This is the last week of the transfer what a crazy time. I spent this last week from Monday to Wednesday in Tampa 1 my first area ever! It was a blast seeing a lot of the people that I had taught and got to know. Sadly some of them haven't been doing as good and they are struggling with living the gospel. I pray for them and will try to keep in contact as much as possible to keep encouraging them. I was with Elder Long, he is from Idaho and he absolutely loves it. he showed me all his family and all the fun things that he did while he was back home. I think that I am going to move to Idaho after the mission. It looks like a blast and you can shoot guns right in your back yard. while I was on exchange with Elder Long a member took us out to a steakhouse and I had the 20 ounce porter house steak. I was stuffed. Than we visited two other members houses and they also had dinner ready for us "hungry missionaries.'' I was so full I am still hurting from it, and you can't say no to Spanish people.
Miguel is doing good, we were able to teach not only him this week but we had a great lesson with his wife. Her Name is Kolipie she is from the Philippines. I told her about Ben's Mission call and she thought that was pretty cool. She said that there was no way that she would ever join the church but that she was alright with Miguel to join. I know that if and when she goes to church she will want to be baptized.
We have been blessed with more people to work with this week. While we were biking up to our house we stopped a lady who was just about to light up a cigarette. She told us of all the bad stuff that has been going on in her life. Her and her kids are going to be homeless, no father, no work, and an unhelpful mother. We asked her if we could teach her this message that would bless her life. She said no and that God hasn't answered any of her prayers. We told her," We are Gods answer to your prayers, he has sent us to you." she was taken back and thought for a minute than agreed to meet with us. I know that she is going to be blessed and her life will do a complete 180.
Two days ago on Saturday was transfer calls, President Summerhays called us, and when he calls it either means someone is training or someone is becoming a Zone leader. Well Elder Taylor talked with him first and he is going to be staying and have an Elder Jenki take my place. I am the one that is getting the surprise. I was called as a Zone Leader in the Brandon zone and I will be serving in the Tampa 3rd ward. The special thing about the Tampa 3 area is that it only covers the USF campus and is the Young single Adult ward. I didn't know what to think at the time. I am really sad to have stayed such a short time in the best ward in the mission and to leave Elder Taylor. I have gotten more excited for the move as I have talked with Elder Cook, My next Companion. I have herd that Tampa 3 is the most coveted area in the mission and it is not hard to guess the reason, if you know what I mean. It will surely be a stretch in a good way.
Take care everybody.
-Elder Spencer Larson

K so these pictures are form Christmas but I forgot to put them up untill now. This is us talking with Spencer through Skype. It was such a big blessing to be able to take to him face to face, well sort of! love you Spencer
- Jessica
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