Stephen and Spencer will be coming home soon!!! YAY! Spencer will be home April 11 and Stephen will be home April 25!!! I dont know when there homecoming talks will be but I will let you all know as soon as I know.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sheila was baptized!!
Hey Everybody,
Conference was great, I liked the talk that Jeffrey R. Hallond gave about "Its never too late!", and the 2 that Deiter F. Uchtdorf gave. On saturday after the 2nd session of conference Sheila was baptized, it was great because the spirit was strong and there were a lot of people there because of conference. I attached some pictures to this e-mail there are pictures of servic projects, activites, me at the temple with Elder Alves Da Silva my last comp. also there are pictures of baptisms, and pictures of me and elder Araujo, and Elder Bentes my curent comp.
This week was a good week and many things happened like, Splists with the Zone leaders, Baptism interveiws, teaching , doing contacts, rude people, many laughts, distric meeting, Learning new words, Genral Conference, Eatting at members homes and joking around, and inviting people to get baptized. It was a pretty good week, many people we taught this week for the frist time really had no intrest but we did our part. We did enconter a girl named Byanca(15 years old) which excepted the invite to be baptized on the 21st of April. She was very foucused in on the lesson when we taught her The Resturation. Bruna didn´t go to the conference so we got a little sad about that because she missed a great opportunity to hear the servents of God speaking.
Saterday after Sheila´s Baptism we bought a pizza and were walking to our house when a young homeless boy(about 12) stopped us and asked for a slice of our pizza. So I reached into the pizza box and grabbed a slice, and as I was handing it to him a little bit of the cheese and toppings fell to the ground. I said sorry, then he reaplied ´´It´s ok, you know you´ll eat anythink when you´re hungry.´´ and then he walked off. I feel sad for the way his life has turned out. I know that when we keep the commandments of God we are blessed, and when we´re down and hungry The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and lift us up and strengthen us.
Have a great week everybody,
With loveElder stephen larson

Conference was great, I liked the talk that Jeffrey R. Hallond gave about "Its never too late!", and the 2 that Deiter F. Uchtdorf gave. On saturday after the 2nd session of conference Sheila was baptized, it was great because the spirit was strong and there were a lot of people there because of conference. I attached some pictures to this e-mail there are pictures of servic projects, activites, me at the temple with Elder Alves Da Silva my last comp. also there are pictures of baptisms, and pictures of me and elder Araujo, and Elder Bentes my curent comp.
This week was a good week and many things happened like, Splists with the Zone leaders, Baptism interveiws, teaching , doing contacts, rude people, many laughts, distric meeting, Learning new words, Genral Conference, Eatting at members homes and joking around, and inviting people to get baptized. It was a pretty good week, many people we taught this week for the frist time really had no intrest but we did our part. We did enconter a girl named Byanca(15 years old) which excepted the invite to be baptized on the 21st of April. She was very foucused in on the lesson when we taught her The Resturation. Bruna didn´t go to the conference so we got a little sad about that because she missed a great opportunity to hear the servents of God speaking.
Saterday after Sheila´s Baptism we bought a pizza and were walking to our house when a young homeless boy(about 12) stopped us and asked for a slice of our pizza. So I reached into the pizza box and grabbed a slice, and as I was handing it to him a little bit of the cheese and toppings fell to the ground. I said sorry, then he reaplied ´´It´s ok, you know you´ll eat anythink when you´re hungry.´´ and then he walked off. I feel sad for the way his life has turned out. I know that when we keep the commandments of God we are blessed, and when we´re down and hungry The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and lift us up and strengthen us.
Have a great week everybody,
With loveElder stephen larson

Last week
My dear Family,
What a blessing I have had this week to listen to the prophet and apostles and other members of the seventy. Every time I watch them and listen to them speak I have the assurance from the holy ghost that they are men of god and they are who they say they are. I always think after," If only the entire world would shut up and watch conference than they would know of the power and authority of god. " But it isn't like that at all is it.
I had a lot of talks that were amazing and hit me hard. I agree with dad that Elder Ballard hit the mark on the family. But I really liked President Uchtdorfs Talk about not judging others but loving them instead. We all are sinners, we just sin differently. I got to get me that bumper sticker. And there were many other things that I learned from this amazing conference.
Some other good things happened this week and some funny and some bad. We did some more service for Papa Durden, who is not a member but his son is and he and his wife love the missionaries. After we served him he took us the next day to a Chinese restaurant and it was good. Then I tried the Mussel that they had and I did not like it one bit. ugh! I think I would rather have liver and onions or ox tail soup rather to endure Mussel again.
We had a cool pick nick with some new investigators Mike and Lenora. They are a young couple and they are just trying to survive in this crazy world of money and politics. We taught them the restoration and gave them a book of Mormon. So far I am a little worried that Mike will let his head get in the way of the spirit, because he is a very smart guy and studies a lot of different religions and conspiracies. They are willing to come to church and study with us.
We haven't seen Mia for a month and a half. It has weighed on my mind the whole time. but she has her agency and I can only do my best to help her receive this message. She said that we could come today so hopefully we can figure out why she acted in such a way towards us her friends. I love her to death.
Donnell is honestly the best man I have ever met out here. He has built his foundation on Jesus Christ and knows that the book of Mormon is true. He is praying for a date to be baptized. He is having struggles with his family and finances so he needs some prayers.
Geoff Hunter is also really depressed and needs a prayer in his behalf. he is in the process of cleaning out his house of all the things that his wife left him with. which is a ton of stuff. he is a great guy who is struggling to find purpose in his life. I know that this gospel and this church will help him.
I think about all these friends that I have out here in whom I love and it makes the idea of going home really hard. I want to stay and help them recieve this happiness, and joy and peace. But I know it is my time to go. don't get me wrong, I am pretty excited to come back home to see all of you.
the Members are very funny here . Especially when you tell them how much time you have left. They are the ones who make me the most trunky if I got trunky. Even this morning a member called me and told me that her niece is in salt lake city and she is single..... yeah. That is what I have been enduring lately. It really is just funny to me. So I am well and am enjoying my time left, especially elder Elizondo. He is so funny and makes me laugh every day. I thought he would really make things hard for me this last transfer but he has been my saving grace. I know with all my heart that this gospel is true and that this work changes lives and hearts.
I love you all. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
What a blessing I have had this week to listen to the prophet and apostles and other members of the seventy. Every time I watch them and listen to them speak I have the assurance from the holy ghost that they are men of god and they are who they say they are. I always think after," If only the entire world would shut up and watch conference than they would know of the power and authority of god. " But it isn't like that at all is it.
