Thursday, March 31, 2011
Forgot how to speak english!
Hello everybody, This last week was interesting, but it was a good week also. We gave a blessing to a women that was really needing it. I was teaching a little bit of English to some recent converts. We had a division with our District leader. And on Sunday we had a family of Americans come to our ward to visit. So on Sunday, which was yesterday, we our morning meetings at the church and after I was sitting in the sacrament room reading the scriptures before church started. And as I was sitting there and a family of Americans walked in. I tried to talk to them but it was so difficult to not mix English with Portuguese. I couldn´t believe it, i had forgotten how to speak English. What a day. love you all have a good week. -Elder Stephen Larson
End of March
This is the last week of the transfer what a crazy time. I spent this last week from Monday to Wednesday in Tampa 1 my first area ever! It was a blast seeing a lot of the people that I had taught and got to know. Sadly some of them haven't been doing as good and they are struggling with living the gospel. I pray for them and will try to keep in contact as much as possible to keep encouraging them. I was with Elder Long, he is from Idaho and he absolutely loves it. he showed me all his family and all the fun things that he did while he was back home. I think that I am going to move to Idaho after the mission. It looks like a blast and you can shoot guns right in your back yard. while I was on exchange with Elder Long a member took us out to a steakhouse and I had the 20 ounce porter house steak. I was stuffed. Than we visited two other members houses and they also had dinner ready for us "hungry missionaries.'' I was so full I am still hurting from it, and you can't say no to Spanish people.
Miguel is doing good, we were able to teach not only him this week but we had a great lesson with his wife. Her Name is Kolipie she is from the Philippines. I told her about Ben's Mission call and she thought that was pretty cool. She said that there was no way that she would ever join the church but that she was alright with Miguel to join. I know that if and when she goes to church she will want to be baptized.
We have been blessed with more people to work with this week. While we were biking up to our house we stopped a lady who was just about to light up a cigarette. She told us of all the bad stuff that has been going on in her life. Her and her kids are going to be homeless, no father, no work, and an unhelpful mother. We asked her if we could teach her this message that would bless her life. She said no and that God hasn't answered any of her prayers. We told her," We are Gods answer to your prayers, he has sent us to you." she was taken back and thought for a minute than agreed to meet with us. I know that she is going to be blessed and her life will do a complete 180.
Two days ago on Saturday was transfer calls, President Summerhays called us, and when he calls it either means someone is training or someone is becoming a Zone leader. Well Elder Taylor talked with him first and he is going to be staying and have an Elder Jenki take my place. I am the one that is getting the surprise. I was called as a Zone Leader in the Brandon zone and I will be serving in the Tampa 3rd ward. The special thing about the Tampa 3 area is that it only covers the USF campus and is the Young single Adult ward. I didn't know what to think at the time. I am really sad to have stayed such a short time in the best ward in the mission and to leave Elder Taylor. I have gotten more excited for the move as I have talked with Elder Cook, My next Companion. I have herd that Tampa 3 is the most coveted area in the mission and it is not hard to guess the reason, if you know what I mean. It will surely be a stretch in a good way.
Take care everybody.
-Elder Spencer Larson

K so these pictures are form Christmas but I forgot to put them up untill now. This is us talking with Spencer through Skype. It was such a big blessing to be able to take to him face to face, well sort of! love you Spencer
- Jessica
Monday, March 14, 2011
A poor wayfaring man of grief
This week was a very colorful week. I Went on an exchange with my zone leader elder Fadely and had a great time helping him in his area.
