Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012


This week was a very good week, had a lot of succses teach many poeple and learning new ways to interact with them. This week I recived my new and last comp, Elder Bentes. Our golden investigator Sheila is stedfast and frim on the trail to baptism. We had 2 Spiritual Expirences this week, one with Lionardo and Edna, and the other with Sheila. What a great blessing it is to be here serving the Lord and helping his children.
This week we have changed the way we normally speak with people. Normally we say ´´Hi we are the Missionarys, we have a message that talks about Jesus Christ and how GOD has called a prophet to guide us here on the Earth today. Would you like to hear our Message?´´. More often than not people say ´´we don´t have time to listen to your message.´´ or ´´ I already go to church.´´ or ´´ I aleady know the Gosple and all of it´s teachings, and I´va read the Bible so,,,,, No thanks.´´. It get frustrating sometimes, getting reajected over and over again. But that´s just preparing me for life I guess. Now we are going to us a new tactic(i think that´s how you spell it?). We talk about baptism and that without it no one can enter into the Kingdom of God, and then ask them if they are intrested in going to heaven and living with god, if they say Yes i say ´´So when can we go to your house to tell you how?´´. I´ve already recived some NOs. I believe this will help us find the Elects of god(Golden investigators). Sheila is doing very well, she is super excited for her baptism this Saterday, On Friday we were walking on the street, it was already dark and it was about 8:30pm and we were just about to head to our house for the night when I felt a little impression to stop by Sheila´s house to see how she was doing. Normaly Sheila doesn´t get home untill about 10pm so at this hour she wouldn´t be home, but we followed the prompting. To our suprise she was home, she had gotten home early, so we sang a hymn, said a prayer. We talked with her a little bit about The Book of Mormon and another gosple topic, and we felt the spirit. When we were about to leave Sheila and Danelle(a member of the Church which is sheila´s friend) shared there gratitude and said that we are like angles of God and that we had brought with us a sweet spirit and great peace. We don´t see ourselves in that way,but it is amazing to see how the spirit effects people when they are touch by him.
Lionardo and Edna was another visit this week where the spirit came and conforted them when there baby gril had been seriouslly sick for acouple of days. I know that God is our father and that he uses the Spirit to confort and guide his children here on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is our Saivor and Redemer. Have a great week everybody,

Elder Stephen Larson

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