I had a lot of talks that were amazing and hit me hard. I agree with dad that Elder Ballard hit the mark on the family. But I really liked President Uchtdorfs Talk about not judging others but loving them instead. We all are sinners, we just sin differently. I got to get me that bumper sticker. And there were many other things that I learned from this amazing conference.
Some other good things happened this week and some funny and some bad. We did some more service for Papa Durden, who is not a member but his son is and he and his wife love the missionaries. After we served him he took us the next day to a Chinese restaurant and it was good. Then I tried the Mussel that they had and I did not like it one bit. ugh! I think I would rather have liver and onions or ox tail soup rather to endure Mussel again.
We had a cool pick nick with some new investigators Mike and Lenora. They are a young couple and they are just trying to survive in this crazy world of money and politics. We taught them the restoration and gave them a book of Mormon. So far I am a little worried that Mike will let his head get in the way of the spirit, because he is a very smart guy and studies a lot of different religions and conspiracies. They are willing to come to church and study with us.
We haven't seen Mia for a month and a half. It has weighed on my mind the whole time. but she has her agency and I can only do my best to help her receive this message. She said that we could come today so hopefully we can figure out why she acted in such a way towards us her friends. I love her to death.
Donnell is honestly the best man I have ever met out here. He has built his foundation on Jesus Christ and knows that the book of Mormon is true. He is praying for a date to be baptized. He is having struggles with his family and finances so he needs some prayers.
Geoff Hunter is also really depressed and needs a prayer in his behalf. he is in the process of cleaning out his house of all the things that his wife left him with. which is a ton of stuff. he is a great guy who is struggling to find purpose in his life. I know that this gospel and this church will help him.
I think about all these friends that I have out here in whom I love and it makes the idea of going home really hard. I want to stay and help them recieve this happiness, and joy and peace. But I know it is my time to go. don't get me wrong, I am pretty excited to come back home to see all of you.
the Members are very funny here . Especially when you tell them how much time you have left. They are the ones who make me the most trunky if I got trunky. Even this morning a member called me and told me that her niece is in salt lake city and she is single..... yeah. That is what I have been enduring lately. It really is just funny to me. So I am well and am enjoying my time left, especially elder Elizondo. He is so funny and makes me laugh every day. I thought he would really make things hard for me this last transfer but he has been my saving grace. I know with all my heart that this gospel is true and that this work changes lives and hearts.
I love you all. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Its getting closer
Hey my family,
It has been a very blessed week here in the Tampa 4th area. We have been getting referrals left ans right this week I don't think that I have had consistent lessons and work like this my whole mission and it is great. I do however feel inadequate for the task but I know that as I do all I can the holy ghost will teach me what to say in the very moment. Or he will stop me from saying something stupid. So I am doing good, I bore my testimony this past sunday because it was my last chance to do so for this ward. I am always nervous but I knew that the lord would help. I felt so good to be up there and I feel my testimony growing little by little.
As far as investigators go, Alex is doing good but we haven"t met with her all week. She started a new job holding a sign up for 5 hours on the street. So pray for her feet. Big jo is good. she is a dry mormon now. We are still working with her to understand the lessons and we even watched the book of mormon movie with her and she really liked that. I am still not sure how much she is getting from our lessons.
Mia is alright but we have not been able to meet with her either. She is scared and she has some doubts about her being ready for baptism. but we are seeing her this week to talk about it.
We actually just had a lesson with Donnell today because he has a hard shcedual. He is with out a doubt the coolest man in the world. He told us that ever since we came he has felt a growing in his heart and he has been able to make it through some very hard times. He has read the Book of Mormon 2 times and has still had no time to come to church. We gave him the website to our church so he could watch general conference. He has had a rough go of things and yet he is so positive and he helps me be more positive. he promised that he would make it to church before I go home.
One thing that was very prevolent this was service. We did a lot of it. We raked a lady's leaves up in her yard and we even pressurewashed a partmembers pool area. I almost fell in but I thankfully didn't. I think that service is one of the best ways of finding, because you feel good and the lord puts people in your path to teach. Infact, while we were raking this ladies leaves a guy walking his dog came and started talking to us about jesus. The funny thing is he still recognized us as elders even though we were in our p-days.
The last bit of service we did was help a new family move into the ward. They are from BYU territorty and they are both lawyers . We were the only ones who came to help and when we were half way through it started to pour rain. So we got wet. but we didn't get shocked by lightening so that was good.
I am not liking how little time I have but I know that it will be alright. And no I am not too trunky. I may have my moments but Elder Elizondo is good at keeping me focused and on my toes. so i love you all and I am excited to see you all soon.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
It has been a very blessed week here in the Tampa 4th area. We have been getting referrals left ans right this week I don't think that I have had consistent lessons and work like this my whole mission and it is great. I do however feel inadequate for the task but I know that as I do all I can the holy ghost will teach me what to say in the very moment. Or he will stop me from saying something stupid. So I am doing good, I bore my testimony this past sunday because it was my last chance to do so for this ward. I am always nervous but I knew that the lord would help. I felt so good to be up there and I feel my testimony growing little by little.
As far as investigators go, Alex is doing good but we haven"t met with her all week. She started a new job holding a sign up for 5 hours on the street. So pray for her feet. Big jo is good. she is a dry mormon now. We are still working with her to understand the lessons and we even watched the book of mormon movie with her and she really liked that. I am still not sure how much she is getting from our lessons.
Mia is alright but we have not been able to meet with her either. She is scared and she has some doubts about her being ready for baptism. but we are seeing her this week to talk about it.
We actually just had a lesson with Donnell today because he has a hard shcedual. He is with out a doubt the coolest man in the world. He told us that ever since we came he has felt a growing in his heart and he has been able to make it through some very hard times. He has read the Book of Mormon 2 times and has still had no time to come to church. We gave him the website to our church so he could watch general conference. He has had a rough go of things and yet he is so positive and he helps me be more positive. he promised that he would make it to church before I go home.
One thing that was very prevolent this was service. We did a lot of it. We raked a lady's leaves up in her yard and we even pressurewashed a partmembers pool area. I almost fell in but I thankfully didn't. I think that service is one of the best ways of finding, because you feel good and the lord puts people in your path to teach. Infact, while we were raking this ladies leaves a guy walking his dog came and started talking to us about jesus. The funny thing is he still recognized us as elders even though we were in our p-days.
The last bit of service we did was help a new family move into the ward. They are from BYU territorty and they are both lawyers . We were the only ones who came to help and when we were half way through it started to pour rain. So we got wet. but we didn't get shocked by lightening so that was good.
