Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am so happy

Hey Family,

Well this week was a very good one. Because it is always good when you learn something about yourself that you really didn't see before. So I am pretty far into my mission just over a year. hehe. And I know what i am doing right? Wrong! I still have no Idea. And that was bugging me until I found out why. I every day is different and everyone we talk to is different and changing minute by minute and hour by hour. I have no Idea how to teach these people or how to say the right thing so they will listen to us, but the lord does. I have to be seeking and listening for the holy ghost to guide me all the time and not just do it my way. So it was a really good lesson to learn.
I went on an exchange this week with Elder Johnson. He is a Spanish elder and guess what I don't speak spanish. But I want to so bad. But I had a great time with him and I was surprised how much Spanish I understood. We biked a lot and taught a lady who was getting ready for baptism. We read in the book of Mormon in Spanish and I tried to do it and the lady was so excited that i was actually trying she made me read around three verses. It was intense. We also met a short lady named Florence who is from Hati. Apparently it was her first time walking from a certain place to her apartment and it was on a busy road. She didn't know when it was safe to cross the walk. So we stayed with her pushing our bikes and getting to know her a little bit more and we still almost got killed by some florida Driver. She is now being taught by the sister missionaries and i gave her two book of mormons.... Books of Mormon.... what ever.

Millie is doing a lot better in the hospital since we gave her a blessing. She has a cousin in utah who is mormon and she is a great influence on her. We gave millie a Book of Mormon and one of her friends who came to visit her started reading it and wanted one. So we gave millie another one to give to her friend. God is so orchestrated.

We have been having a hard time helping Mia progress and we didn't know why. so we sat down and really listened to her and what she was feeling and it was the most wonderful lesson I had ever had with her. We finally know what is holding her up and we can now teach to her needs instead of just throwing a whole bunch of doctrine at her that has nothing to do with her needs or concerns.

We stopped by Donnell and actually got to sit down with him. We have only had one lesson with him and have only talked with him three times and he is already read up to 3 nephi 28. he is probably done and started over with it by now. he is golden, now we just need to get into his home and teach him more.

I am so blessed out here i don't even deserve it and i never will. I am thankful to god for it.

So I am well, Happier than ever and Elder Larson and Elder Elizondo are pretty cool guys. I love you all and i will talk to you later.

Elder Spencer Larson

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