here and I am learning so much . . .
-Elder Spencer D Larson
I hope you’re having fun with the fireworks. I really appreciate your last letter, it really helped me. There are a lot of people that I am working with and I have grown to love all of them; even the crazy ones. But I know what you mean about the people rejecting our invitation, after coming so close. Joyfully after a while many of them have made it back to church.
This week has been a very interesting week. On p-day the 28th, we had our whole zone in the gym playing dodge ball and Steal the Flag with tennis balls and it was a blast; until I beamed my companion, Elder Welch, in the eye. It was a very hard throw and I felt horrible. It got a little better, but Thursday morning at 1am he woke me up and said he was in a lot of pain and he couldn’t see out of his eye. I thought “oh crap.” So we went to Tampa General Hospital to the emergency room and stayed there until 8:30 am. So while Elder Welch was stuck in bed I went out with Elder Gate my district leader. It was a new experience for me to take over my area for awhile, but I had a blast. I even set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. All of this stuff happened while we were getting a new mission president, President Summerhays. His wife about had a heart attack when I called her 1 am in the morning, but everything is alright. Elder Welch is turning back into his usual charming self. Everyone in our ward and in our mission knows about what happened. Word spreads fast.
Well, I am loving it out here and I am learning so much . . .
-Elder Spencer D Larson
My First Area :D
Hey Everybody,
I hope you're all doing well. Well this is my first area and it is hard to tell direction but I'm sure that will change in a couple of weeks. My area is a very poor area, the streets are pretty dirty, but the people are mostly nice and friendly. Our apartment is small but it fits our needs. We have about 17 investigators and we have a baptism marked for this weekend, his name is Silvio and he is about 30 years old. Me and my comp try to find new investigators every week. My comp does most of the talking but I´m learning more each day. We teach about 6 lessons everyday so we stay busy. Our area is about an hour drive south of the CTM but its still in SAO PAULO. I love you all, I´ll write more next Monday.
-Elder Stephen Larson
I hope you're all doing well. Well this is my first area and it is hard to tell direction but I'm sure that will change in a couple of weeks. My area is a very poor area, the streets are pretty dirty, but the people are mostly nice and friendly. Our apartment is small but it fits our needs. We have about 17 investigators and we have a baptism marked for this weekend, his name is Silvio and he is about 30 years old. Me and my comp try to find new investigators every week. My comp does most of the talking but I´m learning more each day. We teach about 6 lessons everyday so we stay busy. Our area is about an hour drive south of the CTM but its still in SAO PAULO. I love you all, I´ll write more next Monday.
-Elder Stephen Larson
Busy July!
It is so satisfying to hear from you. I don't think I have ever missed you like I have right now. I keep having dreams that I am home with you and with my friends. In the dream you are always surprised to see me back early from my mission. I am not really home sick but I really miss you.
Elder Welch's eye is practically perfect now but the Opthamologists say that he still has some white and red blood cells floating around in his eye so he needs to take it easy for a while. I did have the chance to meet President Summerhays face to face. He is so cool and he is going to be a great mission president. It is a bit weird to see an experienced mission president leave and then a new one come in. He came to my ward this sunday and met all my investigators that came to church. It was very nice and they all liked him a lot. I could tell that he and his wife are still in shock about being out here as mission Presidents.
I haven't had any baptisms this transfer but I know that I was working as hard as I could and I did my part. I did set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. He is a big Black guy who looks like Bubba off of Forest Gump. He is so awesome and willing to repent and come unto Christ. He has stopped drinking Tea and is trying his hardest to be worthy of the blessings of the Holy Ghost.
One thing I have learned since I have been out here is that this mission that the Lord has called me to do is more than just the people I teach and baptize. I found that if the Lord wanted baptisms he would have called more experienced men to do his work. But he called 19 year old young men to do his work. That is because he wants us to learn and grow as well. This mission is also for me to prepare me for the rest of my life and to help me become the man that I want to become. It hasn't been a walk in the park, I have had a lot of experiences that have made me ponder and struggle to become better and trust more in the Lord.
I am so happy that you are not bored. Beckett must be doing his job. I miss Beckett so much. There are so many dogs here and every time I see I think of Beckett. Tell me how Beckett is doing.
I do have access to a CD player and we have a car that we listen to music in all the time.
There was a scripture in the Book Of Mormon that is one of my favorites. It is in Alma when Helaman and his stripling warriors are off to fight the Lamanites. They are few in number but they say that they trust in God and have faith that God will deliver them. They said this because that is what their Mothers told them. I don't know if you have read the ensign last month but there is a talk that is titled "mother told me" or something to that effect. I read these things and I immediately thought of you and all the things that you have taught me. I love you mom. keep doing good stuff too.
-Elder Spencer Larson
It is so satisfying to hear from you. I don't think I have ever missed you like I have right now. I keep having dreams that I am home with you and with my friends. In the dream you are always surprised to see me back early from my mission. I am not really home sick but I really miss you.
Elder Welch's eye is practically perfect now but the Opthamologists say that he still has some white and red blood cells floating around in his eye so he needs to take it easy for a while. I did have the chance to meet President Summerhays face to face. He is so cool and he is going to be a great mission president. It is a bit weird to see an experienced mission president leave and then a new one come in. He came to my ward this sunday and met all my investigators that came to church. It was very nice and they all liked him a lot. I could tell that he and his wife are still in shock about being out here as mission Presidents.
I haven't had any baptisms this transfer but I know that I was working as hard as I could and I did my part. I did set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. He is a big Black guy who looks like Bubba off of Forest Gump. He is so awesome and willing to repent and come unto Christ. He has stopped drinking Tea and is trying his hardest to be worthy of the blessings of the Holy Ghost.
One thing I have learned since I have been out here is that this mission that the Lord has called me to do is more than just the people I teach and baptize. I found that if the Lord wanted baptisms he would have called more experienced men to do his work. But he called 19 year old young men to do his work. That is because he wants us to learn and grow as well. This mission is also for me to prepare me for the rest of my life and to help me become the man that I want to become. It hasn't been a walk in the park, I have had a lot of experiences that have made me ponder and struggle to become better and trust more in the Lord.
I am so happy that you are not bored. Beckett must be doing his job. I miss Beckett so much. There are so many dogs here and every time I see I think of Beckett. Tell me how Beckett is doing.
I do have access to a CD player and we have a car that we listen to music in all the time.