I am not liking how little time I have but I know that it will be alright. And no I am not too trunky. I may have my moments but Elder Elizondo is good at keeping me focused and on my toes. so i love you all and I am excited to see you all soon.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
This week was a very good week, had a lot of succses teach many poeple and learning new ways to interact with them. This week I recived my new and last comp, Elder Bentes. Our golden investigator Sheila is stedfast and frim on the trail to baptism. We had 2 Spiritual Expirences this week, one with Lionardo and Edna, and the other with Sheila. What a great blessing it is to be here serving the Lord and helping his children.
This week we have changed the way we normally speak with people. Normally we say ´´Hi we are the Missionarys, we have a message that talks about Jesus Christ and how GOD has called a prophet to guide us here on the Earth today. Would you like to hear our Message?´´. More often than not people say ´´we don´t have time to listen to your message.´´ or ´´ I already go to church.´´ or ´´ I aleady know the Gosple and all of it´s teachings, and I´va read the Bible so,,,,, No thanks.´´. It get frustrating sometimes, getting reajected over and over again. But that´s just preparing me for life I guess. Now we are going to us a new tactic(i think that´s how you spell it?). We talk about baptism and that without it no one can enter into the Kingdom of God, and then ask them if they are intrested in going to heaven and living with god, if they say Yes i say ´´So when can we go to your house to tell you how?´´. I´ve already recived some NOs. I believe this will help us find the Elects of god(Golden investigators). Sheila is doing very well, she is super excited for her baptism this Saterday, On Friday we were walking on the street, it was already dark and it was about 8:30pm and we were just about to head to our house for the night when I felt a little impression to stop by Sheila´s house to see how she was doing. Normaly Sheila doesn´t get home untill about 10pm so at this hour she wouldn´t be home, but we followed the prompting. To our suprise she was home, she had gotten home early, so we sang a hymn, said a prayer. We talked with her a little bit about The Book of Mormon and another gosple topic, and we felt the spirit. When we were about to leave Sheila and Danelle(a member of the Church which is sheila´s friend) shared there gratitude and said that we are like angles of God and that we had brought with us a sweet spirit and great peace. We don´t see ourselves in that way,but it is amazing to see how the spirit effects people when they are touch by him.
Lionardo and Edna was another visit this week where the spirit came and conforted them when there baby gril had been seriouslly sick for acouple of days. I know that God is our father and that he uses the Spirit to confort and guide his children here on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is our Saivor and Redemer. Have a great week everybody,
Elder Stephen Larson
This week was a very good week, had a lot of succses teach many poeple and learning new ways to interact with them. This week I recived my new and last comp, Elder Bentes. Our golden investigator Sheila is stedfast and frim on the trail to baptism. We had 2 Spiritual Expirences this week, one with Lionardo and Edna, and the other with Sheila. What a great blessing it is to be here serving the Lord and helping his children.
This week we have changed the way we normally speak with people. Normally we say ´´Hi we are the Missionarys, we have a message that talks about Jesus Christ and how GOD has called a prophet to guide us here on the Earth today. Would you like to hear our Message?´´. More often than not people say ´´we don´t have time to listen to your message.´´ or ´´ I already go to church.´´ or ´´ I aleady know the Gosple and all of it´s teachings, and I´va read the Bible so,,,,, No thanks.´´. It get frustrating sometimes, getting reajected over and over again. But that´s just preparing me for life I guess. Now we are going to us a new tactic(i think that´s how you spell it?). We talk about baptism and that without it no one can enter into the Kingdom of God, and then ask them if they are intrested in going to heaven and living with god, if they say Yes i say ´´So when can we go to your house to tell you how?´´. I´ve already recived some NOs. I believe this will help us find the Elects of god(Golden investigators). Sheila is doing very well, she is super excited for her baptism this Saterday, On Friday we were walking on the street, it was already dark and it was about 8:30pm and we were just about to head to our house for the night when I felt a little impression to stop by Sheila´s house to see how she was doing. Normaly Sheila doesn´t get home untill about 10pm so at this hour she wouldn´t be home, but we followed the prompting. To our suprise she was home, she had gotten home early, so we sang a hymn, said a prayer. We talked with her a little bit about The Book of Mormon and another gosple topic, and we felt the spirit. When we were about to leave Sheila and Danelle(a member of the Church which is sheila´s friend) shared there gratitude and said that we are like angles of God and that we had brought with us a sweet spirit and great peace. We don´t see ourselves in that way,but it is amazing to see how the spirit effects people when they are touch by him.
Lionardo and Edna was another visit this week where the spirit came and conforted them when there baby gril had been seriouslly sick for acouple of days. I know that God is our father and that he uses the Spirit to confort and guide his children here on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is our Saivor and Redemer. Have a great week everybody,
Elder Stephen Larson
When the Lord commands, I odey #2
Hey mom and jess,
I am doing pretty good here in my new area, I am here in Marikina 4, it is nice. The people are so nice as usual. My comp is Elder Basalo, he is a Filipino. I really am so blessed to have had all Filipino companions on my mission. He is only 4 months in the mission, he came in, in November 2011. I am a senior companion.................... and a District Leader.
So it sounds like you have a lot of fun in your cruise!! Man that sounds so fun, I want to cruise one day. Next time you go I want to come with you too. So our apartment is really small. They say it is the smallest in the mission. Once you open the door and take your first step, you are at our desks, your second step is into the kitchen, if you step right you get into our rooms, if you step left, you go into the CR (comfort room, or bathroom). My comp is really cool, I like him a lot. He is still in his first area. So he knows the ward very well. But he told me our first night together that he will lead the area, cause I don't know it yet, but he wants me to lead everything else, the lessons, the contacting, everything like that. We will have to work with him a little bit with that to help him learn how.
So it is fun here. I was sad that I only spent 1 transfer in Quezon city south, but I am exited for this new area, and all these new people. We had a Less Active member ask us a question last week, her question was why did Joseph Smith have a lot of wives, it is forbidden in the bible. We told her that God's ways are higher than ours, and that all throughout the bible there are things like, that happening. We told her about Abraham sacrificing Isac, and how it is forbidden to Kill people, but Abraham was commanded to kill his son. Also about Nephi Slaying Laban. She understood what we were saying but wanted a SCRIPTURE saying that Joseph Smith was commanded to have many wives.
