Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

Hey mom jess steve and spence,

How are you guys doing? Wow, thats good, it seems like you are doing many new things there in the house of ours. And I am glad that you got all the garage all cleaned, and i am glad too that I am not there to experience that ha. 

I am doing good here in Philippines, it has been rained for a couple of days, the first two, we had no unbrellas, the next two day we finally bought some. ha, good thing too, cause those days, we almost had no lessons. Only 2-3. It is hard sometimes here, the people are very really busy and many of the time they just don't want to or have not the time to listen us to our message. So steve and spence, you have a new car!! Wow, Mercury?  Is it a stick shift, what color is it, you should probably send to me a picture. ha

I also heard about Josh that makes me sad, and hopfeully he will be ok. I will fast for him like you.

So today is our P-day, and we did our laundry today. we have no machines so we use buckets and our hands. And today I discovered that half way through Laundrying, it is much more funner to take a brake a Blow Bubbles with your hands and the clothes soap!! ha, they are HUGE! Man I liked it, I don't know about my comp, Elder Montejo, he was pretty serious about his laundrying. Ha But I like to blow the bubbles, and then to catch them again and send them off flying again. 

So nothing to exciting happened this week. Except.............. Brother Rosendo who has been being taught of the missionaries for about 6 months has excepted the Baptismal Date of June 2, ha, so you know, those 6 months were all teaching about prophets, Joseph Smith especially and the BOM. Ha, we have just started to go into the Plan of Salvation, Steve and Spence, dont judge me, I know it is long of only Lesson 1, He needed it, believe me. ha

So I am excited that he is excepted to that date, and it is so cool to see people change. I remember the first time I saw him, he was convinced that Joseph Smith was Fake, becuase of his many wives. And also he had questions of the BOM, and why there is no sayings of it in the bible. He has listened to a different preacher man for a while, he is from the Philippines, and is memorized in the bible. and so he calls him self a prophet, but all he does is show scriptures in the bible trying to destroy Joseph Smith and our church, wow, what a prophet.. haha

Me and my comp are doing good. we are doing are best, and I am really starting to feel all the slack that I am pulling. Ha but I guess that is how it is as a trainner. We will be in a lesson or talking to a people on the street and they will ask something then I will look to my comp to see if he want to answer or me, and the look on his face is like, YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU!!!!! He is still pretty shy and stuff aobut teaching, he will get there. 

I love this work and the philippines, even though it is wet and hot, and smeels like many  different thingys. I love it all. and I know that god loves us and has a plan for us, and we should follow it or our lifes will suck. I love gods plan and his word, the BOM and Bible.

Love Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson

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