There was a scripture in the Book Of Mormon that is one of my favorites. It is in Alma when Helaman and his stripling warriors are off to fight the Lamanites. They are few in number but they say that they trust in God and have faith that God will deliver them. They said this because that is what their Mothers told them. I don't know if you have read the ensign last month but there is a talk that is titled "mother told me" or something to that effect. I read these things and I immediately thought of you and all the things that you have taught me. I love you mom. keep doing good stuff too.
-Elder Spencer Larson
First Area
Hey Everybody,
I´m doing good here in my first area. It´s just me and my companion in the apartment. We´ve already taught some lessons together, the people like me (or at least that’s what my comp says) but I think that’s only because I can´t speak the language very well and they think it´s funny and laugh. My comp is from UT and a cool guy; he speaks very well and is a very good teacher. I feel lucky to have him as my comp. I love the Lord, and even though I can’t speak very well I am enjoying talking with people and talking with them about the gospel. I can only bear a simple testimony to them but it’s true. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith. And that we are happier when we are serving Gods children and doing what is right, and he will bless us. I don´t have a perfect knowledge of these things but I do know them by the feelings that the Spirit gives me, and that is how I know these things. I love you all and am grateful for the impact each of you have had on my life and I thank you for all of them, they have shaped the person I am today. Always do what you know to be good and true.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
I´m doing good here in my first area. It´s just me and my companion in the apartment. We´ve already taught some lessons together, the people like me (or at least that’s what my comp says) but I think that’s only because I can´t speak the language very well and they think it´s funny and laugh. My comp is from UT and a cool guy; he speaks very well and is a very good teacher. I feel lucky to have him as my comp. I love the Lord, and even though I can’t speak very well I am enjoying talking with people and talking with them about the gospel. I can only bear a simple testimony to them but it’s true. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith. And that we are happier when we are serving Gods children and doing what is right, and he will bless us. I don´t have a perfect knowledge of these things but I do know them by the feelings that the Spirit gives me, and that is how I know these things. I love you all and am grateful for the impact each of you have had on my life and I thank you for all of them, they have shaped the person I am today. Always do what you know to be good and true.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Stephen left the CTM!!!
Stephen left the CTM today and is now in the mission field!!! We are so excited for him and know that the experiences that he will have in the mission field will be the hardest and the best experiences that he will ever have! We love him and miss him but know that this is were he is needed!
Happy Independence Day
Hey Mom,
I am using a mall store computer so it is really loud and it is kind of hard to concentrate. Things are going really good for me but not so much for my companion. On Monday, our p-day, we were with our whole zone in the church gym and we were playing dodgeball/steal the flag. The only problem was that we were using tennis balls to play. It was way fun for the first 10 times we played but the 11th time I pegged elder Welch in the eye with a tennis ball. We went to a doctor and he said that we needed to watch it if it gets worse. Then Thursday at 1:00 am Elder Welch woke me up telling me that his eye hurt and he couldn't see out of it. We went to the ER at Tampa General Hospital and were there until 8:30 am. So I had the great opportunity to run the Tampa area by myself. My district leader Elder Gates was with me to help so that was nice. We had the best time doing the Lords work. I feel more like a missionary than ever.
Elder Welch's eye is doing so much better now. so the work will continue to move on. He still has to wear an eye patch, so now everyone we see asks about it or makes a pirate joke about it.
I do have a new mission President; his name is President Summerhays. He was a pro golf player and is pretty well known. I haven't met him yet but I will this next week.
This week I set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. He is a big black guy and he looks like Bubba off of Forrest Gump. hehe. But he is really excited to become a member of the church. There are a whole lot of people that we are working with so I am always busy teaching people how to be happy. Sometimes it is hard because they think they know better than God does. hopefully they will learn to trust in him and let go of the things that are holding them back from baptism.
There is one thing that I would really love to have sent to me. Tell Jessica to make a copy of her choir music from her years in choir. I love you mom. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
I am using a mall store computer so it is really loud and it is kind of hard to concentrate. Things are going really good for me but not so much for my companion. On Monday, our p-day, we were with our whole zone in the church gym and we were playing dodgeball/steal the flag. The only problem was that we were using tennis balls to play. It was way fun for the first 10 times we played but the 11th time I pegged elder Welch in the eye with a tennis ball. We went to a doctor and he said that we needed to watch it if it gets worse. Then Thursday at 1:00 am Elder Welch woke me up telling me that his eye hurt and he couldn't see out of it. We went to the ER at Tampa General Hospital and were there until 8:30 am. So I had the great opportunity to run the Tampa area by myself. My district leader Elder Gates was with me to help so that was nice. We had the best time doing the Lords work. I feel more like a missionary than ever.
Elder Welch's eye is doing so much better now. so the work will continue to move on. He still has to wear an eye patch, so now everyone we see asks about it or makes a pirate joke about it.
I do have a new mission President; his name is President Summerhays. He was a pro golf player and is pretty well known. I haven't met him yet but I will this next week.
This week I set a baptismal date with a man named Steve Morris. He is a big black guy and he looks like Bubba off of Forrest Gump. hehe. But he is really excited to become a member of the church. There are a whole lot of people that we are working with so I am always busy teaching people how to be happy. Sometimes it is hard because they think they know better than God does. hopefully they will learn to trust in him and let go of the things that are holding them back from baptism.
There is one thing that I would really love to have sent to me. Tell Jessica to make a copy of her choir music from her years in choir. I love you mom. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Hey everybody,
I’m still doing well; the people are going a little crazy here because of soccer. The weather is still good here, and I’m still enjoying the CTM. I don’t think I’ll be ready to leave on July 6th, because I still don’t know enough Portuguese.
So, this last week has been normally busy, the Brazilians in our room left today, but I think we’ll get 2 new ones on Friday so that will help our Portuguese. We have a member of the Twelve Apostles coming to the CTM on this Thursday the 17th; it will be a good experience.
We went proselytizing on Friday the 11th, it was good even though I didn’t understand very much, but my comp. Elder Christensen did understand. We gave out 4 Books of Mormon(s) and got 2 addresses, Elder Christensen was so happy, he was going crazy and being very spazy. It was humorous. We tried to talk to about 30 people. Our whole District was successful. My perspective and the way I feel has changed a lot in a month. It’s funny, the Gospel is almost perfectly parallel to being healthy. Well that’s all, love you guys, may the lord bless you.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
I’m still doing well; the people are going a little crazy here because of soccer. The weather is still good here, and I’m still enjoying the CTM. I don’t think I’ll be ready to leave on July 6th, because I still don’t know enough Portuguese.