I really don't like answering or even talking about that subject because before I came on my mission, I struggled with this as well, why joseph had Many wives, it just doesn't really make sense to me. But Today we talked about it in District Meeting and I asked our Zone leaders what they do in this situation, they told me that they don't answer the question. They say that they tell them to read the Book Of Mormon and pray again about Joseph Smith, and if he is a prophet, than it doesn't matter what he does, cause he is commanded of god. Like it says in D&C, God will NEVER allow a prophet to lead us astray, if a Prophet did decide to be dissobedient, he would be destroyed. So Obviously Joseph was a Prophet, cause 1, the BOM is true, and 2, Joseph didn't get destroyed by God. haha.
So that is one thing that happened to me this week. Nothing too exciting going on. I feel a little over whelmed sometimes with all the lord calls me to do, but as Joseph Smith said in the restoration movie," I don't let myself question God....... when the lord commands, I obey" So Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church is true.
I hope you are all happy, and getting back into the groove of work and all. Mom, you HAVE TO TELL ME WHERE DANIEL GETS CALLED!!! I have been wanting to send him a letter, but it is so hard here. No post offices to the US. I don't know how we will swing the whole Jon coming here. I want to see him and all, and my pres said it is ok, but the problem is where, and when. So this is our Phone number right now, You guys aren't allowed to call or text me so don't try, haha, but if Jon gets a cell phone, he can text me or call and we can set up the thing 0927-546-3678 . If not, just tell him to look up where the Aurora Church is in Manilla, I think it's the same address that you use to send me letters / packages. But he can go there to the office and ask someone there if they can get a hold of me to go to lunch and stuff. it should work out.
I love you all and hope you are all so happy. Jess, I hope you are having fun right now in work and stuff. I love you!!!!!
So I love you all, and wish the best for you. Love you guys, Mom!!
Love,Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson
I am doing pretty good here in my new area, I am here in Marikina 4, it is nice. The people are so nice as usual. My comp is Elder Basalo, he is a Filipino. I really am so blessed to have had all Filipino companions on my mission. He is only 4 months in the mission, he came in, in November 2011. I am a senior companion.................... and a District Leader.
So it sounds like you have a lot of fun in your cruise!! Man that sounds so fun, I want to cruise one day. Next time you go I want to come with you too. So our apartment is really small. They say it is the smallest in the mission. Once you open the door and take your first step, you are at our desks, your second step is into the kitchen, if you step right you get into our rooms, if you step left, you go into the CR (comfort room, or bathroom). My comp is really cool, I like him a lot. He is still in his first area. So he knows the ward very well. But he told me our first night together that he will lead the area, cause I don't know it yet, but he wants me to lead everything else, the lessons, the contacting, everything like that. We will have to work with him a little bit with that to help him learn how.
So it is fun here. I was sad that I only spent 1 transfer in Quezon city south, but I am exited for this new area, and all these new people. We had a Less Active member ask us a question last week, her question was why did Joseph Smith have a lot of wives, it is forbidden in the bible. We told her that God's ways are higher than ours, and that all throughout the bible there are things like, that happening. We told her about Abraham sacrificing Isac, and how it is forbidden to Kill people, but Abraham was commanded to kill his son. Also about Nephi Slaying Laban. She understood what we were saying but wanted a SCRIPTURE saying that Joseph Smith was commanded to have many wives.
I really don't like answering or even talking about that subject because before I came on my mission, I struggled with this as well, why joseph had Many wives, it just doesn't really make sense to me. But Today we talked about it in District Meeting and I asked our Zone leaders what they do in this situation, they told me that they don't answer the question. They say that they tell them to read the Book Of Mormon and pray again about Joseph Smith, and if he is a prophet, than it doesn't matter what he does, cause he is commanded of god. Like it says in D&C, God will NEVER allow a prophet to lead us astray, if a Prophet did decide to be dissobedient, he would be destroyed. So Obviously Joseph was a Prophet, cause 1, the BOM is true, and 2, Joseph didn't get destroyed by God. haha.
So that is one thing that happened to me this week. Nothing too exciting going on. I feel a little over whelmed sometimes with all the lord calls me to do, but as Joseph Smith said in the restoration movie," I don't let myself question God....... when the lord commands, I obey" So Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church is true.
I hope you are all happy, and getting back into the groove of work and all. Mom, you HAVE TO TELL ME WHERE DANIEL GETS CALLED!!! I have been wanting to send him a letter, but it is so hard here. No post offices to the US. I don't know how we will swing the whole Jon coming here. I want to see him and all, and my pres said it is ok, but the problem is where, and when. So this is our Phone number right now, You guys aren't allowed to call or text me so don't try, haha, but if Jon gets a cell phone, he can text me or call and we can set up the thing 0927-546-3678 . If not, just tell him to look up where the Aurora Church is in Manilla, I think it's the same address that you use to send me letters / packages. But he can go there to the office and ask someone there if they can get a hold of me to go to lunch and stuff. it should work out.
I love you all and hope you are all so happy. Jess, I hope you are having fun right now in work and stuff. I love you!!!!!
So I love you all, and wish the best for you. Love you guys, Mom!!
Love,Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson
When the Lord commands, I obey
Hey Dad Kris, and Kids,
So I am doing good here in my new area, Marikina 4. My comp is Elder Basalo, he is Filipino and he is about 4 months in the mission, and he is obedient!! So I am a senior right now, which is a cool new experience, a lot of new things this transfer. haha oh yeah I am also a District Leader.
So Kris, there isn't an oven here. I don't think they exist here ha. So our apartment is small, they say it's the smallest one in the mission. It is just us two in it. And Once you open the door and take your first step, you are at our desks, your second step is into the kitchen, if you step right you get into our rooms, if you step left, you go into the CR (comfort room, or bathroom). My comp is really cool, I like him a lot. He is still in his first area. So he knows the ward very well. But he told me our first night together that he will lead the area, cause I don't know it yet, but he wants me to lead everything else, the lessons, the contacting, everything like that. We will have to work with him a little bit with that to help him learn how.
So it is fun here. I was sad that I only spent 1 transfer in Quezon city south, but I am exited for this new area, and all these new people. We had a Less Active member ask us a question last week, her question was why did Joseph Smith have a lot of wives, it is forbidden in the bible. We told her that God's ways are higher than ours, and that all throughout the bible there are things like, that happening. We told her about Abraham sacrificing Isac, and how it is forbidden to Kill people, but Abraham was commanded to kill his son. Also about Nephi Slaying Laban. She understood what we were saying but wanted a SCRIPTURE saying that Joseph Smith was commanded to have many wives.
