Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, February 20, 2012

The power of gratitude

Hey Family,

Man this was a very interesting week. I didn't have much of a p-day because I had to go up to the most north part of our mission and settle some issues with some missionaries. And ended up staying there on exchange for 2 days and I had an excellent time with the ward up there. While I was up there I ate a huge steak at a members house and I went on a split with a member who has no legs because of his military service. There are a lot of people in the military down here. But this man not only rolls around in a wheel chair; but he also DRIVES! he pushes the gas by a handle right next to the steering wheel. It was freaky. Guess what his name was.... Brother Chairwalk. I almost died laughing. Ben, I told Brother Chair Walk that you were serving in the Philippines and he said he knew a missionary whose name is Jacob kimmy. He is American, Let me know if you know him.

We had a Zone conference and I was pretty stressed out about it because not only did I have to give a training that I wasn't prepared that well for but I was asked to conduct the entire meeting. Then I found out in the Middle of it that it would be my last Zone conference. That was very weird, so at the end of the meeting i stood up and bore my "Departing testimony" about the savior and his love for me. It was hard to get through it but I never felt such joy in all my life in getting up to bear my testimony. It was a very powerful experience for me.

The days following were tough for some unknown reason. The work slowed down a lot. Appointments fell through right and left and we weren't able to teach anyone. I have never wanted to give up in all of my mission than that day. But even though I didn't feel like pushing through it we did. And we began to remember the lords blessings in our lives. I literally counted each blessing the lord had given me at that time. I was thankful for our car, my health, good looks, stuff like that. And as soon as we did that we felt a little better to get us through that day. I know from that experience that I am completely useless as a missionary without the lords help and guidance. I needed that lesson, now that we are depending on the lord more we are getting more appointments and more things are happening. Then on Sunday our lesson was sealed by the sacrament talks, one was on Grace and the other was on Gratitude. And i learned that when we "count our many blessings" it takes effort, especially when you don't feel like being thankful for anything. But as we try to count them, you begin to put your focus on god. I thought that was a great thing to know so now every time I feel down or depressed about something that doesn't go my way, I can count on the lord to lift me higher. Now I am happy and confident that what ever happens i am that much prepared to choose to be happy.

By the way, Mia came to church two times in a row with one of her sons, and Jo came as well. but I think that Jo isn't accountable so we will just keep helping her get to church until she can't or she passes into the next life.i love her and i know that she is a great blessing in my life.

That is about it, I love you all. see you all soon.

Elder Spencer Larson

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