So, this last week has been normally busy, the Brazilians in our room left today, but I think we’ll get 2 new ones on Friday so that will help our Portuguese. We have a member of the Twelve Apostles coming to the CTM on this Thursday the 17th; it will be a good experience.
We went proselytizing on Friday the 11th, it was good even though I didn’t understand very much, but my comp. Elder Christensen did understand. We gave out 4 Books of Mormon(s) and got 2 addresses, Elder Christensen was so happy, he was going crazy and being very spazy. It was humorous. We tried to talk to about 30 people. Our whole District was successful. My perspective and the way I feel has changed a lot in a month. It’s funny, the Gospel is almost perfectly parallel to being healthy. Well that’s all, love you guys, may the lord bless you.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
Bodily functions?!
Hey everybody,
O.K. so one thing I´ve heard from a lot of people is that every American missionary that goes to South America will poo their pants at least once. I didn´t really think that was true until one new missionary in our District did. It was a couple of days ago when it happened, after dinner our District was hanging around outside. Elder Farley a new missionary that got here from Provo 2 weeks ago was running around when he jumped up to fart on one of the other missionaries when all of the sudden he stopped and started to walk funny, he pooped his pants. It was very funny and very unexpected. Everything is good here I am doing good and the Lord is blessing me. I wish I could write more but I can´t. I hope everyone got the letters I sent them. Love you all and everything is crazy here because of the World Cup.
O.K. so one thing I´ve heard from a lot of people is that every American missionary that goes to South America will poo their pants at least once. I didn´t really think that was true until one new missionary in our District did. It was a couple of days ago when it happened, after dinner our District was hanging around outside. Elder Farley a new missionary that got here from Provo 2 weeks ago was running around when he jumped up to fart on one of the other missionaries when all of the sudden he stopped and started to walk funny, he pooped his pants. It was very funny and very unexpected. Everything is good here I am doing good and the Lord is blessing me. I wish I could write more but I can´t. I hope everyone got the letters I sent them. Love you all and everything is crazy here because of the World Cup.
A tutorial on transfers for Mom :)
Hi Mom,
It sounds like your having a good time yourself. I'm glad. Tell Ben to keep praying for an opportunity to work and faithfully keep looking. The way I found the job I got was by talking to people in the ward and also my friends. If he isn't talking to people then tell him to get the word out that he is looking for a job.
About Transfers. Every six weeks we have them and President Colton or soon to be President Summerhays and his assistants go in his office and look at this big wall with all the missionaries picture on it. I am on it right next to my companion Elder Welch, and we are separated into Zones. With transfers they prayerfully are guided by the Holy Ghost to decide who needs to be where and with what companion. The President has a whole lot of ways of deciding as well such as how long a missionary has been in the area or how well have the missionaries been getting along and a whole lot of other reasons. This last transfer was my first, and I stayed in the same area with the same companion. Next transfer I think that Elder Welch will be leaving me and going somewhere else. I will probably stay because I then can introduce the next Elder into the area and show him all the things that we do, and how things are different. I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't then you will see in time.
I am doing excellent! This week also like yours has been a hard one, but a whole lot better than last week. A lot of the people we are working with are not as sincere as those who we baptized last month. So we have to find out who is sincere and who is just looking for money. But this week we have made a lot of progress with a lot of people. We had 12 of our investigators come to church and 2 others that we need to get in contact with.
There is this one family that we have been trying for the past two weeks to contact. The fathers' name is Robert and his wife Karla and his son Sunshine. They are so cool and I love them so much. I met them at church and I immediately connected with them. I have taught them 2 lessons and we had a baptismal date with Robert. Then he missed church and our appointment fell through with him. After that no matter what we did to try and reach him or his family it was useless. I was so sad and depressed about it. I prayed every night for two weeks that I could just talk to him for one minute. This past Saturday my prayers were answered and we finally talked with him and had a joyful time in his home. That visit brought me so much joy and on top of that they all made it to church.
I have no time left to write all that I would like but know that I am doing good and I am having a lot of good growing experiences. I miss you so much. I love your guts.
-Elder Spencer D. Larson
It sounds like your having a good time yourself. I'm glad. Tell Ben to keep praying for an opportunity to work and faithfully keep looking. The way I found the job I got was by talking to people in the ward and also my friends. If he isn't talking to people then tell him to get the word out that he is looking for a job.
About Transfers. Every six weeks we have them and President Colton or soon to be President Summerhays and his assistants go in his office and look at this big wall with all the missionaries picture on it. I am on it right next to my companion Elder Welch, and we are separated into Zones. With transfers they prayerfully are guided by the Holy Ghost to decide who needs to be where and with what companion. The President has a whole lot of ways of deciding as well such as how long a missionary has been in the area or how well have the missionaries been getting along and a whole lot of other reasons. This last transfer was my first, and I stayed in the same area with the same companion. Next transfer I think that Elder Welch will be leaving me and going somewhere else. I will probably stay because I then can introduce the next Elder into the area and show him all the things that we do, and how things are different. I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't then you will see in time.
I am doing excellent! This week also like yours has been a hard one, but a whole lot better than last week. A lot of the people we are working with are not as sincere as those who we baptized last month. So we have to find out who is sincere and who is just looking for money. But this week we have made a lot of progress with a lot of people. We had 12 of our investigators come to church and 2 others that we need to get in contact with.
There is this one family that we have been trying for the past two weeks to contact. The fathers' name is Robert and his wife Karla and his son Sunshine. They are so cool and I love them so much. I met them at church and I immediately connected with them. I have taught them 2 lessons and we had a baptismal date with Robert. Then he missed church and our appointment fell through with him. After that no matter what we did to try and reach him or his family it was useless. I was so sad and depressed about it. I prayed every night for two weeks that I could just talk to him for one minute. This past Saturday my prayers were answered and we finally talked with him and had a joyful time in his home. That visit brought me so much joy and on top of that they all made it to church.
I have no time left to write all that I would like but know that I am doing good and I am having a lot of good growing experiences. I miss you so much. I love your guts.
-Elder Spencer D. Larson
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Dear Annika and David
Dear Annika and David
He is talking to my little brother and sister, Annika and David if you didn't know. Here are some pictures of them. (I like to show them off because they are just too cute to not show off!)