I really don't like answering or even talking about that subject because before I came on my mission, I struggled with this as well, why joseph had Many wives, it just doesn't really make sense to me. But Today we talked about it in District Meeting and I asked our Zone leaders what they do in this situation, they told me that they don't answer the question. They say that they tell them to read the Book Of Mormon and pray again about Joseph Smith, and if he is a prophet, than it doesn't matter what he does, cause he is commanded of god. Like it says in D&C, God will NEVER allow a prophet to lead us astray, if a Prophet did decide to be dissobedient, he would be destroyed. So Obviously Joseph was a Prophet, cause 1, the BOM is true, and 2, Joseph didn't get destroyed by God. haha.
So that is one thing that happened to me this week. Nothing too exciting going on. I feel a little over whelmed sometimes with all the lord calls me to do, but as Joseph Smith said in the restoration movie," I don't let myself question God....... when the lord commands, I obey" So Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church is true.
I love you all and hope you are all happy. Thank you dad for your story about your mission, It helps a lot, and you as well Kris. I hope you kids are having fun with your sports!! You are so lucky, your parents are going to coach you!! Have fun there huh!!
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
So I am doing good here in my new area, Marikina 4. My comp is Elder Basalo, he is Filipino and he is about 4 months in the mission, and he is obedient!! So I am a senior right now, which is a cool new experience, a lot of new things this transfer. haha oh yeah I am also a District Leader.
So Kris, there isn't an oven here. I don't think they exist here ha. So our apartment is small, they say it's the smallest one in the mission. It is just us two in it. And Once you open the door and take your first step, you are at our desks, your second step is into the kitchen, if you step right you get into our rooms, if you step left, you go into the CR (comfort room, or bathroom). My comp is really cool, I like him a lot. He is still in his first area. So he knows the ward very well. But he told me our first night together that he will lead the area, cause I don't know it yet, but he wants me to lead everything else, the lessons, the contacting, everything like that. We will have to work with him a little bit with that to help him learn how.
So it is fun here. I was sad that I only spent 1 transfer in Quezon city south, but I am exited for this new area, and all these new people. We had a Less Active member ask us a question last week, her question was why did Joseph Smith have a lot of wives, it is forbidden in the bible. We told her that God's ways are higher than ours, and that all throughout the bible there are things like, that happening. We told her about Abraham sacrificing Isac, and how it is forbidden to Kill people, but Abraham was commanded to kill his son. Also about Nephi Slaying Laban. She understood what we were saying but wanted a SCRIPTURE saying that Joseph Smith was commanded to have many wives.
I really don't like answering or even talking about that subject because before I came on my mission, I struggled with this as well, why joseph had Many wives, it just doesn't really make sense to me. But Today we talked about it in District Meeting and I asked our Zone leaders what they do in this situation, they told me that they don't answer the question. They say that they tell them to read the Book Of Mormon and pray again about Joseph Smith, and if he is a prophet, than it doesn't matter what he does, cause he is commanded of god. Like it says in D&C, God will NEVER allow a prophet to lead us astray, if a Prophet did decide to be dissobedient, he would be destroyed. So Obviously Joseph was a Prophet, cause 1, the BOM is true, and 2, Joseph didn't get destroyed by God. haha.
So that is one thing that happened to me this week. Nothing too exciting going on. I feel a little over whelmed sometimes with all the lord calls me to do, but as Joseph Smith said in the restoration movie," I don't let myself question God....... when the lord commands, I obey" So Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church is true.
I love you all and hope you are all happy. Thank you dad for your story about your mission, It helps a lot, and you as well Kris. I hope you kids are having fun with your sports!! You are so lucky, your parents are going to coach you!! Have fun there huh!!
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
hey everybody,
Well this week wasn´t how would have liked it to be, but thats life. My health and safty is good. We are still working with Sheila(19) and Bruna(17). Sheila got a job this week and guess what her boss is a member of the Church. Sheila was realy suprised when she had found out that fact. Now she said that her boss asked her to say a prayer at lunch, and even thow she is shy and stuff she said the prayer, and now she seems a lot more intressed to read the Book of Mormon. We have taught her The Resturation, The Law of Chastiy, The Word of wisdom and The Gosple of Jesus Christ. Now Sheila is getting more and more excited about her bapitsm for the 31st of March, yes!
Bruna went to church with us on Sunday, she had said that she would but I douted her thinking that she would make an exscuse, or sleep-in or something. I was so happy to see her coming out of her house all dressed up and ready to go when I rang the doorbell. We have taught her THE Resturation, The Word Of Wisdom, and The Law of Chastiy. Bruna is having problems reading the Book of Mormon but little dy little we´ll help her out.
Last friday I recived a letter From dad, which was sent on the 4th of January, it had our family christmas/newyears letter in it which I thought was really well done, Thanks Dad and kris. But that shows you how longer it can take for a letter to get to someone here in brasil when it is sent close to christmas or Newyears.
I also recived a letter from Grandpa and Grandma Larson on Friday. Thank you so much for the Card Grandpa and Grandma. Grandma asked about how many Stakes and Wards there are in my Mission. And she asked if missionarys are per ward or per stake. So responding to her question, in the São Paulo Interlagos Mission there are 12 Stakes, a little more than 75 Wards, 10 Branches, and 3 Districts. Here every ward has two missionarys designated(assigned), so was get really attached to the members in our wards that we pass in. And in our mission we have about 160 missionarys.
I was really suprised to hear that Rachel got married, because I didn´t even know that she was engaged. Actually I didn´t even know that John or Rachel were engaged, let alone Married. Well CONGRATULATIONS to John, Caleb, Rachel and Janelle(that is now engaged).ha
I know that when we live The gosple of Jesus Christ, we are happy. I heared last week that we can mesure how we are doing in living the gosple based on the leval of our Happieness that we feel. I know that we are not always going to be happy, sure we will have problems, but that´s to humble and test us to see if will be faithful or not, and if we are faithful we´ll be strengthened and blessed. I know that Jesus Christ is the Redemer and Saivor of us all, and only through him can we be saved.
Have a great week everybody. With love,
Elder stephen larson
Well this week wasn´t how would have liked it to be, but thats life. My health and safty is good. We are still working with Sheila(19) and Bruna(17). Sheila got a job this week and guess what her boss is a member of the Church. Sheila was realy suprised when she had found out that fact. Now she said that her boss asked her to say a prayer at lunch, and even thow she is shy and stuff she said the prayer, and now she seems a lot more intressed to read the Book of Mormon. We have taught her The Resturation, The Law of Chastiy, The Word of wisdom and The Gosple of Jesus Christ. Now Sheila is getting more and more excited about her bapitsm for the 31st of March, yes!
