Hello everybody. The weather is hot, and humid, at least it feels that way to me, sometimes the mornings are cooler. We have a fan in our room, which we have on whenever we're in our room which keeps us cooler. But there are some days that I sweat a lot, but I don't mind so much. I know that it will be much hotter in the summer time. Right now it's getting colder and moving into winter here, but it's only like high 40s in the mornings and it gets up to high 60s during the day, and when we go to bed it's probably mid 50s. So its Brazil. It doesn't get cold here, well that's how I feel, but the Brazilian missionaries say differently. They all say its cold, they wear their sweaters with their suit coats. I saw one who's from up north and he had just gotten here to the CTM. At lunch he was wearing his normal clothes with a sweater and jacket and his suit coat and winter gloves. And I was with a short sleeve shirt on, top button undone and a lose tie, sweating. It was like 60 degrees outside. I walked up to him and said "Voce Fria?" which means you cold? He said "Sim, muito Fria!" which means "yes very cold". And I thought that was funny, it reminded me of Sanka on Cool Runnings. Gym is my favorite time of the day and bedtime. Ben I hope you have a good graduation! love ya, bye
Elder Larson.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
I didn't know what rain was until I came here
Oh Mom I am so glad that we have this technology so we can communicate like this. That is so awesome that you ran a 5k. About that rain, I didn't know what rain was until I came here. We were driving back from a stake conference and God just unloaded on us. I couldn't see 5 feet in front of us; I was afraid that we were going to crash. Since I have been out here I have been exposed to a lot of good scriptures but my favorite scripture is in Alma 56: 37-48 somewhere it starts with Helaman asking his sons if they would go up to battle with the Lamanites. I told Brother Anderson (the Canadian) what it was before I left. You should check with him. I don't have my scriptures on me right this second so I can't tell you the exact verses. Leshawn was finally baptized this last week and on Sunday I was able to confirm her a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and give her the Holy Ghost. It was so awesome and the Spirit was so strong. I am glad that I was able to hear from Stephen as well. I know that he is having a good time. I am starting to pick up a little Spanish but I can't really speak that much of it. I only understand most of what they are saying. I love you, have a good time with the family on Ben's graduation day. Tell him congratulations and Happy B-Day because I missed writing him on his birthday.
I know why I'm here
HEY Everybody,
Elder Christensen wants me to say that he was awake for 40 hours straight on the way to the CTM. And yeah. And Elder Christensen (my comp) is a goof, in a good way.
Happy birthday Benjamin and Jessica! fyi I continue to workout and eat.
I've given a talk, taught 2 lessons. 9 elders in my district, 0 sisters. Our district has a lot of testimony meetings, its good. Portuguese is coming. I JUST want to let you know that I know why I’m here. I’m here because I love the lord, and what’s more important is that he loves me. And I'm sure that he wants me here to help his children, which he also loves. So I will serve the Lord to show my love to him, by helping in his purpose, which is now my Purpose! I love ya guys.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson
Elder Christensen wants me to say that he was awake for 40 hours straight on the way to the CTM. And yeah. And Elder Christensen (my comp) is a goof, in a good way.
Happy birthday Benjamin and Jessica! fyi I continue to workout and eat.
I've given a talk, taught 2 lessons. 9 elders in my district, 0 sisters. Our district has a lot of testimony meetings, its good. Portuguese is coming. I JUST want to let you know that I know why I’m here. I’m here because I love the lord, and what’s more important is that he loves me. And I'm sure that he wants me here to help his children, which he also loves. So I will serve the Lord to show my love to him, by helping in his purpose, which is now my Purpose! I love ya guys.
Sincerely Elder Stephen Larson
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jess, my beloved sister
Jess, my beloved sister,
I am glad you followed my advice to go apply for Emergency Essentials. I am glad you got a job there. You have to tell me what things you will be doing in the warehouse or in the offices. How was it being a bridesmaid? I hope it was fun! I will try and send some pictures through email but it might take a couple tries. Concerning me, I am doing very well here in Tampa. Two days ago I got to shake someones hand and he was a very special man. I was able to meet Elder Anderson of the Quorum Of the 12 Apostles. He has a very special testimony of Christ and it really affected me. I am definitely changing the way I study the gospel. I had two baptisms this week and they were confirmed on Sunday.
