Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy holidays

Happy holidays my family,

Wow what a week that I have had this week. it has been an amazing experience being in the service of the lord. In past weeks we have worked so hard and nothing seemed to be working as well as we wanted it to. Elder Larson and I have both made changes together and separately.I have never prayed so sincerely and trusted the lord so much. I literally gave up my will to his and it has made all the difference. And I made a goal to no matter what happened just keep striving to do the will of the lord. since than our area has had a mighty change and my heart has as well. Many miracles have happened, both small and big. They are all big to me. I noticed that a lot of the miracles happened after i prayed in faith. One of them happen after a good lesson with Jeff. For some reason or another I had to go to the bathroom so we decided to go to the 7eleven that was close by. We walk in and the lady at the cash register asks us if we are JWs. I quickly correct her telling her we are from The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints. She then says that she used to be a member of that church( which really means that she is very less active). So I go into the bathroom and as I am washing my hands i say a really quick, sincere prayer asking god to help us get her contact info to be able to teach her and get her active. So I walk out and I grab a Reese's stick and go to the register. i tried to bring up the church with her but people kept coming in to buy stuff. Then suddenly she tells me about a great TV show and hands me her number so she can tell us more about it. it may have been a small thing but i know that was not a coincidence.
Other little examples were like us teaching 14 lessons and reaching almost all of our goals that we has set for ourselves. It was a good week.
We also had 4 investigators at church this week, Eric, jack, Mia and her kids and Kyle. Everything is just falling right into place. We also had a good experience teaching the young men and the young women about the gospel and how they can share that with their friends. They felt the spirit very strong and so did I. one of the Questions I asked them was the same question that Jesus asked peter, "Lovest thou me?" "Then feed my sheep" i think that the youth in the ward here are going to lead the missionary work forward in a very big way.
Eric is doing so good. His baptism is next Saturday at 10am. He is so ready and excited to do it and follow Christ. And after his baptism is the ward Christmas party so it works out very well.
Transfer calls were last Saturday and we found out that we are staying together and we are training a new missionary. I don't know where he is from yet but we are so excited for him. I hope I do better than last time.

I love my life, i love being out here, don't want it to end. The Spirit is so wonderful to have and prayer truly works. I will talk you all later. I love you all.

[Elder Spencer Larson]

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