Bruna went to church with us on Sunday, she had said that she would but I douted her thinking that she would make an exscuse, or sleep-in or something. I was so happy to see her coming out of her house all dressed up and ready to go when I rang the doorbell. We have taught her THE Resturation, The Word Of Wisdom, and The Law of Chastiy. Bruna is having problems reading the Book of Mormon but little dy little we´ll help her out.
Last friday I recived a letter From dad, which was sent on the 4th of January, it had our family christmas/newyears letter in it which I thought was really well done, Thanks Dad and kris. But that shows you how longer it can take for a letter to get to someone here in brasil when it is sent close to christmas or Newyears.
I also recived a letter from Grandpa and Grandma Larson on Friday. Thank you so much for the Card Grandpa and Grandma. Grandma asked about how many Stakes and Wards there are in my Mission. And she asked if missionarys are per ward or per stake. So responding to her question, in the São Paulo Interlagos Mission there are 12 Stakes, a little more than 75 Wards, 10 Branches, and 3 Districts. Here every ward has two missionarys designated(assigned), so was get really attached to the members in our wards that we pass in. And in our mission we have about 160 missionarys.
I was really suprised to hear that Rachel got married, because I didn´t even know that she was engaged. Actually I didn´t even know that John or Rachel were engaged, let alone Married. Well CONGRATULATIONS to John, Caleb, Rachel and Janelle(that is now engaged).ha
I know that when we live The gosple of Jesus Christ, we are happy. I heared last week that we can mesure how we are doing in living the gosple based on the leval of our Happieness that we feel. I know that we are not always going to be happy, sure we will have problems, but that´s to humble and test us to see if will be faithful or not, and if we are faithful we´ll be strengthened and blessed. I know that Jesus Christ is the Redemer and Saivor of us all, and only through him can we be saved.
Have a great week everybody. With love,
Elder stephen larson
"the Lamb of God"
Hey family,
Well in our mission we have been having a hard time finding new investigators to teach. And everyone knows that when you don't find anyone you don't teach. So President Summerhays called this March Madness finding. And he was really inspired to say that and help us prepare to get 180 investigators in one week. That is two investigators per missionary per week. So Me and elder Elizondo are taking this very seriously and we are finding with the spirit. It is amazing. WE found 4 new investigators this week and they are all pretty cool. Mike and his girlfriend Lanora, Mike, and a red head girl named chloe. Chloe is the coolest. She has had a very tough life but Christ has helped her get out of the slumps and on to her feet. She is very open to us. She is really into reading books and she found out that I was reading the hunger games books. And by the way I had no idea they were making a movie, how cool is that. That is proof how out of the world I am. any way, she went and grabbed the last book which I haven't read yet and was offering me to read it and not to give it back until I finished. That was the perfect opportunity to start our discussion about who we are and what we talk about. It was awesome. The spirit is with us and is helping us in every phase of the work, especially in finding efforts. I wouldn't be surprised if our mission hit 180 this week.
We had a lesson with Jeff and the day before he told us he had some concerns he had about the priesthood and black people. I prayed and searched out the scriptures to find some good way to teach it. I didn't find much, but I knew that the because the Book Of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith was a True Prophet we would be fine. that is really what it comes down to. so the lesson didn't go well because of lack of belief and he wouldn't listen to the spirit. I still love that man and we are going to do some stuff with him before I leave. It was sad to have it end that way, but he will have another chance later.
On the other hand last night we went to the Whites house for dinner. They have a grandchild named Gauge. He is a firecracker. but he is very smart. He told brother white that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon with us, but then didn't want because he got nervous. So we began at the pictures in the front of the book of Mormon and told him about all the cool stuff in the book of Mormon and introduced it so he could understand. He is 5, but I know without a doubt that the spirit lead us as we taught him. He understood it. Children are the best learners because they are so humble and willing.
One of the nice things I did this week was go and do service for My favorite Bishop, Bishop Kelly. He was a marine, and he is a tough cookie. But he is like Grandpa Rodabough in his manner. He is funny as heck. We helped him cut down limbs from his tree and rake leaves and other things. He wouldn't have been able to do those things by himself in that amount of time. I got to know him better and I feel that he trusts us and loves us even more.
In this ward it has been hard to get things going with missionary work, but i think that we finally are making a difference and are breaking through the darkness of doubt and fear. In church this Sunday we watched " The Lamb of God". I have watched that movie a number of times before, but this time I learned and felt something new. As I watched what they did to the savior, as they beat and scourged him and pounded the nails one by one into his hands and feet I felt so much anguish and pain like never before. And what surprised me was that he still didn't complain or struggle against it, He humbly submitted to his fathers will. It is so hard for me to think that he did all that for me. But it doesn't change the Fact that he did. And he did it because of the love he felt and had for me and everyone. It really is wonderful to me.
I love all of you and am really excited and nervous to come back. But I know it will be all good. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Well in our mission we have been having a hard time finding new investigators to teach. And everyone knows that when you don't find anyone you don't teach. So President Summerhays called this March Madness finding. And he was really inspired to say that and help us prepare to get 180 investigators in one week. That is two investigators per missionary per week. So Me and elder Elizondo are taking this very seriously and we are finding with the spirit. It is amazing. WE found 4 new investigators this week and they are all pretty cool. Mike and his girlfriend Lanora, Mike, and a red head girl named chloe. Chloe is the coolest. She has had a very tough life but Christ has helped her get out of the slumps and on to her feet. She is very open to us. She is really into reading books and she found out that I was reading the hunger games books. And by the way I had no idea they were making a movie, how cool is that. That is proof how out of the world I am. any way, she went and grabbed the last book which I haven't read yet and was offering me to read it and not to give it back until I finished. That was the perfect opportunity to start our discussion about who we are and what we talk about. It was awesome. The spirit is with us and is helping us in every phase of the work, especially in finding efforts. I wouldn't be surprised if our mission hit 180 this week.
We had a lesson with Jeff and the day before he told us he had some concerns he had about the priesthood and black people. I prayed and searched out the scriptures to find some good way to teach it. I didn't find much, but I knew that the because the Book Of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith was a True Prophet we would be fine. that is really what it comes down to. so the lesson didn't go well because of lack of belief and he wouldn't listen to the spirit. I still love that man and we are going to do some stuff with him before I leave. It was sad to have it end that way, but he will have another chance later.
On the other hand last night we went to the Whites house for dinner. They have a grandchild named Gauge. He is a firecracker. but he is very smart. He told brother white that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon with us, but then didn't want because he got nervous. So we began at the pictures in the front of the book of Mormon and told him about all the cool stuff in the book of Mormon and introduced it so he could understand. He is 5, but I know without a doubt that the spirit lead us as we taught him. He understood it. Children are the best learners because they are so humble and willing.
