Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

When the Lord commands, I obey

Hey Dad Kris, and Kids,

So I am doing good here in my new area, Marikina 4. My comp is Elder Basalo, he is Filipino and he is about 4 months in the mission, and he is obedient!! So I am a senior right now, which is a cool new experience, a lot of new things this transfer. haha oh yeah I am also a District Leader.

So Kris, there isn't an oven here. I don't think they exist here ha. So our apartment is small, they say it's the smallest one in the mission. It is just us two in it. And Once you open the door and take your first step, you are at our desks, your second step is into the kitchen, if you step right you get into our rooms, if you step left, you go into the CR (comfort room, or bathroom). My comp is really cool, I like him a lot. He is still in his first area. So he knows the ward very well. But he told me our first night together that he will lead the area, cause I don't know it yet, but he wants me to lead everything else, the lessons, the contacting, everything like that. We will have to work with him a little bit with that to help him learn how.

So it is fun here. I was sad that I only spent 1 transfer in Quezon city south, but I am exited for this new area, and all these new people. We had a Less Active member ask us a question last week, her question was why did Joseph Smith have a lot of wives, it is forbidden in the bible. We told her that God's ways are higher than ours, and that all throughout the bible there are things like, that happening. We told her about Abraham sacrificing Isac, and how it is forbidden to Kill people, but Abraham was commanded to kill his son. Also about Nephi Slaying Laban. She understood what we were saying but wanted a SCRIPTURE saying that Joseph Smith was commanded to have many wives.

I really don't like answering or even talking about that subject because before I came on my mission, I struggled with this as well, why joseph had Many wives, it just doesn't really make sense to me. But Today we talked about it in District Meeting and I asked our Zone leaders what they do in this situation, they told me that they don't answer the question. They say that they tell them to read the Book Of Mormon and pray again about Joseph Smith, and if he is a prophet, than it doesn't matter what he does, cause he is commanded of god. Like it says in D&C, God will NEVER allow a prophet to lead us astray, if a Prophet did decide to be dissobedient, he would be destroyed. So Obviously Joseph was a Prophet, cause 1, the BOM is true, and 2, Joseph didn't get destroyed by God. haha.

So that is one thing that happened to me this week. Nothing too exciting going on. I feel a little over whelmed sometimes with all the lord calls me to do, but as Joseph Smith said in the restoration movie," I don't let myself question God....... when the lord commands, I obey" So Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church is true.

I love you all and hope you are all happy. Thank you dad for your story about your mission, It helps a lot, and you as well Kris. I hope you kids are having fun with your sports!! You are so lucky, your parents are going to coach you!! Have fun there huh!!


Elder Benjamin L. Larson

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