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Hey Fam,
I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your time day by day. I am having a pretty good time with Elder Gordon in Bonita Springs. We are having alot of success in tracting and finding people to teach. We found 5 new investigators and we had 4 investigators come to church with us this last Sunday. The apartment is a mess but it is a working progress each day. Our zone is pretty sweet and I am super excited to spend my p day with them playing basket ball and getting to know them.
One fun thing that we did for a lunch break was go to Armandos pizza place. I don't know how but we got hooked up from a brother of a member and now we make our own pizzas there and we eat there for free every Saturday. I think that the members brother likes us a lot.
One thing that I learned this week was about talents. In our Gospel Principles class they talked about talents, that we need to find out what our talents are by trying a whole bunch of things and when you find things that you are talented at use them. Practice and make your talent grow and use it to glorify God. I am more determined to find my talents and work on them until they become great. I also am more motivated to work on my weaknesses as well. I pray that I will have the patience and love and trust in the Savior that all my dreams and blessing my come true.
Take care and be happy.
-Elder Spencer Larson

Hey everyone,
Its been a good week this week. Campus has been dead because of finals, well at least dead for us missionaries because their eternal Salvation is the last thing that is on their minds. And nobody is willing to talk with us. So far this week has sounded bad but I promise it gets better from here.
We taught Athena (investigator) last Monday and and we simply asked her if she was reading and praying and she said that she was. but she still hasn't gotten an answer. So we broke it down for her in Moroni 10: 3-5. We told her about the three things: sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ. I honestly think that she has gotten her answer and has just not accepted it yet. We are going to see her tomorrow at the church this time and I hope that the spirit will help her see and recognize the answer the lord has given her.
We had a barbecue in the front of the church and My comp Elder Cook stood out next to the streets and held up a free barbecue sign and was yelling at people to come and get it. So while he was reeling them in I was eating with them, talking with them and inviting them to see the inside of our church and learn more about the special message that we have for them. I taught two individuals and helped with a church tour. I had a lot of fun and it was a great success.
Right now we are working with Athena, Joseph M, Anthony Davis, Bassim and Jamie Karkees. All of them are progressing, Anthony wants to get baptized but he is leaving for his home this week and is really busy, so he said he is going to go to church up at his home and see the missionaries there. Joseph is struggling with reading the Book of Mormon, we have told him three time that the only way to know if our church is true is to read, ponder and pray about the Book of Mormon. We had a very good lesson with him last wee and he comes to church every week. Bassim came to church for the first time last week and he seemed to really enjoy it. I think he has a crush on someone in the ward but he still is sincere about meeting with us and learning about our church. Jamie Karkees came to church and really enjoyed it. She has a 6 yr old boy named Mike who is a real character, so she will in time be passed off to the other Elders in the family ward.
We went tracting in a college complex and two people let us in with out even knowing who we were and why we were there. They were very receptive and want to learn more.
So the lord is just pouring out his blessings upon us in this area and I am seeing his hand in my life more and more every day. Its amazing.
It makes me so happy to hear that My little brother David was baptized and confirmed a member of this church. I wish I could have been there. Congrats Davo!
I did get to see a baptism in our zone though. It was a family of four, three young kids and their Grandmother. They were so happy and unified as they came together to make covenants with their father in heaven. This Church is true, I know that for a fact.
Take care of your selves and remember to love the lord and serve him the very best that you can. - Elder Spencer Larson