When I came back to my area with Elder Taylor we just worked and worked and worked as hard as we could. It is bike week and the temperature was really nice for us. We decided that we would do our best not to let anyone in our path go without talking to them. President challenged us to do this and it just made it even more fun and more affective to be a missionary. We stopped everyone we could, from crazy people to some people simply walking their dog. A lot of people didn't want anything to do with us but there were a good few blessed souls that would listen. I found one thing prevalent with all who wouldn't listen, pride. there are so many people that are so prideful. We talked with this youth pastor and he said he had a relationship with the holy ghost and god. So we asked him if he would ask god if the Book of Mormon is true; and he wouldn't even ask. Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
There was another man named Roy Spivey who is a less active member. We went to go and visit with him. He lived in a Broken down shack that smelled bad. He let us teach him. He was struggling to make it to church because his wife was ill and on bed rest and she also couldn't walk. So he was constantly taking care of his dear wife. Roy also had a hard time reading, it took him weeks to figure out what a slip of paper said. So instead of reading with him out of the Book of Mormon we just told him a story about a man named Nephi. We told him how Nephi was commanded to build a ship and how his brothers mocked him and said that It couldn't be done. Then nephi said this," I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them, that they may accomplish the thing which he hath commanded them." 1 nephi 3 :7
We testified to Roy that God will and already has provided a way for him to keep every single commandment that he has given him. Roy felt the spirit and said that he would do the best that he could.
What I remembered most of all from that visit is what he did after Elder Taylor prayed for him. Roy asked us if we had something to eat. We said no. Then Roy Spivey, a poor wayfaring man of grief and pain, who cares for his sick wife day and night. who lives in a shack, whose kids don't come to visit him or call. Who is poor and has no source of income, flips through the ones in his wallet until he found the one and only ten and held it out humbly to us. At that moment we both shed tears of joy and love for the kindness of this man who barely knows us. We embraced Roy and thanked him for the greatest gift he gave us. Roy was a great example to me and It humbled me greatly. "He hath No greater love than this, than he that layeth his life down for his friends". That is what I felt Roy did for us and the savior is so happy that Roy is the man he is today.
I hope that I can be a man as loving as Roy. I love this mission and I know that God is leading and guiding us to where we need to go and to what we need to say. I love you all.
-Elder Spencer Larson
When I came back to my area with Elder Taylor we just worked and worked and worked as hard as we could. It is bike week and the temperature was really nice for us. We decided that we would do our best not to let anyone in our path go without talking to them. President challenged us to do this and it just made it even more fun and more affective to be a missionary. We stopped everyone we could, from crazy people to some people simply walking their dog. A lot of people didn't want anything to do with us but there were a good few blessed souls that would listen. I found one thing prevalent with all who wouldn't listen, pride. there are so many people that are so prideful. We talked with this youth pastor and he said he had a relationship with the holy ghost and god. So we asked him if he would ask god if the Book of Mormon is true; and he wouldn't even ask. Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
There was another man named Roy Spivey who is a less active member. We went to go and visit with him. He lived in a Broken down shack that smelled bad. He let us teach him. He was struggling to make it to church because his wife was ill and on bed rest and she also couldn't walk. So he was constantly taking care of his dear wife. Roy also had a hard time reading, it took him weeks to figure out what a slip of paper said. So instead of reading with him out of the Book of Mormon we just told him a story about a man named Nephi. We told him how Nephi was commanded to build a ship and how his brothers mocked him and said that It couldn't be done. Then nephi said this," I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them, that they may accomplish the thing which he hath commanded them." 1 nephi 3 :7
We testified to Roy that God will and already has provided a way for him to keep every single commandment that he has given him. Roy felt the spirit and said that he would do the best that he could.
What I remembered most of all from that visit is what he did after Elder Taylor prayed for him. Roy asked us if we had something to eat. We said no. Then Roy Spivey, a poor wayfaring man of grief and pain, who cares for his sick wife day and night. who lives in a shack, whose kids don't come to visit him or call. Who is poor and has no source of income, flips through the ones in his wallet until he found the one and only ten and held it out humbly to us. At that moment we both shed tears of joy and love for the kindness of this man who barely knows us. We embraced Roy and thanked him for the greatest gift he gave us. Roy was a great example to me and It humbled me greatly. "He hath No greater love than this, than he that layeth his life down for his friends". That is what I felt Roy did for us and the savior is so happy that Roy is the man he is today.
I hope that I can be a man as loving as Roy. I love this mission and I know that God is leading and guiding us to where we need to go and to what we need to say. I love you all.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Hello family and everybody less, ( he meant else)
I was transferred to a new area last week, and my new comp Elder Justino da Silva. Our area is area Educandário. The ward here is a good strong ward.
