Elder Benjamin Larson

Friday, October 1, 2010

The end of September

Hey Everybody,

Well today is the last day of the transfer, Elder field is going to be changing areas and I will be staying hear in the Palmares with a new companion, most likely and hopefully a Brazilian. Elder field said that after a transfer with a Brazilian comp, that I will be fluent in Portuguese. At this point it seems almost impossible, but I know if the Lord blesses me it will happen.

Something funny happened on Thursday during comp study. What happened was I studying chapter 31 of second Nephi with my comp, and I turned to grab something from my backpack. When i turned I hit my ´´funny bone´´ on my chair, with a lot of force. The nerve pain in my arm hurt so bad that I passed out. The next thing I remember, I opened my eyes and I was on the floor. I asked Elder field ´´What happened?´´. He told me he though I was being dramatic or something (When am I ever dramatic) hehehehe. Then he told me my head was bleeding, its nothing big or bad, it's just noticeable. Now when we´re outside people ask what happened, its a good conversation starter, ha ha. But i´m fine.

On Friday President and sister Jackson (Our mission President) came to our apartment to see how clean it was. It could have been cleaner, lets just say it wasn´t up to my mother's standards. But it was fine, today I´m going to take time to clean it good.

Love you guys, hope your all doing well and have a good week.

-Elder Stephen Larson

End of September

Hi my beautiful Mother,

Florida is great. I am having a fun time teaching and learning what the lord would have me be. The moon Family is coming a long really good. Starla and Bob moon were out of town for a while and they will be gone for the rest of October because of work. But We keep in contact with them and They both are reading the Book Of Mormon everyday and the cool thing is that they talk about it. Since those two have been gone we have been teaching her son Lawynn and his wife Jessica. It was really good and they are actually progressing. But I found out later something that really surprised me. The Spanish Elder met with them and they told me that Jessica said that I was Checking her out. I laughed really hard about that one and now I await the time to meet with them to clear up the misunderstanding.

I have felt the spirit so strongly this week it was amazing. I was tracting with a Spanish Elder and nothing was coming of it. You know how they say that on the last house is where we found the golden investigator; well I can say it is true. We walked up to the last house and someone yelled at us from the neighborhood pool across the street telling us nobody was home. I thought we were going to get yelled but I walked over anyway. A girl met us at the gate of the pool area and she look very interested. We talked and joked with her for a couple minutes and then she decided that she was interested in hearing what we had to say. Her name is Sierra Rock and she is a senior in high school. We started to teach her and two other guys named Dale and Chris joined us. It was a very good lesson. And as I shared the experience that Joseph had as he prayed; the spirit flooded into my heart and with all my conviction I bore my testimony to them that the things that I shared are true. They felt the spirit very strong as well and they are very positive, Sierra Rock mostly.

I love this mission and I mostly love the people I am able to serve with and teach. I pray for missionary experiences to happen and I love it when they do. I feel bad that the missionary that you told me about is not having the best time of his life. God knows that Utah is where he needs to be for reasons that are without number. I love you mom. I think I am good with all of my needs. Take care.

love Elder Spencer Handsome Larson

p.s. I am still working on humility, its hard when you're a guy like me. hehe.

Mid-September stuff

Hi Mom,

Sorry if I worried you this last week. I just was having some hard times and some discouraging moments. But I am all smiles and jokes now. This last week was very good, I felt the spirit prompt me a lot more than before. It was just a fun week. We biked a lot but because of that I now have legs of steel. Oh yeah!

I also taught a lot of people. One of the investigators is the moons. Jessica, Lawin and their daughter Dawn were all there for our lesson. Usually we teach grandma and Grandpa Moon. So we taught them the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was very surprised how strong the spirit was when we taught them. They each have disabilities and they need someone to support them but they all make it work some how. but I knew that I was in the right place and I needed to share that special message with them.

On Sunday We were over at the Hills house for a B-day Party/ dinner for Daisy. Daisy was getting pretty annoyed by her step daughter Neidy and told her to shut up in front of everybody at the table. Luckily this was new to Neidy but I think it still made her sad. So when everybody was done with eating I asked if I could do the dishes instead of daisy doing them. So I did and I had a very fun time doing it. Neidy helped me and everyone was cheerful when we left. I have a lot of fun with Neidy; she is like Jessica to me and we have a blast.

So I have been doing a lot of work and I have enjoyed it. And I am really excited for Halloween this year because I get to go trick-or-treating. yeah!!!!! hehe.
I love you Mom. Keep doing good stuff.

-Elder Spencer Larson

picking up where I last left off

Hey, sorry about not posting for such a long time. I got busy with all of my own stuff, like work!

Hey everybody,

Well this last week was good. The leaders in our mission had a training last week, so my comp (a district leader) and I had a division. My comp went to the training with another district leader, and I went with his Brazilian companion to there area. Its a lot easier to learn portages when you have a Brazilian companion. Next week I´ll get a Brazilian companion and then I will learn portages much faster. On the division I went to a area that is more out in the country, and I saw a Brazilian riding on a Bull with a saddle and reins. He had his cowboy hat and boots on, riding a big Bull down the street. Pretty crazy. I am surprised at all the people that have horses, even in the city.

Were teaching four kids that want to get baptized. Where excited to start working with them on preparing to enter into the water. I doing good, learning a lot. Love you guys, hope you guys have a good week.

-Elder Stephen Larson