One of the nice things I did this week was go and do service for My favorite Bishop, Bishop Kelly. He was a marine, and he is a tough cookie. But he is like Grandpa Rodabough in his manner. He is funny as heck. We helped him cut down limbs from his tree and rake leaves and other things. He wouldn't have been able to do those things by himself in that amount of time. I got to know him better and I feel that he trusts us and loves us even more.
In this ward it has been hard to get things going with missionary work, but i think that we finally are making a difference and are breaking through the darkness of doubt and fear. In church this Sunday we watched " The Lamb of God". I have watched that movie a number of times before, but this time I learned and felt something new. As I watched what they did to the savior, as they beat and scourged him and pounded the nails one by one into his hands and feet I felt so much anguish and pain like never before. And what surprised me was that he still didn't complain or struggle against it, He humbly submitted to his fathers will. It is so hard for me to think that he did all that for me. But it doesn't change the Fact that he did. And he did it because of the love he felt and had for me and everyone. It really is wonderful to me.
I love all of you and am really excited and nervous to come back. But I know it will be all good. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Hey Dad, Kris, and Kids,
So I am doing good here in Quezon City South zone, but the only thing is, It's my last day here. I am transferring.......................
I have only been here one transfer, and I am already leaving. Man, I hope I didn't do something wrong. I was almost sure that we were both staying, me and my comp elder Perez, cause we both came in here at the same time. We got Shot gunned in here. And it stinks cause we just set a Baptismal Date with Jeffery(19) and his sister Mimi(17), we have been working with them since we got here, and they have grown so much, especially Jeffery, I can see him as a missionary!! We are also gotting close with their cousins Kathleen(16) and Jessa(15) they are almost ready for a Baptismal Date.
So I am kinda bummed that I am leaving here, especially right when our work started taking off, and getting close to taste the fruits of our labors, now some lucky elder is going to get transffered in to QC South and get to see all these cool people be baptized.
So I don't know where I am going to transfer, I am a little nervous, I kinda want to get out of the city, ha really actually. But I will go wherever and be happy there!! I also am a little worried who my comp is going to be, cause I feel like Our President has put me with a lot of Dis-obedient ish missionaries. I don't like babysitting on the mission.
So I hope you are all happy and healthy, and excited for summer Anni and David!! It is coming up!! Have fun in school though, dont be afraid to meet new people and do new things, cause new things are fun!!! Just like here on the mission, I am sad to be leaving this area, but excited cause there will be many new people and places I will get to know and see, and I am excited for it. I have a funny feeling about it all.... don't know why, ha its a happy/ nervous feeling.
I love you all so much, be good, have fun in your new callings, Dad and Kris. Kris seminary was my favorite, especially in my Jr and Sr years.
Dad, so about the Less Actives, that is a lot, I don't know how it works over there, but our whole mission has switched focuss from investigators to Less Actives. And I would say as the WML, make sure the elders have Ward Council, and the other meetings with the ward they need to have. Also be fun and happy with them, Missionaries work better when they are happy and having fun. But don't let them get out of the meetings, it helps them get closer with the ward and helps the Ward get Involved, that's a big thing, the Ward is the power, and the Friends for the returning LA members, With out friends they will go away again.
So I hope this all helped, its exciting doing this work with you guys. I like it,
Love Elder Benjamin L. Larson
So I am doing good here in Quezon City South zone, but the only thing is, It's my last day here. I am transferring.......................
I have only been here one transfer, and I am already leaving. Man, I hope I didn't do something wrong. I was almost sure that we were both staying, me and my comp elder Perez, cause we both came in here at the same time. We got Shot gunned in here. And it stinks cause we just set a Baptismal Date with Jeffery(19) and his sister Mimi(17), we have been working with them since we got here, and they have grown so much, especially Jeffery, I can see him as a missionary!! We are also gotting close with their cousins Kathleen(16) and Jessa(15) they are almost ready for a Baptismal Date.
So I am kinda bummed that I am leaving here, especially right when our work started taking off, and getting close to taste the fruits of our labors, now some lucky elder is going to get transffered in to QC South and get to see all these cool people be baptized.
So I don't know where I am going to transfer, I am a little nervous, I kinda want to get out of the city, ha really actually. But I will go wherever and be happy there!! I also am a little worried who my comp is going to be, cause I feel like Our President has put me with a lot of Dis-obedient ish missionaries. I don't like babysitting on the mission.
So I hope you are all happy and healthy, and excited for summer Anni and David!! It is coming up!! Have fun in school though, dont be afraid to meet new people and do new things, cause new things are fun!!! Just like here on the mission, I am sad to be leaving this area, but excited cause there will be many new people and places I will get to know and see, and I am excited for it. I have a funny feeling about it all.... don't know why, ha its a happy/ nervous feeling.
I love you all so much, be good, have fun in your new callings, Dad and Kris. Kris seminary was my favorite, especially in my Jr and Sr years.
Dad, so about the Less Actives, that is a lot, I don't know how it works over there, but our whole mission has switched focuss from investigators to Less Actives. And I would say as the WML, make sure the elders have Ward Council, and the other meetings with the ward they need to have. Also be fun and happy with them, Missionaries work better when they are happy and having fun. But don't let them get out of the meetings, it helps them get closer with the ward and helps the Ward get Involved, that's a big thing, the Ward is the power, and the Friends for the returning LA members, With out friends they will go away again.
So I hope this all helped, its exciting doing this work with you guys. I like it,
Love Elder Benjamin L. Larson
hey guys,
Many good things have happened this week. Well first off, our ward has started a 40 day fast and our whole mission joined in a fast for 180 new investigators in one week. So there has been a lot of fasting for missionary work. So Elder Elizondo and I have really grown in our faith that god will bless us with some souls to teach. And he has. It was awesome. I went on exchange with a really cool elder Named Elder Rowan, who is some how related to Aunt Marine. We had a blast, we decided to go down to where bishop Kelly(my bishop) told us to go finding. So the first guy we talked to was budist and really not interested. Then we talked to three guys who told us they were devil worshippers they actually we kindof funny but really not interested. then me and elder Rowan were about to get out of there but I decided to just give the other side of the street a try. The second door we knocked a 19 yr old kid named Christian talked with us and we bore our testimonies about the Book of Mormon. Then he said," I think it would be better if you came in to teach me and my whole family." Me and elder Rowan just looked at each other and went in and had a great lesson with this columbian family. They are currently being taught by the spanish elders.