I know that the lord loves us and we are here to have joy and happiness by being obedient.
Love you all and have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
I was transferred to a new area last week, and my new comp Elder Justino da Silva. Our area is area Educandário. The ward here is a good strong ward.
I know that the lord loves us and we are here to have joy and happiness by being obedient.
Love you all and have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson
Do you love your neighbor?
Hello Family,
This week was a pretty good week. I´m doing well and everything is fine. This week I did a division with our district leader, Painted our house a little bit more, and went on splits with members.
On Friday we taught a man named Messias, He had already talked with the missionaries and that his life has changed a lot because of them. He had a lot of problems but after he meet the missionaries, he´s a new person because of it. We are teaching a lot of people it seems, but none of them are really progressing. We are trying to focus on finding people that are ready, and that have desire, and that want to be baptized.
I had a funny experience on Saturday. Every month we have a ward activity with a message by us the missionaries, a game or activity by us , and then we sing Happy b-day to all the people that had a b-day that month, and then we eat cake, tuna-fish sandwiches, and Pop(A strange mix of food choices). So I gave the message, and then we played a game called ´Do you love your neighbor?´ You start by having everyone sit in chairs in a big circle, and there’s one person who stands within the circle. Then the person who is standing asks someone who is sitting,``Do you love your neighbor? ‘and then the person will say yes or no. If they say ``No`` then the person standing will ask, ``Then who do you love?``, and then the person seated will say something like this``I love everyone that has a white shirt.``, and then everyone that has a white shirt on will change seats, and the person standing will try and sit down in one of the empty seats. So we had been playing for about 20 minutes and I was sitting in one of the seats in the circle when one member (Who was the person standing the circle) asked another member, ``Do you love your neighbor?``, the member seated said no. Then the member standing said``Then who do you love?``, then I thought he said(The member seated) ``I love everyone that has clothes on.``. So I jumped up ready to run to a open seat, but when I stood up, only a couple of women stood up to change seats. When the members saw that I stood up everybody started to laugh. I had understood wrong, when the member said who he loved he said ``I love everybody that has ´a dress´ on.``. The word ´Dressed´ in Portuguese sometimes also means ``a dress``(like a womens dress). Everyone got a good laugh, and I did to when I understood what happened.
I know that what we do is important and that the Lord loves us all.
Sorry that It has taken so long to get this e-mail to you guys. Love you all, and don´t worry I am doing well.
Elder Stephen Larson
This week was a pretty good week. I´m doing well and everything is fine. This week I did a division with our district leader, Painted our house a little bit more, and went on splits with members.
On Friday we taught a man named Messias, He had already talked with the missionaries and that his life has changed a lot because of them. He had a lot of problems but after he meet the missionaries, he´s a new person because of it. We are teaching a lot of people it seems, but none of them are really progressing. We are trying to focus on finding people that are ready, and that have desire, and that want to be baptized.
I had a funny experience on Saturday. Every month we have a ward activity with a message by us the missionaries, a game or activity by us , and then we sing Happy b-day to all the people that had a b-day that month, and then we eat cake, tuna-fish sandwiches, and Pop(A strange mix of food choices). So I gave the message, and then we played a game called ´Do you love your neighbor?´ You start by having everyone sit in chairs in a big circle, and there’s one person who stands within the circle. Then the person who is standing asks someone who is sitting,``Do you love your neighbor? ‘and then the person will say yes or no. If they say ``No`` then the person standing will ask, ``Then who do you love?``, and then the person seated will say something like this``I love everyone that has a white shirt.``, and then everyone that has a white shirt on will change seats, and the person standing will try and sit down in one of the empty seats. So we had been playing for about 20 minutes and I was sitting in one of the seats in the circle when one member (Who was the person standing the circle) asked another member, ``Do you love your neighbor?``, the member seated said no. Then the member standing said``Then who do you love?``, then I thought he said(The member seated) ``I love everyone that has clothes on.``. So I jumped up ready to run to a open seat, but when I stood up, only a couple of women stood up to change seats. When the members saw that I stood up everybody started to laugh. I had understood wrong, when the member said who he loved he said ``I love everybody that has ´a dress´ on.``. The word ´Dressed´ in Portuguese sometimes also means ``a dress``(like a womens dress). Everyone got a good laugh, and I did to when I understood what happened.
