Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012


hey guys,

Many good things have happened this week. Well first off, our ward has started a 40 day fast and our whole mission joined in a fast for 180 new investigators in one week. So there has been a lot of fasting for missionary work. So Elder Elizondo and I have really grown in our faith that god will bless us with some souls to teach. And he has. It was awesome. I went on exchange with a really cool elder Named Elder Rowan, who is some how related to Aunt Marine. We had a blast, we decided to go down to where bishop Kelly(my bishop) told us to go finding. So the first guy we talked to was budist and really not interested. Then we talked to three guys who told us they were devil worshippers they actually we kindof funny but really not interested. then me and elder Rowan were about to get out of there but I decided to just give the other side of the street a try. The second door we knocked a 19 yr old kid named Christian talked with us and we bore our testimonies about the Book of Mormon. Then he said," I think it would be better if you came in to teach me and my whole family." Me and elder Rowan just looked at each other and went in and had a great lesson with this columbian family. They are currently being taught by the spanish elders.

We had tracted into this lady a while back who we nicknamed,"the sick lady" because she was sick the first time we met her. It seemed like every other door but we finally got in this week. Her husband Kris is a really cool guy who doesn't like religion because of the bad experiences he has had. But he listened to us and agreed to let us come back and serve him and teach his family. I have a really good feeling about them.

Mia is doing alright, she got stressed out about her baptism and told us to hold up and wait until she felt more ready. so we are trying to work with her to help her feel more comfortable.

Alex is sooo awesome! we had a lesson with her last night about the Plan of Alex(Salvation). It was a crazy atmosphere but the spirit endured and she is really looking like she is going to get baptized. We now have to set a date with her.

One thing that has been very prevalent this week was girl crushes. I didn't have any but I for some reason all at once everybody is telling me that they like me. ahhhhhh! it is pretty awkward and I just want to focus on my missionary work. So even though there is opposition the work will go forth Boldly, nobly and independant.

That is about all I can say but I love you all and can hardly wait to see you. Take care.

Elder Spencer Larson

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