Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012


hey everybody,

Well this week wasn´t how would have liked it to be, but thats life. My health and safty is good. We are still working with Sheila(19) and Bruna(17). Sheila got a job this week and guess what her boss is a member of the Church. Sheila was realy suprised when she had found out that fact. Now she said that her boss asked her to say a prayer at lunch, and even thow she is shy and stuff she said the prayer, and now she seems a lot more intressed to read the Book of Mormon. We have taught her The Resturation, The Law of Chastiy, The Word of wisdom and The Gosple of Jesus Christ. Now Sheila is getting more and more excited about her bapitsm for the 31st of March, yes!
Bruna went to church with us on Sunday, she had said that she would but I douted her thinking that she would make an exscuse, or sleep-in or something. I was so happy to see her coming out of her house all dressed up and ready to go when I rang the doorbell. We have taught her THE Resturation, The Word Of Wisdom, and The Law of Chastiy. Bruna is having problems reading the Book of Mormon but little dy little we´ll help her out.
Last friday I recived a letter From dad, which was sent on the 4th of January, it had our family christmas/newyears letter in it which I thought was really well done, Thanks Dad and kris. But that shows you how longer it can take for a letter to get to someone here in brasil when it is sent close to christmas or Newyears.
I also recived a letter from Grandpa and Grandma Larson on Friday. Thank you so much for the Card Grandpa and Grandma. Grandma asked about how many Stakes and Wards there are in my Mission. And she asked if missionarys are per ward or per stake. So responding to her question, in the São Paulo Interlagos Mission there are 12 Stakes, a little more than 75 Wards, 10 Branches, and 3 Districts. Here every ward has two missionarys designated(assigned), so was get really attached to the members in our wards that we pass in. And in our mission we have about 160 missionarys.
I was really suprised to hear that Rachel got married, because I didn´t even know that she was engaged. Actually I didn´t even know that John or Rachel were engaged, let alone Married. Well CONGRATULATIONS to John, Caleb, Rachel and Janelle(that is now engaged).ha
I know that when we live The gosple of Jesus Christ, we are happy. I heared last week that we can mesure how we are doing in living the gosple based on the leval of our Happieness that we feel. I know that we are not always going to be happy, sure we will have problems, but that´s to humble and test us to see if will be faithful or not, and if we are faithful we´ll be strengthened and blessed. I know that Jesus Christ is the Redemer and Saivor of us all, and only through him can we be saved.
Have a great week everybody. With love,

Elder stephen larson

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