I know that what we do is important and that the Lord loves us all.
Sorry that It has taken so long to get this e-mail to you guys. Love you all, and don´t worry I am doing well.
Elder Stephen Larson
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
No more food! ugh
Hey my family,
This week was a long one but it was good. I had an exchange with Elder Martinez for three days and it was very good. I felt the spirit as we taught the first lesson to the Edouard family and a spiritual message with the Maxwell's. On the second day of the exchange we went to visit with Daniel and Jennifer Molina, and their mom was there. I found out how I could be a better teacher to best fit to their needs and they also gave us a referral. We went to go contact the referral and it was funny. We acted like we had just been tracking in the area and we knocked on their door. The referral was a part member family with an 8 yr old and 11 yr old who were not baptized. Brianna the 11 yr old was really excited to see us and in our second visit with them she said that she wanted to be baptized. It is awesome!
When I got Elder Gordan back we just had some fun. We ate so much food all week long, I have a double chin now. aahhhhhhhh! It is really not that bad but I am determined to stay fit. On Wednesday we had lunch with Silvia Perez, a recent convert of the Spanish branch, and she fed us so much food. Then after an hour or two still being full we went to teach the Edouard family. The Edouards are a Haitan family and they are so much fun. She has a little boy about 1 year old named Benji and he goes crazy when we come over. But They are looking very positive and we are trying to commit them to coming to church. At the end of the lesson she said we needed to "Taste" her food. So we said yes thinking that we were going to taste a small portion of food. I knew that we had made the wrong decision in saying yes when she told us to sit down. Then my worst nightmare happened. She brought out a big plate piled 5 inches tall of rice and beans. Then on top of that she brought out a fish called red snapper. Elder Gordon and I just looked at each other, we said a prayer that we would be able to eat it all and not offend This Haitan woman. With alot of struggle we were able to eat all the rice but she let us take the fish with us. It was a miracle that we did not die.
After that miracle we had another miracle, Dinner was canceled with the Molinas but they still wanted us to come over and watch the Testament with them. It was the best movie ever to watch with them. We all felt the spirit so strongly and we bore strong testimony of the truthfulness of the spirit and of the visitation of Jesus Christ in the Americas. They had a lot of questions that we were happy to answer. We cooked Chicken Alfredo for the Molinas the next day.
Many other things happened. We gave a blessing to Sasha Mullins because she was sick. We baked cookies for the Hills and they really liked that. small and simple things are the things that seem to mean the most.
The Superbowl was on this Sunday and I can't believe that I missed it this year. We were visiting with Bro. Haws a member of the Bishopric, and he took to the next door neighbors house. They were all holding beers in there hands and getting ready to watch the Superbowl. I laughed when I saw a cookie jar filled with money saying on the cover "Beer fund". It was fun to see there reaction to us and the questions they had and the comments they made. The man of the house invited us to stay, watch, and have a beer, and then we can share a message with him. We laughed pretty hard and said our goodbyes before the game started.
I hope that all of you will be safe and get better from all the sicknesses and flues. I will keep you in my prayers always.
Love Elder Spencer Larson
This week was a long one but it was good. I had an exchange with Elder Martinez for three days and it was very good. I felt the spirit as we taught the first lesson to the Edouard family and a spiritual message with the Maxwell's. On the second day of the exchange we went to visit with Daniel and Jennifer Molina, and their mom was there. I found out how I could be a better teacher to best fit to their needs and they also gave us a referral. We went to go contact the referral and it was funny. We acted like we had just been tracking in the area and we knocked on their door. The referral was a part member family with an 8 yr old and 11 yr old who were not baptized. Brianna the 11 yr old was really excited to see us and in our second visit with them she said that she wanted to be baptized. It is awesome!