Hey, everything is good here I don´t really need anything right now, but It is good hearing from all of you and to hear how all of you are doing. Now little bro,(David). No I am not teaching anybody right now, but I am practicing, and I´m sorry buddy I can´t come play with you this summer. I am eating a lot of beans and rice, meat, chicken, fish, salad and trying to eat as healthy as possible. Hey Annika, I am having fun but I haven´t seen any snakes, spiders or crazy bugs yet or been in the jungle. I have made some friends, and no the cafeteria isn´t very big. ´Eu Amor você´ is how you say I love you in Portuguese. Thanks for your letter. The World Cup has been crazy here. Times up . love you guys.
-Love Elder Stephen Larson
He is talking to my little brother and sister, Annika and David if you didn't know. Here are some pictures of them. (I like to show them off because they are just too cute to not show off!)

This was Halloween
This is a before going to school pic
This was at a family picnic
Monday, June 21, 2010
funeral service
Hey Mom,
I wrote you a letter this week so that is probably why I didn't write a lot last week. It seems like the days just get more mushed together and I hardly have any time to write letters anymore. Luckily in the mornings I have a little window of space that I can write letters.
I got the package that you all sent and I loved it. It was just what I needed at that moment in my life. This second transfer is something else, its almost like the beginning of another mission. I guess the Lord is preparing me for something down the road.
Today I had the opportunity to be a part of a funeral service. Sister Freeman, an old lady in the wards husband just past away this last week. We were able to say goodbye to him before he died, which was nice. In the funeral service I lead the music. I was way nervous because the service was held in the Catholic chapel and there were people of all kinds of faiths there. Bob the man who passed away was himself a strong Baptist. It reminded me of the time when Grandpa Rodabough died. I wish that I wasn't so scared to go see him while he was passing away. Anyway Sister Freeman really appreciated that I lead the music and she is doing just fine. In fact after the service we were talking with her and she was telling jokes and laughing with us. She said something that I will never forget. She said that when we talk, meaning us missionaries, it doesn't matter what we say because what we are saying is what Heavenly Father is saying. We are speaking Gods words. It hit me deep down in my heart that what she said was true. Then she said that for those who don't listen, well God doesn't want them in his church......... yet. Sister Freeman is a marvelous lady and I shared with her the experience when Grandpa Rodabough passed away. She said that she wishes the best for me and for Grandma Rodabough. She also asked me to say hi to you Grandma if you happen to read this.
It was a good week and I have grown alot since you have last seen or heard from me. I thought about what Bishop Belnap said to me before I left. He said, " Go 100 percent, but that doesn't mean that you can't have some fun with it." It is all about how I look at it and how I want to react to things on my mission.
I hope that I get back before the whole house falls down so I can at least help you move everything out. It is killing me that I can't help you all the way out here. However I have been praying for you a lot so the lord will look after you. I hope things continue to be better for you Mom. I miss you and I love you so much. I will be better about writing to you.
-Elder Spencer D. Larson
P.S If you can get me more of that hair paste stuff from Aunt Nita that would be so great. If not, then that's alright too.
I wrote you a letter this week so that is probably why I didn't write a lot last week. It seems like the days just get more mushed together and I hardly have any time to write letters anymore. Luckily in the mornings I have a little window of space that I can write letters.
I got the package that you all sent and I loved it. It was just what I needed at that moment in my life. This second transfer is something else, its almost like the beginning of another mission. I guess the Lord is preparing me for something down the road.
Today I had the opportunity to be a part of a funeral service. Sister Freeman, an old lady in the wards husband just past away this last week. We were able to say goodbye to him before he died, which was nice. In the funeral service I lead the music. I was way nervous because the service was held in the Catholic chapel and there were people of all kinds of faiths there. Bob the man who passed away was himself a strong Baptist. It reminded me of the time when Grandpa Rodabough died. I wish that I wasn't so scared to go see him while he was passing away. Anyway Sister Freeman really appreciated that I lead the music and she is doing just fine. In fact after the service we were talking with her and she was telling jokes and laughing with us. She said something that I will never forget. She said that when we talk, meaning us missionaries, it doesn't matter what we say because what we are saying is what Heavenly Father is saying. We are speaking Gods words. It hit me deep down in my heart that what she said was true. Then she said that for those who don't listen, well God doesn't want them in his church......... yet. Sister Freeman is a marvelous lady and I shared with her the experience when Grandpa Rodabough passed away. She said that she wishes the best for me and for Grandma Rodabough. She also asked me to say hi to you Grandma if you happen to read this.
It was a good week and I have grown alot since you have last seen or heard from me. I thought about what Bishop Belnap said to me before I left. He said, " Go 100 percent, but that doesn't mean that you can't have some fun with it." It is all about how I look at it and how I want to react to things on my mission.
I hope that I get back before the whole house falls down so I can at least help you move everything out. It is killing me that I can't help you all the way out here. However I have been praying for you a lot so the lord will look after you. I hope things continue to be better for you Mom. I miss you and I love you so much. I will be better about writing to you.
-Elder Spencer D. Larson
P.S If you can get me more of that hair paste stuff from Aunt Nita that would be so great. If not, then that's alright too.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Hey Family and Friends
Hey Family and Friends,
I am still doing good. I´m having fun joking around with my District. Our District have been playing jokes on each other, mostly with people's alarm clocks. Yesterday we played volleyball with another District and it was way fun. We missed out on the Temple last week because we had to go to the Federal Police for our visas. So that wasn´t fun. Other than that we go to the Temple every week on P-day. We have Brazilians staying in our room and they think I´ve been doing steroids because they think I look big, but I told them that I don´t take steroids. I think they're funny guys, they want to learn English really bad. So that's basically it everything else has been the same, really busy, feeling the spirit, learning the language for 8 hours a day, working out during gym, pushing myself to be better, reading and studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, and learning a lot through my comp, and having fun with my District. And Grandma, don´t worry, I´m laughing with them too. The Gospel blesses peoples' lives, the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it will lead us to Eternal Life. May the Lord bless you all, I love you and pray for you.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
I am still doing good. I´m having fun joking around with my District. Our District have been playing jokes on each other, mostly with people's alarm clocks. Yesterday we played volleyball with another District and it was way fun. We missed out on the Temple last week because we had to go to the Federal Police for our visas. So that wasn´t fun. Other than that we go to the Temple every week on P-day. We have Brazilians staying in our room and they think I´ve been doing steroids because they think I look big, but I told them that I don´t take steroids. I think they're funny guys, they want to learn English really bad. So that's basically it everything else has been the same, really busy, feeling the spirit, learning the language for 8 hours a day, working out during gym, pushing myself to be better, reading and studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, and learning a lot through my comp, and having fun with my District. And Grandma, don´t worry, I´m laughing with them too. The Gospel blesses peoples' lives, the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it will lead us to Eternal Life. May the Lord bless you all, I love you and pray for you.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson.
sorry Im not there to take care of you while you are sick
Hi Mom,
That is too bad that I am not there to take care of you while you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for getting those books together I was talking with my companion and the Mexicans(Spanish Elders) and I thought that it would be good to start reading.
