Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hey Dad, Kris, and Kids,

So I am doing good here in Quezon City South zone, but the only thing is, It's my last day here. I am transferring.......................

I have only been here one transfer, and I am already leaving. Man, I hope I didn't do something wrong. I was almost sure that we were both staying, me and my comp elder Perez, cause we both came in here at the same time. We got Shot gunned in here. And it stinks cause we just set a Baptismal Date with Jeffery(19) and his sister Mimi(17), we have been working with them since we got here, and they have grown so much, especially Jeffery, I can see him as a missionary!! We are also gotting close with their cousins Kathleen(16) and Jessa(15) they are almost ready for a Baptismal Date.

So I am kinda bummed that I am leaving here, especially right when our work started taking off, and getting close to taste the fruits of our labors, now some lucky elder is going to get transffered in to QC South and get to see all these cool people be baptized.

So I don't know where I am going to transfer, I am a little nervous, I kinda want to get out of the city, ha really actually. But I will go wherever and be happy there!! I also am a little worried who my comp is going to be, cause I feel like Our President has put me with a lot of Dis-obedient ish missionaries. I don't like babysitting on the mission.

So I hope you are all happy and healthy, and excited for summer Anni and David!! It is coming up!! Have fun in school though, dont be afraid to meet new people and do new things, cause new things are fun!!! Just like here on the mission, I am sad to be leaving this area, but excited cause there will be many new people and places I will get to know and see, and I am excited for it. I have a funny feeling about it all.... don't know why, ha its a happy/ nervous feeling.

I love you all so much, be good, have fun in your new callings, Dad and Kris. Kris seminary was my favorite, especially in my Jr and Sr years.
Dad, so about the Less Actives, that is a lot, I don't know how it works over there, but our whole mission has switched focuss from investigators to Less Actives. And I would say as the WML, make sure the elders have Ward Council, and the other meetings with the ward they need to have. Also be fun and happy with them, Missionaries work better when they are happy and having fun. But don't let them get out of the meetings, it helps them get closer with the ward and helps the Ward get Involved, that's a big thing, the Ward is the power, and the Friends for the returning LA members, With out friends they will go away again.

So I hope this all helped, its exciting doing this work with you guys. I like it,

Love Elder Benjamin L. Larson

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