Hey everybody,
I doing good. On Tuesday our new Mission President will arrive, Pres. Pinho. The missionaries are excited. I have everything I need so don´t you guys worry. love you all, and have a good week. sorry that this is short.
Elder Stephen Larson
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I met the coach form that movie "forever strong"
Hey mom,
I amd doin pritty good here at the MTc, I ran into conner finally, tell Kelly that. And he seems like he is doing good!
wow It is cool to think i have only been here like a little more than a week and i have learned so much!! I can pray and Bear my testimony, and i know i wouldn't be able to do that by now without the lords help in my life. He has blessed me so much, and i hope i am worthy and paitient enough for the more blessings heading my way.
I love you guys so much can i just say that!! And mom I am getting kind of excited for that blanket you are making for me, so i can have a hug from home when i need one. Ha, i really hope you are all doing well. I wish I could hear more about How my sister Jessica is doing, and what she is doing in her life. Ha just saying.
So my P-days are on fridays. just so you know. It was saturday last week just cause it was my first week but for now while im in the MTc it will be friday.
There are a lot of new mission presidents here this week so like 10 of the general athourities are here, but we haven't seen any yet. so far they have blocked off like all the big buildings they are usign so we cant' get in. oh one more thing i can think of that i need, is some more pens. Just like a small pack if thats ok?? if not just let me know and i will buy them here. I think.
Also mom, in your letters I would like to here more from you, I don't know if i have told you this yet but yeah ha i wouild enjoy it if they were longer.? maybe, if you can i mean. And I will also try to write as much as i can to you!!
Oh guess who i met here.!! The coach from that movie, "forever strong". Coach gelwix. Me and my companion saw him walking and stopped him and said hi. He shook my hand and gave me a life saver then gave me the life saver prayer challenge. IT was great. the challenge goes like this, you put the life saver in your mouth to pray, and you only can suck on it, no biting!! And then you pray until it's gone. Oh yeah one more thing, you can only give thanks to god, you cant ask him for anything, jsut thank him!! I did this last night adn it really helped me!! I never realized how much i have to be thankful for!! It was a humbling experience and helped me to not be so frustrated when the language gets hard. I think when i get frustrated my companion gets worried. i don't know if he is scared or just what, but i need to be better at holding my anger and frustration in. I hope i will learn and develope skills for this. I am better at talking to him i think. we talkid about some fo our problems and got them resalved. Yay!
Well i am out of tiem!! I love you all, and miss you more then i thought i woiuld, but it makes it all the better to think of how awesome it will be when i see you all in 2 years> i try to focuss though! Ha i thankyou all for your prayers adn your letters they really do brighten my days so so much.!! Tell everyone i say hi and spred my hugs around!
I love you mom, I love you Jess. And beckett and Pako, and the ward. Talk to brother Molina about me!! ha we see eachother sometimes. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your brother and son and Missionary!
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
P.S I love Abi too. ha I love you all, again. Ingat, (bye)
I amd doin pritty good here at the MTc, I ran into conner finally, tell Kelly that. And he seems like he is doing good!
wow It is cool to think i have only been here like a little more than a week and i have learned so much!! I can pray and Bear my testimony, and i know i wouldn't be able to do that by now without the lords help in my life. He has blessed me so much, and i hope i am worthy and paitient enough for the more blessings heading my way.
I love you guys so much can i just say that!! And mom I am getting kind of excited for that blanket you are making for me, so i can have a hug from home when i need one. Ha, i really hope you are all doing well. I wish I could hear more about How my sister Jessica is doing, and what she is doing in her life. Ha just saying.
So my P-days are on fridays. just so you know. It was saturday last week just cause it was my first week but for now while im in the MTc it will be friday.
There are a lot of new mission presidents here this week so like 10 of the general athourities are here, but we haven't seen any yet. so far they have blocked off like all the big buildings they are usign so we cant' get in. oh one more thing i can think of that i need, is some more pens. Just like a small pack if thats ok?? if not just let me know and i will buy them here. I think.
Also mom, in your letters I would like to here more from you, I don't know if i have told you this yet but yeah ha i wouild enjoy it if they were longer.? maybe, if you can i mean. And I will also try to write as much as i can to you!!
Oh guess who i met here.!! The coach from that movie, "forever strong". Coach gelwix. Me and my companion saw him walking and stopped him and said hi. He shook my hand and gave me a life saver then gave me the life saver prayer challenge. IT was great. the challenge goes like this, you put the life saver in your mouth to pray, and you only can suck on it, no biting!! And then you pray until it's gone. Oh yeah one more thing, you can only give thanks to god, you cant ask him for anything, jsut thank him!! I did this last night adn it really helped me!! I never realized how much i have to be thankful for!! It was a humbling experience and helped me to not be so frustrated when the language gets hard. I think when i get frustrated my companion gets worried. i don't know if he is scared or just what, but i need to be better at holding my anger and frustration in. I hope i will learn and develope skills for this. I am better at talking to him i think. we talkid about some fo our problems and got them resalved. Yay!
Well i am out of tiem!! I love you all, and miss you more then i thought i woiuld, but it makes it all the better to think of how awesome it will be when i see you all in 2 years> i try to focuss though! Ha i thankyou all for your prayers adn your letters they really do brighten my days so so much.!! Tell everyone i say hi and spred my hugs around!
I love you mom, I love you Jess. And beckett and Pako, and the ward. Talk to brother Molina about me!! ha we see eachother sometimes. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your brother and son and Missionary!
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
P.S I love Abi too. ha I love you all, again. Ingat, (bye)
yo ho yo ho a mission life for me
My dear Family,
It is so good to hear from all of you. It always comforts, uplifts and inspires me to be a better missionary and It gives me hope.
This week was a good week. We did a lot of finding. And when we find out of 10 houses 4 of them are spanish. So I have been able to work on my espanol a lot. I enjoy it a lot because generally spanish people are so warm and friendly.
Margie Nelson and her son Scott came to church again and it was even better than the first time. Scott Sr. didn't come or at least he didn't come in. We found out that after he went to the beach he road his bike to the church and did a lap around it, then went home. I wish he would have come because he and his wife are very patriotic and it was all about patriotism in sacrament meeting. It was the best sunday I have had on the mission. One funny thing that happened at church was in Gospel Principles class. The Teacher didn't show up like usual so Elder Gordon and I had the privilege to teach it on the spot. So we opened to the next section entitled " The Law of Chastity". We just looked at each other and tried not to laugh and then we started teaching. It was a very funny lesson with Margie in the room and two recent converts. hehe.
After church we went to go and see Scott and at the beginning of the lesson he said he was not a church goer. Then I showed him some scriptures in the bible and the Book of Mormon and I bore me testimony about the peace and power that comes from going to church. We than challenged him to come and he said that he would. And what added to my joy was that he said the closing prayer for the first time. Man it was great. This week we are going to set a date with them to get baptized.
I am excited to see you all again but I still have a lot of work here to do. I love you and pray for you all. Take care and be happy.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
It is so good to hear from all of you. It always comforts, uplifts and inspires me to be a better missionary and It gives me hope.
This week was a good week. We did a lot of finding. And when we find out of 10 houses 4 of them are spanish. So I have been able to work on my espanol a lot. I enjoy it a lot because generally spanish people are so warm and friendly.
Margie Nelson and her son Scott came to church again and it was even better than the first time. Scott Sr. didn't come or at least he didn't come in. We found out that after he went to the beach he road his bike to the church and did a lap around it, then went home. I wish he would have come because he and his wife are very patriotic and it was all about patriotism in sacrament meeting. It was the best sunday I have had on the mission. One funny thing that happened at church was in Gospel Principles class. The Teacher didn't show up like usual so Elder Gordon and I had the privilege to teach it on the spot. So we opened to the next section entitled " The Law of Chastity". We just looked at each other and tried not to laugh and then we started teaching. It was a very funny lesson with Margie in the room and two recent converts. hehe.
After church we went to go and see Scott and at the beginning of the lesson he said he was not a church goer. Then I showed him some scriptures in the bible and the Book of Mormon and I bore me testimony about the peace and power that comes from going to church. We than challenged him to come and he said that he would. And what added to my joy was that he said the closing prayer for the first time. Man it was great. This week we are going to set a date with them to get baptized.
I am excited to see you all again but I still have a lot of work here to do. I love you and pray for you all. Take care and be happy.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Happy Father's day
Hey my family,
Happy fathers day to you dad. I am sorry I couldn't and didn't send a card of some sort to you I really do appreciate you and all you have done for me.
I have had a good week. We had a new investigator family come to church for their first time. Their names are Margie, Scott and their son Scottie. They had a blast at church. Everyone just came up to them and said hello and made them feel so welcome and loved. This ward is great. I am sweating more and more as the days move into a hotter part of the season. Lately we have had a lot of opposition with the Jehovah witnesses. When we tract they have already gone over the street and everybody thinks that we are J.W.
We also knocked on a JW's house and talked with him. He was very arguementative so we just moved along to the next door like we always do when someone is like that. But this week was good. Transfers happened and I am staying with Elder Gordon. I hope we have a good second round together here in this awesome area. I love you all. Stay well and strong, and listen to the spirit.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Happy fathers day to you dad. I am sorry I couldn't and didn't send a card of some sort to you I really do appreciate you and all you have done for me.
I have had a good week. We had a new investigator family come to church for their first time. Their names are Margie, Scott and their son Scottie. They had a blast at church. Everyone just came up to them and said hello and made them feel so welcome and loved. This ward is great. I am sweating more and more as the days move into a hotter part of the season. Lately we have had a lot of opposition with the Jehovah witnesses. When we tract they have already gone over the street and everybody thinks that we are J.W.
We also knocked on a JW's house and talked with him. He was very arguementative so we just moved along to the next door like we always do when someone is like that. But this week was good. Transfers happened and I am staying with Elder Gordon. I hope we have a good second round together here in this awesome area. I love you all. Stay well and strong, and listen to the spirit.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Shepherd's pie
Hey Everybody,
Ben is in the MTC! How awesome. I forgot to tell you guys about the name ´Benjamin´. In Portages ´Benjamin´ sounds like ´Beja Mim´ which means ´´Kiss ME!´´. I thought that was very funny, It´s like ´´Hey, ´kiss me´ is on a mission.´´. haha.
This week was a good week. Some people scolded us, some drunks talked to us, we walked a lot, taught the Gospel, felt the spirit, and got really tired. ha But everything is going good.
I took some pictures of were I´m living, and of the ´Shepherds Pie´ that I mead last week. It turned out alright, not as good as mom makes it but whatever.
We don´t have a very firm investagator that we are teaching but we are seeking them out. I hope you guys have a good week and that your all happy:)
ELder stephen larson

Ben is in the MTC! How awesome. I forgot to tell you guys about the name ´Benjamin´. In Portages ´Benjamin´ sounds like ´Beja Mim´ which means ´´Kiss ME!´´. I thought that was very funny, It´s like ´´Hey, ´kiss me´ is on a mission.´´. haha.
This week was a good week. Some people scolded us, some drunks talked to us, we walked a lot, taught the Gospel, felt the spirit, and got really tired. ha But everything is going good.
I took some pictures of were I´m living, and of the ´Shepherds Pie´ that I mead last week. It turned out alright, not as good as mom makes it but whatever.
We don´t have a very firm investagator that we are teaching but we are seeking them out. I hope you guys have a good week and that your all happy:)
ELder stephen larson

My first week in the MTC!!
Dear mom,
I am doing good here in the MTC. The food is pretty good, Friday is pizza day so that's always fun. But mostly the food just makes us all gassy. We have fun in our room and with the other elders around us.
My companion is elder Brunker, he is so awesome. He played the piano for us today and he is really good! He is basically a prodigy. Don't know how to spell that, oh well. The Tagalog language is coming. It is really hard. The first day in the class they spoke only Tagalog to us. it was so overwhelming but fun to try and guess what they are saying. We did learn how to bear our testimonies and Me and elder Brunker bore our testimonies to 5 or 6 people, it is fun. IT gets easier as we do it more. Elder Brunker is way good at the language, he has been blessed with the gift of tongues. If I have a question he always answers it. He just can remember and can use what he remembers! It is such a blessing having him as a companion.
The other elders in our district are way fun. Our district leader is Elder Webster and he is so cool too. He plays basketball and has fun. His companion is elder Gallager, he is also way funny. he is basically our comic relief. It's fun to joke with them. I am excited to get into the field and start teaching. And i am also excited to understand and speak the language better. I am trying to have patience and let it come slowly, but other elders are so good, and I just wish i could be as good as them. It will come though. In a while, by my faith and my obedience. the lord will bless me.
So i found out that i am here for 9 weeks, not 6. ha that was a surprise. I am not so sure how that will work out. I hope i can hold off that long. ha everyone is saying, "make it to Sunday just make it to Sunday" so i am excited for Sunday. The days are kinda long, but this week has been short. Weird i know.
I miss you all very much, But I am excited to get out in the field and make relationships with the people in the Philippines. It is kinda hard to keep in mind the purpose of the MTC. or my purpose here at the MTC. Because i know my purpose as a missionary, but its' different in the MTC. I have felt the spirit so strongly already this week. The gospel teaching classes are great!! The spirit is always so strong when we are pretending to teach an investigator and focus on them. that helps me alot, focusing on the investigator. I love it!!
I love you all, i hope you are doing good. Thank you for the letters from missionary mailing service, I liked them. I do want pictures of you mom, and Jess. I cant think of anything else I need. But if I think of something I will let you know. Also I might be sending a box of things home that i don't need. but I may hold on to them cause I don't know if I will need them in the field. I don't' have time to write to dad, so if you could give this to him I would appreciate it.
Dad sorry I didn't write you an e mail, I forgot your address and I don't have a lot of time. It is exciting being a missionary, and having the name tag, ha and learning the language. it is coming slowly but surly. I can understand Stephen's struggle and appreciate it more now. ha it is indeed quite hard. but I can do it. with prayer and faith the lord will bless me and help me learn it. he has already helped me learn so much. More than I could do on my own. so its a blessing for sure having him and the spirit on my side. I love my savior and have greater appreciation for his atonement now. He truly knows how we feel at all times, and it is at a very personal level.
Thank you for the letters and your prayers. I love you all.
Mom I haven't seen Connor yet but I am looking still. I love you so so much, it is crazy. Ha I miss you too. I miss all of you, Anni David Jessica Dad Kris. Stephen and Spencer of coarse but it is good being on the mission serving with them in a way. we are all doing the same work, just in different places.!!
Again I love you, and pray that the spirit will lift and strengthen you. Take care.
Love Your son.
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
I am doing good here in the MTC. The food is pretty good, Friday is pizza day so that's always fun. But mostly the food just makes us all gassy. We have fun in our room and with the other elders around us.
My companion is elder Brunker, he is so awesome. He played the piano for us today and he is really good! He is basically a prodigy. Don't know how to spell that, oh well. The Tagalog language is coming. It is really hard. The first day in the class they spoke only Tagalog to us. it was so overwhelming but fun to try and guess what they are saying. We did learn how to bear our testimonies and Me and elder Brunker bore our testimonies to 5 or 6 people, it is fun. IT gets easier as we do it more. Elder Brunker is way good at the language, he has been blessed with the gift of tongues. If I have a question he always answers it. He just can remember and can use what he remembers! It is such a blessing having him as a companion.
The other elders in our district are way fun. Our district leader is Elder Webster and he is so cool too. He plays basketball and has fun. His companion is elder Gallager, he is also way funny. he is basically our comic relief. It's fun to joke with them. I am excited to get into the field and start teaching. And i am also excited to understand and speak the language better. I am trying to have patience and let it come slowly, but other elders are so good, and I just wish i could be as good as them. It will come though. In a while, by my faith and my obedience. the lord will bless me.
So i found out that i am here for 9 weeks, not 6. ha that was a surprise. I am not so sure how that will work out. I hope i can hold off that long. ha everyone is saying, "make it to Sunday just make it to Sunday" so i am excited for Sunday. The days are kinda long, but this week has been short. Weird i know.
I miss you all very much, But I am excited to get out in the field and make relationships with the people in the Philippines. It is kinda hard to keep in mind the purpose of the MTC. or my purpose here at the MTC. Because i know my purpose as a missionary, but its' different in the MTC. I have felt the spirit so strongly already this week. The gospel teaching classes are great!! The spirit is always so strong when we are pretending to teach an investigator and focus on them. that helps me alot, focusing on the investigator. I love it!!
I love you all, i hope you are doing good. Thank you for the letters from missionary mailing service, I liked them. I do want pictures of you mom, and Jess. I cant think of anything else I need. But if I think of something I will let you know. Also I might be sending a box of things home that i don't need. but I may hold on to them cause I don't know if I will need them in the field. I don't' have time to write to dad, so if you could give this to him I would appreciate it.
Dad sorry I didn't write you an e mail, I forgot your address and I don't have a lot of time. It is exciting being a missionary, and having the name tag, ha and learning the language. it is coming slowly but surly. I can understand Stephen's struggle and appreciate it more now. ha it is indeed quite hard. but I can do it. with prayer and faith the lord will bless me and help me learn it. he has already helped me learn so much. More than I could do on my own. so its a blessing for sure having him and the spirit on my side. I love my savior and have greater appreciation for his atonement now. He truly knows how we feel at all times, and it is at a very personal level.
Thank you for the letters and your prayers. I love you all.
Mom I haven't seen Connor yet but I am looking still. I love you so so much, it is crazy. Ha I miss you too. I miss all of you, Anni David Jessica Dad Kris. Stephen and Spencer of coarse but it is good being on the mission serving with them in a way. we are all doing the same work, just in different places.!!
Again I love you, and pray that the spirit will lift and strengthen you. Take care.
Love Your son.
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
Hey everybody,
I am doing good here in Itararé. People are nicer here, more relaxed also. Yesterday we had a Zone Conference/BBQ with president Jackson, his wife and daughter. It took forever to get there because we are so dang far away from everything. That is why today is P-day and yesterday wasn't.
We are teaching a couple, João and Aparicida. They are about 60 years old, the wife is going through depression and there have a hard time with life and in there coupleship. Don´t laugh I forgot how to spell ´marriage´.? Well have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson

I am doing good here in Itararé. People are nicer here, more relaxed also. Yesterday we had a Zone Conference/BBQ with president Jackson, his wife and daughter. It took forever to get there because we are so dang far away from everything. That is why today is P-day and yesterday wasn't.
We are teaching a couple, João and Aparicida. They are about 60 years old, the wife is going through depression and there have a hard time with life and in there coupleship. Don´t laugh I forgot how to spell ´marriage´.? