Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Its getting closer

Hey my family,

It has been a very blessed week here in the Tampa 4th area. We have been getting referrals left ans right this week I don't think that I have had consistent lessons and work like this my whole mission and it is great. I do however feel inadequate for the task but I know that as I do all I can the holy ghost will teach me what to say in the very moment. Or he will stop me from saying something stupid. So I am doing good, I bore my testimony this past sunday because it was my last chance to do so for this ward. I am always nervous but I knew that the lord would help. I felt so good to be up there and I feel my testimony growing little by little.

As far as investigators go, Alex is doing good but we haven"t met with her all week. She started a new job holding a sign up for 5 hours on the street. So pray for her feet. Big jo is good. she is a dry mormon now. We are still working with her to understand the lessons and we even watched the book of mormon movie with her and she really liked that. I am still not sure how much she is getting from our lessons.

Mia is alright but we have not been able to meet with her either. She is scared and she has some doubts about her being ready for baptism. but we are seeing her this week to talk about it.

We actually just had a lesson with Donnell today because he has a hard shcedual. He is with out a doubt the coolest man in the world. He told us that ever since we came he has felt a growing in his heart and he has been able to make it through some very hard times. He has read the Book of Mormon 2 times and has still had no time to come to church. We gave him the website to our church so he could watch general conference. He has had a rough go of things and yet he is so positive and he helps me be more positive. he promised that he would make it to church before I go home.

One thing that was very prevolent this was service. We did a lot of it. We raked a lady's leaves up in her yard and we even pressurewashed a partmembers pool area. I almost fell in but I thankfully didn't. I think that service is one of the best ways of finding, because you feel good and the lord puts people in your path to teach. Infact, while we were raking this ladies leaves a guy walking his dog came and started talking to us about jesus. The funny thing is he still recognized us as elders even though we were in our p-days.

The last bit of service we did was help a new family move into the ward. They are from BYU territorty and they are both lawyers . We were the only ones who came to help and when we were half way through it started to pour rain. So we got wet. but we didn't get shocked by lightening so that was good.

I am not liking how little time I have but I know that it will be alright. And no I am not too trunky. I may have my moments but Elder Elizondo is good at keeping me focused and on my toes. so i love you all and I am excited to see you all soon.

[Elder Spencer Larson]

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