Kumusta Dad Kris and Kids,
I am writing to you today on Tuesday instead this week cause it's P-day today instead, cause it was temple day today! And that was great, It is definitely more small and a more humble temple than at home, but It is very beautiful temple and probably one of my favorites!
I was glad to hear about all the great stuff happening, good Job on your Goal Davo, it sounds astig (Cool) and Anni, I am so excited that you have found a great friend, have fun in school both of you!
So I am sending those pictures again, I hope they work this time, one is of a burning cockroach, which is cool and I have so much fun doing that every morning, cause they are in are house every morning. And on is of the young man we baptized, Jomel 18 yrs old. HE is great! First baptism!! Then is our transportation, a Trike, which is what we use a lot, and the Jeep-Nee we also use a lot, they are our too most used ways of transportation. Fun stuff, oh and the last one is the famous, "Balut" it looks gross but it actually tastes pretty terrible too. ha no it taste like a weird boiled egg. ha weird texture.
I am adjusting to here though, the hardest thing here is the language. I wish I could speak it. But I do my part and do what I can in the lesson to help and bring the spirit. I have actually had some really cool experiences. Last week we went to one ladies house who is less active, and she was very nice. We had two members with us, one getting ready for his mission, the other a 17 year old girl named Maymay.(sounds like My-my). We got talking with her, and then told her we would be happy to share with her a lesson. My companion had told me previously that I was giving it, which I was used to, I usually give the lesson in members homes. So when we told her that, she said, "yes, yes please share with me a message, but share me something 'NEW'!" I got really scared then, cause I got this feeling all the sudden that she felt as though she has learned all she thinks she needs, and all there is about the church, and I knew I had to share something that was probably a little more special to me. So I shared to her how hard Tagalog is for me, and that I was struggling with it, then I read to her some scriptures, in 2nd Nephi, about 3 scriptures throughout the whole book of 2nd nephi that Helped me a lot. And it was good, sharing her that personal thing to me, helped bring the spirit, and then I told her how important it is to read the Book of Mormon and CONTINUE searching them cause we find new things every time we read it. It was hard to say that, cause 1, the language is a freakin poop in the pants, and 2, it was hard to keep my voice and myself composed, I was almost crying but then I remember that I don't cry, I weight lift and Burn Cockroaches. Ha It was a good lesson, and helped me learn the Importance of the spirit, and if the spirit is their, than that is all the investigator needs to feel, cause it will Plant a Seed!
So that is one of many experiences that I have had here given of the lord to me! I am very grateful for all the trials and help also he gives to me, especially in a lesson when I am secretly praying for his help cause I know I can't do it without him. And I am forever grateful for that!
The people here are great and I learn so much from them! Especially my companion, he is always happy and helps me be the same. I hope to learn and take that way of living into my life forever. I want to always try to be happy.
I love you all, and I hope you are all happy! I hope you get into the house quick and easy. OH the names of my investigators who are close to baptism are, Brother Manuel and sister Jocelyn, and Bro JR, who all have baptism dates. Then we have Sister Minerva and her daughter sis Glayza, then Sister Myra, whose mother is bed ridden so she won't come to church, we hope that changes so she will, cause she has a great desire!
Love you and miss you,
Your Anak ( son ) and Kuya ( older Brother)
Elder Benjamin Larson
I am writing to you today on Tuesday instead this week cause it's P-day today instead, cause it was temple day today! And that was great, It is definitely more small and a more humble temple than at home, but It is very beautiful temple and probably one of my favorites!
I was glad to hear about all the great stuff happening, good Job on your Goal Davo, it sounds astig (Cool) and Anni, I am so excited that you have found a great friend, have fun in school both of you!
So I am sending those pictures again, I hope they work this time, one is of a burning cockroach, which is cool and I have so much fun doing that every morning, cause they are in are house every morning. And on is of the young man we baptized, Jomel 18 yrs old. HE is great! First baptism!! Then is our transportation, a Trike, which is what we use a lot, and the Jeep-Nee we also use a lot, they are our too most used ways of transportation. Fun stuff, oh and the last one is the famous, "Balut" it looks gross but it actually tastes pretty terrible too. ha no it taste like a weird boiled egg. ha weird texture.
I am adjusting to here though, the hardest thing here is the language. I wish I could speak it. But I do my part and do what I can in the lesson to help and bring the spirit. I have actually had some really cool experiences. Last week we went to one ladies house who is less active, and she was very nice. We had two members with us, one getting ready for his mission, the other a 17 year old girl named Maymay.(sounds like My-my). We got talking with her, and then told her we would be happy to share with her a lesson. My companion had told me previously that I was giving it, which I was used to, I usually give the lesson in members homes. So when we told her that, she said, "yes, yes please share with me a message, but share me something 'NEW'!" I got really scared then, cause I got this feeling all the sudden that she felt as though she has learned all she thinks she needs, and all there is about the church, and I knew I had to share something that was probably a little more special to me. So I shared to her how hard Tagalog is for me, and that I was struggling with it, then I read to her some scriptures, in 2nd Nephi, about 3 scriptures throughout the whole book of 2nd nephi that Helped me a lot. And it was good, sharing her that personal thing to me, helped bring the spirit, and then I told her how important it is to read the Book of Mormon and CONTINUE searching them cause we find new things every time we read it. It was hard to say that, cause 1, the language is a freakin poop in the pants, and 2, it was hard to keep my voice and myself composed, I was almost crying but then I remember that I don't cry, I weight lift and Burn Cockroaches. Ha It was a good lesson, and helped me learn the Importance of the spirit, and if the spirit is their, than that is all the investigator needs to feel, cause it will Plant a Seed!
So that is one of many experiences that I have had here given of the lord to me! I am very grateful for all the trials and help also he gives to me, especially in a lesson when I am secretly praying for his help cause I know I can't do it without him. And I am forever grateful for that!
The people here are great and I learn so much from them! Especially my companion, he is always happy and helps me be the same. I hope to learn and take that way of living into my life forever. I want to always try to be happy.
I love you all, and I hope you are all happy! I hope you get into the house quick and easy. OH the names of my investigators who are close to baptism are, Brother Manuel and sister Jocelyn, and Bro JR, who all have baptism dates. Then we have Sister Minerva and her daughter sis Glayza, then Sister Myra, whose mother is bed ridden so she won't come to church, we hope that changes so she will, cause she has a great desire!
Love you and miss you,
Your Anak ( son ) and Kuya ( older Brother)
Elder Benjamin Larson