Conference was great, I liked the talk that Jeffrey R. Hallond gave about "Its never too late!", and the 2 that Deiter F. Uchtdorf gave. On saturday after the 2nd session of conference Sheila was baptized, it was great because the spirit was strong and there were a lot of people there because of conference. I attached some pictures to this e-mail there are pictures of servic projects, activites, me at the temple with Elder Alves Da Silva my last comp. also there are pictures of baptisms, and pictures of me and elder Araujo, and Elder Bentes my curent comp.
This week was a good week and many things happened like, Splists with the Zone leaders, Baptism interveiws, teaching , doing contacts, rude people, many laughts, distric meeting, Learning new words, Genral Conference, Eatting at members homes and joking around, and inviting people to get baptized. It was a pretty good week, many people we taught this week for the frist time really had no intrest but we did our part. We did enconter a girl named Byanca(15 years old) which excepted the invite to be baptized on the 21st of April. She was very foucused in on the lesson when we taught her The Resturation. Bruna didn´t go to the conference so we got a little sad about that because she missed a great opportunity to hear the servents of God speaking.
Saterday after Sheila´s Baptism we bought a pizza and were walking to our house when a young homeless boy(about 12) stopped us and asked for a slice of our pizza. So I reached into the pizza box and grabbed a slice, and as I was handing it to him a little bit of the cheese and toppings fell to the ground. I said sorry, then he reaplied ´´It´s ok, you know you´ll eat anythink when you´re hungry.´´ and then he walked off. I feel sad for the way his life has turned out. I know that when we keep the commandments of God we are blessed, and when we´re down and hungry The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and lift us up and strengthen us.
Have a great week everybody,
With loveElder stephen larson

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