I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your time day by day. I am having a pretty good time with Elder Gordon in Bonita Springs. We are having alot of success in tracting and finding people to teach. We found 5 new investigators and we had 4 investigators come to church with us this last Sunday. The apartment is a mess but it is a working progress each day. Our zone is pretty sweet and I am super excited to spend my p day with them playing basket ball and getting to know them.
One fun thing that we did for a lunch break was go to Armandos pizza place. I don't know how but we got hooked up from a brother of a member and now we make our own pizzas there and we eat there for free every Saturday. I think that the members brother likes us a lot.
One thing that I learned this week was about talents. In our Gospel Principles class they talked about talents, that we need to find out what our talents are by trying a whole bunch of things and when you find things that you are talented at use them. Practice and make your talent grow and use it to glorify God. I am more determined to find my talents and work on them until they become great. I also am more motivated to work on my weaknesses as well. I pray that I will have the patience and love and trust in the Savior that all my dreams and blessing my come true.
Take care and be happy.
-Elder Spencer Larson

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