Renan and Kris visited you? Aw, I am so jealous. Tell them Hi for me when they come over. Renan lost 40 lbs that is awesome, I knew he could do it. I still can't gain any weight out here, and I get fed a lot. Mostly by Mexicans and Patty Mitchall.
This past week I have been giving a lot of blessings to people who are not having good health. A lot of the members in the ward get sick or need to have surgery for something. So I spend a lot of time at the hospital.
Transfer calls were this past Saturday, it was like Christmas except worse. It turns out that Elder Graham is leaving to go down south to a place called Naples and the rest of us are staying here in Tampa 1. yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will miss Elder Graham a lot. He is from Hawaii, so when my two years are up we need to go visit him, OK? he he. Anyway I am happy that I am staying so that I can keep working with the people that I have gotten to know.
I am getting better and better at this mission stuff as the weeks pass by. I always thought of a mission as a strict time where you just teach and tract like robots and somehow have fun. It is totally different. It is not fun all the time just like life always is but we learn to have fun in our own silly ways. Yesterday and this morning I got into wrestling matches with Elder Welch and Elder Graham. I never laughed so hard in my life, because they know that I am very ticklish. Times like that are so much fun on the mission.
I am having a very good time here and we have baptized and mainly helped people learn how to be as happy as you ever could be. I love it. Thanks for your emails and love. I will send pictures in my next email of all the fun times I have been having. I love you Mom.
-Elder Spencer Larson
p.s. Give Renan a good smack for me OK? and say hi to Liz and the rest of my friends if you see them.
That is too bad that I am not there to take care of you while you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for getting those books together I was talking with my companion and the Mexicans(Spanish Elders) and I thought that it would be good to start reading.
Renan and Kris visited you? Aw, I am so jealous. Tell them Hi for me when they come over. Renan lost 40 lbs that is awesome, I knew he could do it. I still can't gain any weight out here, and I get fed a lot. Mostly by Mexicans and Patty Mitchall.
This past week I have been giving a lot of blessings to people who are not having good health. A lot of the members in the ward get sick or need to have surgery for something. So I spend a lot of time at the hospital.
Transfer calls were this past Saturday, it was like Christmas except worse. It turns out that Elder Graham is leaving to go down south to a place called Naples and the rest of us are staying here in Tampa 1. yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will miss Elder Graham a lot. He is from Hawaii, so when my two years are up we need to go visit him, OK? he he. Anyway I am happy that I am staying so that I can keep working with the people that I have gotten to know.
I am getting better and better at this mission stuff as the weeks pass by. I always thought of a mission as a strict time where you just teach and tract like robots and somehow have fun. It is totally different. It is not fun all the time just like life always is but we learn to have fun in our own silly ways. Yesterday and this morning I got into wrestling matches with Elder Welch and Elder Graham. I never laughed so hard in my life, because they know that I am very ticklish. Times like that are so much fun on the mission.
I am having a very good time here and we have baptized and mainly helped people learn how to be as happy as you ever could be. I love it. Thanks for your emails and love. I will send pictures in my next email of all the fun times I have been having. I love you Mom.
-Elder Spencer Larson
p.s. Give Renan a good smack for me OK? and say hi to Liz and the rest of my friends if you see them.
Dear Dad and Kris
Thanks for sending all the letters and emails. It just makes my day a little better when I receive a letter from family and friends. I am sorry my emails have been brief and my letters are few. Just know that I am very busy doing the Lords work. And every time I am about to write to someone I get into a wrestling match with Elder Welch and Elder Graham. I love the companions that I have been with. They are so loving and fun to be with. Transfers calls came in this past Saturday and The Office Elders told us where we are going. I am going to stay here in Tampa 1 for another transfer along with Elder Welch and Elder Treseler. As for Elder Graham, my Hawaiian brother, he is going down south to a place called Naples. I am sad that he is leaving but I am very excited to be working with the same people that I have been working with for the past month.
So far for this whole transfer we have had one baptism for every week except for the first week. The people that have been baptized and confirmed are Kelly Parr, David Cucarella, Leshawn Alt, Nabi, and Kayla Hlaverty. They are doing pretty good.
I have made a lot of good friends out here, not only missionaries. My teaching is improving every week, but one thing that I have learned is that no matter how long you have been out here or how good a teacher you are, if you don't have the spirit then you are nothing. I learned this the hard way. We were teaching two black ladies, Shaquitta and Yadasha. We taught them lesson one the night before and it rocked, but lesson two wasn't as good. I felt like I was all alone in my teaching. It was painful to push through that lesson when I knew the spirit was not there helping me. One of the reasons this happened is because of the conditions that we taught in, screaming kids, tv on and off, dirty house. But I think that the main thing that was wrong is that we didn't get to know them and their situation the way we should have. When we left I felt terrible, like someone I cared for had just passed away. I learned a lot and I started listening with love to the people that I teach and the next day I taught a family with Elder Treseler and the spirit brought tears to their eyes. And we were able to set a date with them for Baptism.
This spiritual stuff really wears a person out, I have never slept so good in my life. he he. I am having fun and I love the people here in Florida . Thanks for the letter Kris I really love it and thank you for the Wendy's card, you shouldn't have. Now Elder Welch wants to go to Wendy's all the time. he he. I love you guys take care and I will write a letter back about more stuff if I am not wrestling someone.
Elder Spencer Larson
So far for this whole transfer we have had one baptism for every week except for the first week. The people that have been baptized and confirmed are Kelly Parr, David Cucarella, Leshawn Alt, Nabi, and Kayla Hlaverty. They are doing pretty good.