I am having so much fun, sure there are hard things that I deal with, but I move on with bright hope and faith in Jesus Christ. That he will be with me every step of the way. Keep telling me all the things that are going on while I am gone. It really helps me to remember where I came from and where I have family. I love you so much. Have a good life and stuff. :)
-Your beloved brother -Elder Spencer Larson
I am glad you followed my advice to go apply for Emergency Essentials. I am glad you got a job there. You have to tell me what things you will be doing in the warehouse or in the offices. How was it being a bridesmaid? I hope it was fun! I will try and send some pictures through email but it might take a couple tries. Concerning me, I am doing very well here in Tampa. Two days ago I got to shake someones hand and he was a very special man. I was able to meet Elder Anderson of the Quorum Of the 12 Apostles. He has a very special testimony of Christ and it really affected me. I am definitely changing the way I study the gospel. I had two baptisms this week and they were confirmed on Sunday.
I am having so much fun, sure there are hard things that I deal with, but I move on with bright hope and faith in Jesus Christ. That he will be with me every step of the way. Keep telling me all the things that are going on while I am gone. It really helps me to remember where I came from and where I have family. I love you so much. Have a good life and stuff. :)
-Your beloved brother -Elder Spencer Larson
Sunday, May 16, 2010
First week in Brazil
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm safe! I am having a good time getting to know the other Elders here. My MTC companion is Elder Christenson. He's 6'4", 220 pounds with light red hair. Oh, I played basketball earlier tonight. It was the best game of basketball I have ever played. I just kept scoring and scoring, it was great but really hot. I had a good flight, and yes, Sao Paulo is huge! We've all been going through a little shock, but we're excited to learn. There's no one here that I have ever met before, but that's ok. I will be here for 9 weeks. And if you want to send me a package make sure you send it though Federal Mailing because of cost. Sorry Mom and Dad for not writing more. I'm getting a little busy with classes. Love you guys! Dad, Mom, Kris, Jess, Ben, Annika, David, Grandma, and everyone.
-Love Elder Stephen Larson
P.S. Tell Brother Anderson that my favorite scripture is Moroni 7:16, 18, & 19. And that my preparation days are on Tuesdays.
I'm safe! I am having a good time getting to know the other Elders here. My MTC companion is Elder Christenson. He's 6'4", 220 pounds with light red hair. Oh, I played basketball earlier tonight. It was the best game of basketball I have ever played. I just kept scoring and scoring, it was great but really hot. I had a good flight, and yes, Sao Paulo is huge! We've all been going through a little shock, but we're excited to learn. There's no one here that I have ever met before, but that's ok. I will be here for 9 weeks. And if you want to send me a package make sure you send it though Federal Mailing because of cost. Sorry Mom and Dad for not writing more. I'm getting a little busy with classes. Love you guys! Dad, Mom, Kris, Jess, Ben, Annika, David, Grandma, and everyone.
-Love Elder Stephen Larson
P.S. Tell Brother Anderson that my favorite scripture is Moroni 7:16, 18, & 19. And that my preparation days are on Tuesdays.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I'm in Florida Mom!
This is a old letter from Spencer. It was sent on May 4th.
I have been doing very well, thank you for asking. I am very sorry that I couldn't tell you when I first arrived in Florida and how that was. But I'm here now! When I got off the plane beads of sweat gathered at my forehead and I thought to myself, " how am I going to survive this?" It is good though. I have been here a week and have been having a blast! I have taught about 15 lessons with my "papa" Elder Welch. I'll send a picture of us some time next week because I don't know if I have enough time to get prints today. Anyway, we are having fun learning to live with each other and bringing people unto Christ. I am actually expecting a baptism this weekend. The lady we are preparing for baptism is Leshawn. She is really nice and I am very excited to be a part of her baptism. The area that I was sent to was the Tampa 1 mission and the Lord has prepared the way for us so we are accomplishing great things in this area. We should have a lot of baptisms in this month.
Now more about my companion and the other elders that are with us. Elder Welch is from Ogden, Utah and has been out here for almost a whole year. He is a very good and caring person and has been a great help to those not only in this mission but to me. I have learned so much in this first week from him. We stay in a two room apartment which is just right for two people. I did receive the bike that dad sent me and I love it! Thank you so much for getting it for me. It has been really comfortable and easy to work with. I use it every day and love to use it. Nobody has stolen it yet, and I am going to make sure that it does not happen. The other elders that are in our area are elders Tresler and elder Graham. We call them the Spanish elders because they work the area up north which is mainly Spanish speaking. They are really nice and are helping me to adjust to life in Tampa.
