Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hey Mom, Jess, Spencer, and now Stephen.
I am doing good here in philippines, It is so very hot though, it has been 35* celious, up to 37* celcioius, I don't know what that is in F, but it is hot, plus humidness. But hopefully rainny season start soon. and yes mom it is true when it is wet season, you are always wet, even if you have a unbrella.
So Steve how is you being not a missionary. It is weird no? Thats what they all tell me, it is wierd. But it sound like you are having fun, a lot, and volley ball playing. So how was Katelyn's weeding, was it fun. It is wierd that she married now. Is she get merried at the temple?
So my new comp is elder Montejo, he is also from Philippuines. But a different place of it so he speaks a different language called Waray-waray, and he says he is not so good in speaking Tagalog. I think he is better than I was though when I was just new, but also i wonder if he is understanding what i said to him, ha it is wierd to train. I do a lot of the teaching, and he is still pretty quiet, but he is also fun and happy, he reminds me of the spencer when spencer is in trouble, quiet and kind of inocent looking, ha, he is just like you in trouble spence.
So we are teaching a man who is name is Rosendo Fransiya (60+) he is very cool. He at first would also always ask questions about Joseph smith and why he had many wives, but now he has move on, and not so much struggling there now. He has been taught by the missionaries for kind of a long time, I am his 6 missionary. But he has just started to come to church, since I have been here. i am lucky.. one thing thats funny, is that he told us he believes there is no girls in heaven after we die, he said we are all boys after we die, because girls cant have the priesthood, I didn't even know what should i say. So I just told him i want to get married one day, and be sealed in the temple, and after I die, when i see my wife again as a spirit, I want her to still bee a girl. haha, then he still wans't so a lot convinced, so i just said in myself to my head that this isn't important for his salvation for now. But he is very cool, ever since he has start to church, he has listened his problem about Joseph Smith and he has now had a desire to read boook of mormon, and before though he didn't want to read it ever. We talked to him of baptism, but he sais he is afraid to be baptized because he doesn't want to sin again after and loose his chance to be clean. So this tomorrow we will teach him about repentance, and sacrament and stuff. 
He is one of the investigators that I have really seen a change happen into him. And I really love him, I want him to be baptized but I know it is up to him, and I want him to make the choice. It will be good, I know he will be baptized! He is prepear of god! I am lucky to be here in this time of his life. It is very cool!
I love you all, and I know that throught the gospel of jesus christ we change our bad happits to good happits. I also know that christ is the    one who is changing to us. we can't do it alone we must have him. I love you all. 
Love Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson

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