When I got Elder Gordan back we just had some fun. We ate so much food all week long, I have a double chin now. aahhhhhhhh! It is really not that bad but I am determined to stay fit. On Wednesday we had lunch with Silvia Perez, a recent convert of the Spanish branch, and she fed us so much food. Then after an hour or two still being full we went to teach the Edouard family. The Edouards are a Haitan family and they are so much fun. She has a little boy about 1 year old named Benji and he goes crazy when we come over. But They are looking very positive and we are trying to commit them to coming to church. At the end of the lesson she said we needed to "Taste" her food. So we said yes thinking that we were going to taste a small portion of food. I knew that we had made the wrong decision in saying yes when she told us to sit down. Then my worst nightmare happened. She brought out a big plate piled 5 inches tall of rice and beans. Then on top of that she brought out a fish called red snapper. Elder Gordon and I just looked at each other, we said a prayer that we would be able to eat it all and not offend This Haitan woman. With alot of struggle we were able to eat all the rice but she let us take the fish with us. It was a miracle that we did not die.
After that miracle we had another miracle, Dinner was canceled with the Molinas but they still wanted us to come over and watch the Testament with them. It was the best movie ever to watch with them. We all felt the spirit so strongly and we bore strong testimony of the truthfulness of the spirit and of the visitation of Jesus Christ in the Americas. They had a lot of questions that we were happy to answer. We cooked Chicken Alfredo for the Molinas the next day.
Many other things happened. We gave a blessing to Sasha Mullins because she was sick. We baked cookies for the Hills and they really liked that. small and simple things are the things that seem to mean the most.
The Superbowl was on this Sunday and I can't believe that I missed it this year. We were visiting with Bro. Haws a member of the Bishopric, and he took to the next door neighbors house. They were all holding beers in there hands and getting ready to watch the Superbowl. I laughed when I saw a cookie jar filled with money saying on the cover "Beer fund". It was fun to see there reaction to us and the questions they had and the comments they made. The man of the house invited us to stay, watch, and have a beer, and then we can share a message with him. We laughed pretty hard and said our goodbyes before the game started.
I hope that all of you will be safe and get better from all the sicknesses and flues. I will keep you in my prayers always.
Love Elder Spencer Larson
Tampa 4
Hey Family,
I finally left Apollo Beach, at the time I was so down and sad to leave all the people there. But now that I have gotten to know some of the people and have really concentrated on the blessings that I have received and am going to receive it is so easy to see that Heavenly father wanted me to be here. Elder Taylor is my companion, he is so cool I think that he is probably my most favorite companion ever. I think that every companion is my favorite companion ever at the time I am with them. A little about him, he is from Nebraska and lived in India for 5 years before coming on this mission. He is one of 9 kids in his family, he is a very great missionary I have never seen such an enthusiastic person on missionary work and he is just the most fun guy to be around.
The area I am in is very similar to the very first area I was in but there are no people in very horrible living situations. Mostly everyone here in Tampa 4 is upper class. Our apartment isn't as big as the last one but I like this one a lot better, it takes alot less effort to clean it. and we have a fresh view of the forest through our windows. My bed is the best thing that has happened in this transfer. My bed in Apollo Beach was as hard as a rock and this one is like sleeping on a cloud. I didn't notice that I wasn't getting enough sleep until I slept on the bed I have now.
I had my very first district meeting where I conducted everything. It was pretty interesting and weird to me that everyone was looking to me as the leader. I guess I just have to get used to it. The lesson was good and our district is the office Elders and the Tampa 1 Elders.
Elder Taylor and I had the weirdest experience a couple days ago. It was Saturday morning and we went with the Sisters to a place where a whole bunch of people were gathered to sell things for a very cheap price. It is called a Pulga. At the Pulga we talked to a lot of people about there beliefs in God and Christ and we were able to hand out some pass along cards to them. We had to be careful because if the people running the pulga saw that we were handing out stuff than they would kick us out. We were really good at talking to people with out making a big deal or bringing a lot of attention to ourselves but the sisters weren't and they ended getting kicked out. So we after the pulga we went with the Sisters again to help them with an investigator that they were teaching. Here is where it gets very weird and somewhat of a shock. while we were in a lesson with there investigator, who was a lady, she was pregnant and she started having contractions. The pain was bad but it was gone after a minute. But then as we were helping her to the couch she had another one that was even worse that made her faint from the pain. I checked her pulse and she was good and breathing. Then as we were about ready to leave she had a seizure. We found out later that this happened to her on a regular basis. She is alright now as far as I know.