I am so happy that the Lord has let me be a part of this great work and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love you all and hope that you are all doing very well.
- Elder Spencer Larson
I have been doing very well, thank you for asking. I am very sorry that I couldn't tell you when I first arrived in Florida and how that was. But I'm here now! When I got off the plane beads of sweat gathered at my forehead and I thought to myself, " how am I going to survive this?" It is good though. I have been here a week and have been having a blast! I have taught about 15 lessons with my "papa" Elder Welch. I'll send a picture of us some time next week because I don't know if I have enough time to get prints today. Anyway, we are having fun learning to live with each other and bringing people unto Christ. I am actually expecting a baptism this weekend. The lady we are preparing for baptism is Leshawn. She is really nice and I am very excited to be a part of her baptism. The area that I was sent to was the Tampa 1 mission and the Lord has prepared the way for us so we are accomplishing great things in this area. We should have a lot of baptisms in this month.
Now more about my companion and the other elders that are with us. Elder Welch is from Ogden, Utah and has been out here for almost a whole year. He is a very good and caring person and has been a great help to those not only in this mission but to me. I have learned so much in this first week from him. We stay in a two room apartment which is just right for two people. I did receive the bike that dad sent me and I love it! Thank you so much for getting it for me. It has been really comfortable and easy to work with. I use it every day and love to use it. Nobody has stolen it yet, and I am going to make sure that it does not happen. The other elders that are in our area are elders Tresler and elder Graham. We call them the Spanish elders because they work the area up north which is mainly Spanish speaking. They are really nice and are helping me to adjust to life in Tampa.
I am so happy that the Lord has let me be a part of this great work and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love you all and hope that you are all doing very well.
- Elder Spencer Larson
the Temple in Sao Paulo Brazil
Hey Mom, how is everyone? I arrived at 11:30 a.m. at the MTC today. Our district (19 A) has been having a lot of fun joking around, and the guys are really fun! My p-days are on Tuesdays and we've already had alot of info thrown at us. I only have 30 minutes on the computer so here's what I've learned so far in Portuguese; to pray, to bear testimony, to say, "My purpose" and a few other things. Sorry I'm a slow writer. Love you guys!
Elder Stephen Larson
here are some more pictures from Stephen!!

Monday, May 10, 2010
Green Tie
This picture is the first thing that we've gotten from Stephen since he has gone on his mission so far! He looks good and happy!
Happy Mothers Day!
Yesterday Spencer was a able to call home for Mothers Day! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!
(Stephen couldn't call home because he just went in to the MTC on Wednesday the 5th, and they don't allow the missionaries to call home while they are still in the MTC. But next year we can get a call from him :D ).
It was so good to hear from Spencer and hear how he is doing. He sounded like he was happy and content to be where he is ( which made Mom feel a lots better because she can't help but worry about him and Stephen). He told us that he has 3 baptisms this next week and he seems soooooo excited to be a part of them. He couldn't stop talking about his companion, he really looks up to him and is seeming to be having a lot of fun with him! ( I can't remember his companions name. I'll get it next letter). He told us to say hi to everyone and to tell them that he knows that he is where God needs him to be. He would like it if we could all write to him. He really likes the letters better than the emails. I would too, they are more personal and more special. I don't have his address yet but I promise to put it on next time!
We talked to him for hours and hours, but there always comes that time when you have to hang up the phone and trust that he will be o.k. And he will be!
Until next letter!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Oh happy Day!
K, so my brothers, Stephen and Spencer Larson are both on missions, and I know that for missionaries it can be hard to send letters to all of the people they love and care about, so I have set up this blog with all of there letters and pictures so that everyone can know how they are doing on their missions! I am so excited to share all of the great stories and life changing events that they are sure to have on their missions with all of you! Both of them were so excited to be serving missions and they both know that they are where they are supposed to be! I know that they will be great missionaries and I can't wait to post their letters!
Just to remind you all, Stephen is serving in Sao Paulo Brazil and Spencer is serving in Tampa Florida. Stephen's letters are going to be posted in blue and Spencer's letters are going to be posted in red.
Just to remind you all, Stephen is serving in Sao Paulo Brazil and Spencer is serving in Tampa Florida. Stephen's letters are going to be posted in blue and Spencer's letters are going to be posted in red.
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