I have made a lot of good friends out here, not only missionaries. My teaching is improving every week, but one thing that I have learned is that no matter how long you have been out here or how good a teacher you are, if you don't have the spirit then you are nothing. I learned this the hard way. We were teaching two black ladies, Shaquitta and Yadasha. We taught them lesson one the night before and it rocked, but lesson two wasn't as good. I felt like I was all alone in my teaching. It was painful to push through that lesson when I knew the spirit was not there helping me. One of the reasons this happened is because of the conditions that we taught in, screaming kids, tv on and off, dirty house. But I think that the main thing that was wrong is that we didn't get to know them and their situation the way we should have. When we left I felt terrible, like someone I cared for had just passed away. I learned a lot and I started listening with love to the people that I teach and the next day I taught a family with Elder Treseler and the spirit brought tears to their eyes. And we were able to set a date with them for Baptism.
This spiritual stuff really wears a person out, I have never slept so good in my life. he he. I am having fun and I love the people here in Florida . Thanks for the letter Kris I really love it and thank you for the Wendy's card, you shouldn't have. Now Elder Welch wants to go to Wendy's all the time. he he. I love you guys take care and I will write a letter back about more stuff if I am not wrestling someone.
Elder Spencer Larson
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thanks for the encouragement Dad!
Dear Dad,
I appreciate your letters. Thanks. Your letters seem to come right at the times when I need them. I was having a hard week this week. I’m not having a hard time with the work; I am having a hard time with companion/missionary rules. I am striving with all my might to be as obedient as I possibly can, but sometimes missionaries I am with come close to these boundaries. I just didn’t know how to act and it was dragging the work down. So I talked with Elder Welch about my concerns. He taught me something I will never forget. “Missionaries aren’t perfect; some will listen to the wrong music, watch TV, and break a lot of small rules. Don’t get angry with them, and argue about it. Try to meet them half way or better. Contention between companions is way worse that slightly breaking a small rule.” Then he pointed at the investigator board and said, “This is what you concentrate on. After you learn how to do this, then you start perfecting yourself by keeping the rules more strictly.”
I’m sorry if this sounds apostate, but I know that he is right. It is very destructive to the work if you have contention. After this I felt like a 50lb weight had been taken off my shoulders. This mission is not what I expected it to be, but I am learning so much.
I have a baptism in two days on the 29th for a woman named Antanella. She is awesome, we have been working with her for a whole month and we are finally here. It’s funny how when I concentrate on myself I’m miserable, but when I teach or focus on others my joy is full.
I love this work God has called me to do. I’m thankful for your hand in my life that helped me toward my mission. You know, one of the reasons I came on a mission is because of an experience with you. We were in California and we were on our way to church. You had your white truck and we were little kids. We were whining because we did not want to sing in sacrament meeting or something. We were arguing as well I think, and it was getting to you a bit so you yelled “Enough” and it was perfectly silent the rest of the way to church. Then you said sorry and encouraged us to sing. So we ended up singing the missionary song. I can still remember the feeling of the spirit when we sang. I guess I didn’t know what it was at that time, but I did know in a pure way that I wanted to be a missionary. A missionary like you.
Thanks for everything Dad. I miss you and Kris a lot. Oh and especially Annika and David. Thanks for your encouragement
I love you
Elder Spencer D Larson
I appreciate your letters. Thanks. Your letters seem to come right at the times when I need them. I was having a hard week this week. I’m not having a hard time with the work; I am having a hard time with companion/missionary rules. I am striving with all my might to be as obedient as I possibly can, but sometimes missionaries I am with come close to these boundaries. I just didn’t know how to act and it was dragging the work down. So I talked with Elder Welch about my concerns. He taught me something I will never forget. “Missionaries aren’t perfect; some will listen to the wrong music, watch TV, and break a lot of small rules. Don’t get angry with them, and argue about it. Try to meet them half way or better. Contention between companions is way worse that slightly breaking a small rule.” Then he pointed at the investigator board and said, “This is what you concentrate on. After you learn how to do this, then you start perfecting yourself by keeping the rules more strictly.”
I’m sorry if this sounds apostate, but I know that he is right. It is very destructive to the work if you have contention. After this I felt like a 50lb weight had been taken off my shoulders. This mission is not what I expected it to be, but I am learning so much.
I have a baptism in two days on the 29th for a woman named Antanella. She is awesome, we have been working with her for a whole month and we are finally here. It’s funny how when I concentrate on myself I’m miserable, but when I teach or focus on others my joy is full.
I love this work God has called me to do. I’m thankful for your hand in my life that helped me toward my mission. You know, one of the reasons I came on a mission is because of an experience with you. We were in California and we were on our way to church. You had your white truck and we were little kids. We were whining because we did not want to sing in sacrament meeting or something. We were arguing as well I think, and it was getting to you a bit so you yelled “Enough” and it was perfectly silent the rest of the way to church. Then you said sorry and encouraged us to sing. So we ended up singing the missionary song. I can still remember the feeling of the spirit when we sang. I guess I didn’t know what it was at that time, but I did know in a pure way that I wanted to be a missionary. A missionary like you.
Thanks for everything Dad. I miss you and Kris a lot. Oh and especially Annika and David. Thanks for your encouragement
I love you
Elder Spencer D Larson
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Blessed with the gift of tongues
Portuguese is coming slowly; my comp can understand all the Brazilians and speaks very well. He has been blessed with the gift of tongues. The food is good, not the best, some of the other missionaries complain most of the time, but the food is ok. During gym I've been playing volleyball a lot, I am now able to spike it. My comp is from Richland, Washington and has done a lot of crazy things in his life. He’s way funny. We have 34 more days in the CTM here. I've been doing good here I feel very humbled all the time. Jess, I hope you’re having fun working. Ben, you're awesome and good job on your Eagle. I slipped three times here, twice on the stairs when they've been mopping and once today during gym in a puddle of water. Each time I’ve fallen, I fell hard and I got laughed at every time, mostly by my comp. It’s all good. The guys have given me a nickname and it is Captain Falcon.
