Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Last week

My dear Family,

What a blessing I have had this week to listen to the prophet and apostles and other members of the seventy. Every time I watch them and listen to them speak I have the assurance from the holy ghost that they are men of god and they are who they say they are. I always think after," If only the entire world would shut up and watch conference than they would know of the power and authority of god. " But it isn't like that at all is it.
I had a lot of talks that were amazing and hit me hard. I agree with dad that Elder Ballard hit the mark on the family. But I really liked President Uchtdorfs Talk about not judging others but loving them instead. We all are sinners, we just sin differently. I got to get me that bumper sticker. And there were many other things that I learned from this amazing conference.

Some other good things happened this week and some funny and some bad. We did some more service for Papa Durden, who is not a member but his son is and he and his wife love the missionaries. After we served him he took us the next day to a Chinese restaurant and it was good. Then I tried the Mussel that they had and I did not like it one bit. ugh! I think I would rather have liver and onions or ox tail soup rather to endure Mussel again.

We had a cool pick nick with some new investigators Mike and Lenora. They are a young couple and they are just trying to survive in this crazy world of money and politics. We taught them the restoration and gave them a book of Mormon. So far I am a little worried that Mike will let his head get in the way of the spirit, because he is a very smart guy and studies a lot of different religions and conspiracies. They are willing to come to church and study with us.

We haven't seen Mia for a month and a half. It has weighed on my mind the whole time. but she has her agency and I can only do my best to help her receive this message. She said that we could come today so hopefully we can figure out why she acted in such a way towards us her friends. I love her to death.

Donnell is honestly the best man I have ever met out here. He has built his foundation on Jesus Christ and knows that the book of Mormon is true. He is praying for a date to be baptized. He is having struggles with his family and finances so he needs some prayers.

Geoff Hunter is also really depressed and needs a prayer in his behalf. he is in the process of cleaning out his house of all the things that his wife left him with. which is a ton of stuff. he is a great guy who is struggling to find purpose in his life. I know that this gospel and this church will help him.

I think about all these friends that I have out here in whom I love and it makes the idea of going home really hard. I want to stay and help them recieve this happiness, and joy and peace. But I know it is my time to go. don't get me wrong, I am pretty excited to come back home to see all of you.
the Members are very funny here . Especially when you tell them how much time you have left. They are the ones who make me the most trunky if I got trunky. Even this morning a member called me and told me that her niece is in salt lake city and she is single..... yeah. That is what I have been enduring lately. It really is just funny to me. So I am well and am enjoying my time left, especially elder Elizondo. He is so funny and makes me laugh every day. I thought he would really make things hard for me this last transfer but he has been my saving grace. I know with all my heart that this gospel is true and that this work changes lives and hearts.

I love you all. Take care.

[Elder Spencer Larson]

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