Elder Benjamin Larson

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I can't believe it was already my birthday this last week and I am 21 years old. I can go get drunk now. ha. Thank you all for the gifts and the cards. Dad, I didn't get the package you sent yet but no worries I am sure that it will make it here.
Some interesting things happened this week. Elder Ryan Larson is very amazing at playing the piano and he was needed at every Zone Conference and there are three. So he and another missionary went to those while I spent my time with a Spanish Elder, Elder Weddell. he is pretty cool, he is from Oregon and the special thing about him is that he is a full blooded native American. We had fun, we played a lot of dumb funny games as we did our missionary work and he taught me how to make tortillas. He found out that it was my birthday so he took me to a less active members house and they sang a song to me in Spanish about birthdays. It was the longest happy birthday song ever, and after the song they fed us brownies.

I met up with my comp. at another Zone conference and we gave a training about "Taking finding to another Level". We didn't have a lot of time to prepare but we did the best we can we had fun doing it. It was a very good Zone conference and I learned that I want to be a missionary for the right reasons, and base my every action on my love for my Savior. i also learned that Ever since i had hands laid on my head I am commanded to always be sharing the gospel. My mission to declare the gospel isn't over when I go home it is over when the Savior comes again. What an amazing and wonderful concept.

We taught a lot more this week which is always the best. Eric is one of the guys we taught this past week. it was at a members house and this was the first time meeting him. We told him what we were all about and we taught the 1st lesson. We were led by the spirit the whole time. I said and explained things so clearly and fluently with the spirit that there was no misunderstanding at all. And the best part where the spirit was the strongest was when I told of the experience Joseph Smith had in the grove. As i said it a fire burned in my chest stronger than ever before, and I could barely get out the whole thing with out crying. We all felt the spirit of god that night. Eric came to church this Sunday as well and loved it.

We also set a date with johnny for the 26th of November. He was a member of the reorganized church of latter day Saints but he and his family left because they started letting Women have the priesthood. it was funny usually we teach people who don't know that Joseph smith is a prophet. But he knows, i guess he is going to have to read and pray about Brigham Young. ha ha. he also made it to church.

Last experience that i would like to share was about the concert we did last night. It was very fun and so spiritual. I was in the main choir and also in a couple of small groups. The best part was when my mission Bro.Elder Fangupo sang a solo about the savior called," O lord my Redeemer." It touched all who were in hearing of it. he sang it so beautifully and tenderly that everyone was pierced to their hearts. I know I was.

Any way it was a very blessed week for us. but it was still hard at times. I just remembered the song count your many blessing. and I felt so much better. So count your many blessing and have a great week. I love you all.

Elder Spencer Larson

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