Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

these are the best 2 years FOR my life

Hi guys,

How´s everybody doing? You know, I don´t know anything that goes on with you guys unless you tell me. And it´s the same thing with you guys knowing about me.
Well I doing good, I am health, happy, and serving the lord. Me and my comp taught this couple Edson and Shurly, we taught them about a commandment of the lord in Keeping The Sabbth Day Holy. The only thing is that Edson was a member of the Adventist of The 7th Day. So that lesson was a little bit heated, and I learned a lot, it seems like you learn more when you teach sometimes.
It´s also so funny to teach about The Book Of Mormon to people because here in Brasil it´s seems like a lot of people don´t know there Geografy(and I don´t know how to spell. ha). So sometimes people think that the Americas is Africa or Austrelia(?). So we´re not just teach the gosple but some times we are teaching Geografy too.haha
This last Wensday we had a meeting with a Genral Authority, a 70. His name is (Elder) Godoy, he´s a brasilan and is realy funny he talked about some of the reasons of why we missionarys are here. 1st, To save other People. 2nd, To build up the kingdom of god on the earth. 3rd, To save ourselves. It was a great meeting.
This week we were knocking on doors and it was about 5 O´clock and we knock and a door and this lady anwsered it. Her name was Marta and she was about 50 years old and at frist she didn´t want to accept our message, but after talking with her a litle bit she got intressed and told her about the Restoration and it was so cool to see how the spirit can work with people so that they can be open to hear the Gosple.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Redemer and Saivor, and I know that if we live The commandments of God we will be Happy here on Earth and we will be able to live with our Father in heaven. The only thing we can give to god is our own free WILL, and when we do we are blessed. These 2 years are not the BEST 2 years Of My Life, but they are the Best 2 years For My Life.
I love you all have a great week and live the Gosple.

Elder Stephen Larson

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