Elder Stephen Larson
Elder Stephen Larson
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Weather
Hello everybody. The weather is hot, and humid, at least it feels that way to me, sometimes the mornings are cooler. We have a fan in our room, which we have on whenever we're in our room which keeps us cooler. But there are some days that I sweat a lot, but I don't mind so much. I know that it will be much hotter in the summer time. Right now it's getting colder and moving into winter here, but it's only like high 40s in the mornings and it gets up to high 60s during the day, and when we go to bed it's probably mid 50s. So its Brazil. It doesn't get cold here, well that's how I feel, but the Brazilian missionaries say differently. They all say its cold, they wear their sweaters with their suit coats. I saw one who's from up north and he had just gotten here to the CTM. At lunch he was wearing his normal clothes with a sweater and jacket and his suit coat and winter gloves. And I was with a short sleeve shirt on, top button undone and a lose tie, sweating. It was like 60 degrees outside. I walked up to him and said "Voce Fria?" which means you cold? He said "Sim, muito Fria!" which means "yes very cold". And I thought that was funny, it reminded me of Sanka on Cool Runnings. Gym is my favorite time of the day and bedtime. Ben I hope you have a good graduation! love ya, bye
Elder Larson.
Elder Larson.
Friday, May 28, 2010
I didn't know what rain was until I came here
Oh Mom I am so glad that we have this technology so we can communicate like this. That is so awesome that you ran a 5k. About that rain, I didn't know what rain was until I came here. We were driving back from a stake conference and God just unloaded on us. I couldn't see 5 feet in front of us; I was afraid that we were going to crash. Since I have been out here I have been exposed to a lot of good scriptures but my favorite scripture is in Alma 56: 37-48 somewhere it starts with Helaman asking his sons if they would go up to battle with the Lamanites. I told Brother Anderson (the Canadian) what it was before I left. You should check with him. I don't have my scriptures on me right this second so I can't tell you the exact verses. Leshawn was finally baptized this last week and on Sunday I was able to confirm her a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and give her the Holy Ghost. It was so awesome and the Spirit was so strong. I am glad that I was able to hear from Stephen as well. I know that he is having a good time. I am starting to pick up a little Spanish but I can't really speak that much of it. I only understand most of what they are saying. I love you, have a good time with the family on Ben's graduation day. Tell him congratulations and Happy B-Day because I missed writing him on his birthday.
I know why I'm here
HEY Everybody,
Elder Christensen wants me to say that he was awake for 40 hours straight on the way to the CTM. And yeah. And Elder Christensen (my comp) is a goof, in a good way.
Happy birthday Benjamin and Jessica! fyi I continue to workout and eat.
I've given a talk, taught 2 lessons. 9 elders in my district, 0 sisters. Our district has a lot of testimony meetings, its good. Portuguese is coming. I JUST want to let you know that I know why I’m here. I’m here because I love the lord, and what’s more important is that he loves me. And I'm sure that he wants me here to help his children, which he also loves. So I will serve the Lord to show my love to him, by helping in his purpose, which is now my Purpose! I love ya guys.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson
Elder Christensen wants me to say that he was awake for 40 hours straight on the way to the CTM. And yeah. And Elder Christensen (my comp) is a goof, in a good way.
Happy birthday Benjamin and Jessica! fyi I continue to workout and eat.
I've given a talk, taught 2 lessons. 9 elders in my district, 0 sisters. Our district has a lot of testimony meetings, its good. Portuguese is coming. I JUST want to let you know that I know why I’m here. I’m here because I love the lord, and what’s more important is that he loves me. And I'm sure that he wants me here to help his children, which he also loves. So I will serve the Lord to show my love to him, by helping in his purpose, which is now my Purpose! I love ya guys.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jess, my beloved sister
Jess, my beloved sister,
I am glad you followed my advice to go apply for Emergency Essentials. I am glad you got a job there. You have to tell me what things you will be doing in the warehouse or in the offices. How was it being a bridesmaid? I hope it was fun! I will try and send some pictures through email but it might take a couple tries. Concerning me, I am doing very well here in Tampa. Two days ago I got to shake someones hand and he was a very special man. I was able to meet Elder Anderson of the Quorum Of the 12 Apostles. He has a very special testimony of Christ and it really affected me. I am definitely changing the way I study the gospel. I had two baptisms this week and they were confirmed on Sunday.
I am having so much fun, sure there are hard things that I deal with, but I move on with bright hope and faith in Jesus Christ. That he will be with me every step of the way. Keep telling me all the things that are going on while I am gone. It really helps me to remember where I came from and where I have family. I love you so much. Have a good life and stuff. :)
-Your beloved brother -Elder Spencer Larson
I am glad you followed my advice to go apply for Emergency Essentials. I am glad you got a job there. You have to tell me what things you will be doing in the warehouse or in the offices. How was it being a bridesmaid? I hope it was fun! I will try and send some pictures through email but it might take a couple tries. Concerning me, I am doing very well here in Tampa. Two days ago I got to shake someones hand and he was a very special man. I was able to meet Elder Anderson of the Quorum Of the 12 Apostles. He has a very special testimony of Christ and it really affected me. I am definitely changing the way I study the gospel. I had two baptisms this week and they were confirmed on Sunday.
I am having so much fun, sure there are hard things that I deal with, but I move on with bright hope and faith in Jesus Christ. That he will be with me every step of the way. Keep telling me all the things that are going on while I am gone. It really helps me to remember where I came from and where I have family. I love you so much. Have a good life and stuff. :)
-Your beloved brother -Elder Spencer Larson
Sunday, May 16, 2010
First week in Brazil
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm safe! I am having a good time getting to know the other Elders here. My MTC companion is Elder Christenson. He's 6'4", 220 pounds with light red hair. Oh, I played basketball earlier tonight. It was the best game of basketball I have ever played. I just kept scoring and scoring, it was great but really hot. I had a good flight, and yes, Sao Paulo is huge! We've all been going through a little shock, but we're excited to learn. There's no one here that I have ever met before, but that's ok. I will be here for 9 weeks. And if you want to send me a package make sure you send it though Federal Mailing because of cost. Sorry Mom and Dad for not writing more. I'm getting a little busy with classes. Love you guys! Dad, Mom, Kris, Jess, Ben, Annika, David, Grandma, and everyone.
-Love Elder Stephen Larson
P.S. Tell Brother Anderson that my favorite scripture is Moroni 7:16, 18, & 19. And that my preparation days are on Tuesdays.