We had tracted into this lady a while back who we nicknamed,"the sick lady" because she was sick the first time we met her. It seemed like every other door but we finally got in this week. Her husband Kris is a really cool guy who doesn't like religion because of the bad experiences he has had. But he listened to us and agreed to let us come back and serve him and teach his family. I have a really good feeling about them.
Mia is doing alright, she got stressed out about her baptism and told us to hold up and wait until she felt more ready. so we are trying to work with her to help her feel more comfortable.
Alex is sooo awesome! we had a lesson with her last night about the Plan of Alex(Salvation). It was a crazy atmosphere but the spirit endured and she is really looking like she is going to get baptized. We now have to set a date with her.
One thing that has been very prevalent this week was girl crushes. I didn't have any but I for some reason all at once everybody is telling me that they like me. ahhhhhh! it is pretty awkward and I just want to focus on my missionary work. So even though there is opposition the work will go forth Boldly, nobly and independant.
That is about all I can say but I love you all and can hardly wait to see you. Take care.
Elder Spencer Larson
Many good things have happened this week. Well first off, our ward has started a 40 day fast and our whole mission joined in a fast for 180 new investigators in one week. So there has been a lot of fasting for missionary work. So Elder Elizondo and I have really grown in our faith that god will bless us with some souls to teach. And he has. It was awesome. I went on exchange with a really cool elder Named Elder Rowan, who is some how related to Aunt Marine. We had a blast, we decided to go down to where bishop Kelly(my bishop) told us to go finding. So the first guy we talked to was budist and really not interested. Then we talked to three guys who told us they were devil worshippers they actually we kindof funny but really not interested. then me and elder Rowan were about to get out of there but I decided to just give the other side of the street a try. The second door we knocked a 19 yr old kid named Christian talked with us and we bore our testimonies about the Book of Mormon. Then he said," I think it would be better if you came in to teach me and my whole family." Me and elder Rowan just looked at each other and went in and had a great lesson with this columbian family. They are currently being taught by the spanish elders.
We had tracted into this lady a while back who we nicknamed,"the sick lady" because she was sick the first time we met her. It seemed like every other door but we finally got in this week. Her husband Kris is a really cool guy who doesn't like religion because of the bad experiences he has had. But he listened to us and agreed to let us come back and serve him and teach his family. I have a really good feeling about them.
Mia is doing alright, she got stressed out about her baptism and told us to hold up and wait until she felt more ready. so we are trying to work with her to help her feel more comfortable.
Alex is sooo awesome! we had a lesson with her last night about the Plan of Alex(Salvation). It was a crazy atmosphere but the spirit endured and she is really looking like she is going to get baptized. We now have to set a date with her.
One thing that has been very prevalent this week was girl crushes. I didn't have any but I for some reason all at once everybody is telling me that they like me. ahhhhhh! it is pretty awkward and I just want to focus on my missionary work. So even though there is opposition the work will go forth Boldly, nobly and independant.
That is about all I can say but I love you all and can hardly wait to see you. Take care.
Elder Spencer Larson
these are the best 2 years FOR my life
Hi guys,
How´s everybody doing? You know, I don´t know anything that goes on with you guys unless you tell me. And it´s the same thing with you guys knowing about me.
Well I doing good, I am health, happy, and serving the lord. Me and my comp taught this couple Edson and Shurly, we taught them about a commandment of the lord in Keeping The Sabbth Day Holy. The only thing is that Edson was a member of the Adventist of The 7th Day. So that lesson was a little bit heated, and I learned a lot, it seems like you learn more when you teach sometimes.
It´s also so funny to teach about The Book Of Mormon to people because here in Brasil it´s seems like a lot of people don´t know there Geografy(and I don´t know how to spell. ha). So sometimes people think that the Americas is Africa or Austrelia(?). So we´re not just teach the gosple but some times we are teaching Geografy too.haha
This last Wensday we had a meeting with a Genral Authority, a 70. His name is (Elder) Godoy, he´s a brasilan and is realy funny he talked about some of the reasons of why we missionarys are here. 1st, To save other People. 2nd, To build up the kingdom of god on the earth. 3rd, To save ourselves. It was a great meeting.
This week we were knocking on doors and it was about 5 O´clock and we knock and a door and this lady anwsered it. Her name was Marta and she was about 50 years old and at frist she didn´t want to accept our message, but after talking with her a litle bit she got intressed and told her about the Restoration and it was so cool to see how the spirit can work with people so that they can be open to hear the Gosple.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Redemer and Saivor, and I know that if we live The commandments of God we will be Happy here on Earth and we will be able to live with our Father in heaven. The only thing we can give to god is our own free WILL, and when we do we are blessed. These 2 years are not the BEST 2 years Of My Life, but they are the Best 2 years For My Life.
I love you all have a great week and live the Gosple.
Elder Stephen Larson
How´s everybody doing? You know, I don´t know anything that goes on with you guys unless you tell me. And it´s the same thing with you guys knowing about me.
Well I doing good, I am health, happy, and serving the lord. Me and my comp taught this couple Edson and Shurly, we taught them about a commandment of the lord in Keeping The Sabbth Day Holy. The only thing is that Edson was a member of the Adventist of The 7th Day. So that lesson was a little bit heated, and I learned a lot, it seems like you learn more when you teach sometimes.
It´s also so funny to teach about The Book Of Mormon to people because here in Brasil it´s seems like a lot of people don´t know there Geografy(and I don´t know how to spell. ha). So sometimes people think that the Americas is Africa or Austrelia(?). So we´re not just teach the gosple but some times we are teaching Geografy too.haha
This last Wensday we had a meeting with a Genral Authority, a 70. His name is (Elder) Godoy, he´s a brasilan and is realy funny he talked about some of the reasons of why we missionarys are here. 1st, To save other People. 2nd, To build up the kingdom of god on the earth. 3rd, To save ourselves. It was a great meeting.
This week we were knocking on doors and it was about 5 O´clock and we knock and a door and this lady anwsered it. Her name was Marta and she was about 50 years old and at frist she didn´t want to accept our message, but after talking with her a litle bit she got intressed and told her about the Restoration and it was so cool to see how the spirit can work with people so that they can be open to hear the Gosple.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Redemer and Saivor, and I know that if we live The commandments of God we will be Happy here on Earth and we will be able to live with our Father in heaven. The only thing we can give to god is our own free WILL, and when we do we are blessed. These 2 years are not the BEST 2 years Of My Life, but they are the Best 2 years For My Life.
I love you all have a great week and live the Gosple.
Elder Stephen Larson
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