We really had a good time at church. We had our investigator Miguel come and we also had a guy named Andrew who was very interested and searching for the right church. In Sacrament meeting the talks were great and they really were inspired for both our investigators. It was about the Holy ghost, how he guides us and lets us know when we are on the right path and when we need to make the right changes in our lives. Andrew sounded like he really liked it and he liked how we are very family oriented. He said that he was going to bring his girlfriend next time. I hope that she is alright with that.
I am doing good and I know that the lord is helping me in everything that I am doing. Thank you for your prayers and your efforts in your own personal example to bring about the work and glory of God. Let me know what things have worked for you in your own missionary work so I can be a more effective missionary. I love you all.
-Elder Spencer Larson
I finally left Apollo Beach, at the time I was so down and sad to leave all the people there. But now that I have gotten to know some of the people and have really concentrated on the blessings that I have received and am going to receive it is so easy to see that Heavenly father wanted me to be here. Elder Taylor is my companion, he is so cool I think that he is probably my most favorite companion ever. I think that every companion is my favorite companion ever at the time I am with them. A little about him, he is from Nebraska and lived in India for 5 years before coming on this mission. He is one of 9 kids in his family, he is a very great missionary I have never seen such an enthusiastic person on missionary work and he is just the most fun guy to be around.
The area I am in is very similar to the very first area I was in but there are no people in very horrible living situations. Mostly everyone here in Tampa 4 is upper class. Our apartment isn't as big as the last one but I like this one a lot better, it takes alot less effort to clean it. and we have a fresh view of the forest through our windows. My bed is the best thing that has happened in this transfer. My bed in Apollo Beach was as hard as a rock and this one is like sleeping on a cloud. I didn't notice that I wasn't getting enough sleep until I slept on the bed I have now.
I had my very first district meeting where I conducted everything. It was pretty interesting and weird to me that everyone was looking to me as the leader. I guess I just have to get used to it. The lesson was good and our district is the office Elders and the Tampa 1 Elders.
Elder Taylor and I had the weirdest experience a couple days ago. It was Saturday morning and we went with the Sisters to a place where a whole bunch of people were gathered to sell things for a very cheap price. It is called a Pulga. At the Pulga we talked to a lot of people about there beliefs in God and Christ and we were able to hand out some pass along cards to them. We had to be careful because if the people running the pulga saw that we were handing out stuff than they would kick us out. We were really good at talking to people with out making a big deal or bringing a lot of attention to ourselves but the sisters weren't and they ended getting kicked out. So we after the pulga we went with the Sisters again to help them with an investigator that they were teaching. Here is where it gets very weird and somewhat of a shock. while we were in a lesson with there investigator, who was a lady, she was pregnant and she started having contractions. The pain was bad but it was gone after a minute. But then as we were helping her to the couch she had another one that was even worse that made her faint from the pain. I checked her pulse and she was good and breathing. Then as we were about ready to leave she had a seizure. We found out later that this happened to her on a regular basis. She is alright now as far as I know.
We really had a good time at church. We had our investigator Miguel come and we also had a guy named Andrew who was very interested and searching for the right church. In Sacrament meeting the talks were great and they really were inspired for both our investigators. It was about the Holy ghost, how he guides us and lets us know when we are on the right path and when we need to make the right changes in our lives. Andrew sounded like he really liked it and he liked how we are very family oriented. He said that he was going to bring his girlfriend next time. I hope that she is alright with that.
I am doing good and I know that the lord is helping me in everything that I am doing. Thank you for your prayers and your efforts in your own personal example to bring about the work and glory of God. Let me know what things have worked for you in your own missionary work so I can be a more effective missionary. I love you all.
-Elder Spencer Larson
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