Elder Benjamin Larson

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"the Lamb of God"

Hey family,

Well in our mission we have been having a hard time finding new investigators to teach. And everyone knows that when you don't find anyone you don't teach. So President Summerhays called this March Madness finding. And he was really inspired to say that and help us prepare to get 180 investigators in one week. That is two investigators per missionary per week. So Me and elder Elizondo are taking this very seriously and we are finding with the spirit. It is amazing. WE found 4 new investigators this week and they are all pretty cool. Mike and his girlfriend Lanora, Mike, and a red head girl named chloe. Chloe is the coolest. She has had a very tough life but Christ has helped her get out of the slumps and on to her feet. She is very open to us. She is really into reading books and she found out that I was reading the hunger games books. And by the way I had no idea they were making a movie, how cool is that. That is proof how out of the world I am. any way, she went and grabbed the last book which I haven't read yet and was offering me to read it and not to give it back until I finished. That was the perfect opportunity to start our discussion about who we are and what we talk about. It was awesome. The spirit is with us and is helping us in every phase of the work, especially in finding efforts. I wouldn't be surprised if our mission hit 180 this week.

We had a lesson with Jeff and the day before he told us he had some concerns he had about the priesthood and black people. I prayed and searched out the scriptures to find some good way to teach it. I didn't find much, but I knew that the because the Book Of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith was a True Prophet we would be fine. that is really what it comes down to. so the lesson didn't go well because of lack of belief and he wouldn't listen to the spirit. I still love that man and we are going to do some stuff with him before I leave. It was sad to have it end that way, but he will have another chance later.

On the other hand last night we went to the Whites house for dinner. They have a grandchild named Gauge. He is a firecracker. but he is very smart. He told brother white that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon with us, but then didn't want because he got nervous. So we began at the pictures in the front of the book of Mormon and told him about all the cool stuff in the book of Mormon and introduced it so he could understand. He is 5, but I know without a doubt that the spirit lead us as we taught him. He understood it. Children are the best learners because they are so humble and willing.

One of the nice things I did this week was go and do service for My favorite Bishop, Bishop Kelly. He was a marine, and he is a tough cookie. But he is like Grandpa Rodabough in his manner. He is funny as heck. We helped him cut down limbs from his tree and rake leaves and other things. He wouldn't have been able to do those things by himself in that amount of time. I got to know him better and I feel that he trusts us and loves us even more.

In this ward it has been hard to get things going with missionary work, but i think that we finally are making a difference and are breaking through the darkness of doubt and fear. In church this Sunday we watched " The Lamb of God". I have watched that movie a number of times before, but this time I learned and felt something new. As I watched what they did to the savior, as they beat and scourged him and pounded the nails one by one into his hands and feet I felt so much anguish and pain like never before. And what surprised me was that he still didn't complain or struggle against it, He humbly submitted to his fathers will. It is so hard for me to think that he did all that for me. But it doesn't change the Fact that he did. And he did it because of the love he felt and had for me and everyone. It really is wonderful to me.

I love all of you and am really excited and nervous to come back. But I know it will be all good. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]

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