I'm safe! I am having a good time getting to know the other Elders here. My MTC companion is Elder Christenson. He's 6'4", 220 pounds with light red hair. Oh, I played basketball earlier tonight. It was the best game of basketball I have ever played. I just kept scoring and scoring, it was great but really hot. I had a good flight, and yes, Sao Paulo is huge! We've all been going through a little shock, but we're excited to learn. There's no one here that I have ever met before, but that's ok. I will be here for 9 weeks. And if you want to send me a package make sure you send it though Federal Mailing because of cost. Sorry Mom and Dad for not writing more. I'm getting a little busy with classes. Love you guys! Dad, Mom, Kris, Jess, Ben, Annika, David, Grandma, and everyone.
-Love Elder Stephen Larson
P.S. Tell Brother Anderson that my favorite scripture is Moroni 7:16, 18, & 19. And that my preparation days are on Tuesdays.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I'm in Florida Mom!
This is a old letter from Spencer. It was sent on May 4th.
I have been doing very well, thank you for asking. I am very sorry that I couldn't tell you when I first arrived in Florida and how that was. But I'm here now! When I got off the plane beads of sweat gathered at my forehead and I thought to myself, " how am I going to survive this?" It is good though. I have been here a week and have been having a blast! I have taught about 15 lessons with my "papa" Elder Welch. I'll send a picture of us some time next week because I don't know if I have enough time to get prints today. Anyway, we are having fun learning to live with each other and bringing people unto Christ. I am actually expecting a baptism this weekend. The lady we are preparing for baptism is Leshawn. She is really nice and I am very excited to be a part of her baptism. The area that I was sent to was the Tampa 1 mission and the Lord has prepared the way for us so we are accomplishing great things in this area. We should have a lot of baptisms in this month.
Now more about my companion and the other elders that are with us. Elder Welch is from Ogden, Utah and has been out here for almost a whole year. He is a very good and caring person and has been a great help to those not only in this mission but to me. I have learned so much in this first week from him. We stay in a two room apartment which is just right for two people. I did receive the bike that dad sent me and I love it! Thank you so much for getting it for me. It has been really comfortable and easy to work with. I use it every day and love to use it. Nobody has stolen it yet, and I am going to make sure that it does not happen. The other elders that are in our area are elders Tresler and elder Graham. We call them the Spanish elders because they work the area up north which is mainly Spanish speaking. They are really nice and are helping me to adjust to life in Tampa.
I am so happy that the Lord has let me be a part of this great work and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love you all and hope that you are all doing very well.
- Elder Spencer Larson
I have been doing very well, thank you for asking. I am very sorry that I couldn't tell you when I first arrived in Florida and how that was. But I'm here now! When I got off the plane beads of sweat gathered at my forehead and I thought to myself, " how am I going to survive this?" It is good though. I have been here a week and have been having a blast! I have taught about 15 lessons with my "papa" Elder Welch. I'll send a picture of us some time next week because I don't know if I have enough time to get prints today. Anyway, we are having fun learning to live with each other and bringing people unto Christ. I am actually expecting a baptism this weekend. The lady we are preparing for baptism is Leshawn. She is really nice and I am very excited to be a part of her baptism. The area that I was sent to was the Tampa 1 mission and the Lord has prepared the way for us so we are accomplishing great things in this area. We should have a lot of baptisms in this month.
Now more about my companion and the other elders that are with us. Elder Welch is from Ogden, Utah and has been out here for almost a whole year. He is a very good and caring person and has been a great help to those not only in this mission but to me. I have learned so much in this first week from him. We stay in a two room apartment which is just right for two people. I did receive the bike that dad sent me and I love it! Thank you so much for getting it for me. It has been really comfortable and easy to work with. I use it every day and love to use it. Nobody has stolen it yet, and I am going to make sure that it does not happen. The other elders that are in our area are elders Tresler and elder Graham. We call them the Spanish elders because they work the area up north which is mainly Spanish speaking. They are really nice and are helping me to adjust to life in Tampa.
I am so happy that the Lord has let me be a part of this great work and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love you all and hope that you are all doing very well.
- Elder Spencer Larson
the Temple in Sao Paulo Brazil
Hey Mom, how is everyone? I arrived at 11:30 a.m. at the MTC today. Our district (19 A) has been having a lot of fun joking around, and the guys are really fun! My p-days are on Tuesdays and we've already had alot of info thrown at us. I only have 30 minutes on the computer so here's what I've learned so far in Portuguese; to pray, to bear testimony, to say, "My purpose" and a few other things. Sorry I'm a slow writer. Love you guys!
Elder Stephen Larson
here are some more pictures from Stephen!!

Monday, May 10, 2010
Green Tie
This picture is the first thing that we've gotten from Stephen since he has gone on his mission so far! He looks good and happy!
Happy Mothers Day!
Yesterday Spencer was a able to call home for Mothers Day! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!
(Stephen couldn't call home because he just went in to the MTC on Wednesday the 5th, and they don't allow the missionaries to call home while they are still in the MTC. But next year we can get a call from him :D ).
It was so good to hear from Spencer and hear how he is doing. He sounded like he was happy and content to be where he is ( which made Mom feel a lots better because she can't help but worry about him and Stephen). He told us that he has 3 baptisms this next week and he seems soooooo excited to be a part of them. He couldn't stop talking about his companion, he really looks up to him and is seeming to be having a lot of fun with him! ( I can't remember his companions name. I'll get it next letter). He told us to say hi to everyone and to tell them that he knows that he is where God needs him to be. He would like it if we could all write to him. He really likes the letters better than the emails. I would too, they are more personal and more special. I don't have his address yet but I promise to put it on next time!
We talked to him for hours and hours, but there always comes that time when you have to hang up the phone and trust that he will be o.k. And he will be!
Until next letter!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Oh happy Day!
K, so my brothers, Stephen and Spencer Larson are both on missions, and I know that for missionaries it can be hard to send letters to all of the people they love and care about, so I have set up this blog with all of there letters and pictures so that everyone can know how they are doing on their missions! I am so excited to share all of the great stories and life changing events that they are sure to have on their missions with all of you! Both of them were so excited to be serving missions and they both know that they are where they are supposed to be! I know that they will be great missionaries and I can't wait to post their letters!
Just to remind you all, Stephen is serving in Sao Paulo Brazil and Spencer is serving in Tampa Florida. Stephen's letters are going to be posted in blue and Spencer's letters are going to be posted in red.
Just to remind you all, Stephen is serving in Sao Paulo Brazil and Spencer is serving in Tampa Florida. Stephen's letters are going to be posted in blue and Spencer's letters are going to be posted in red.
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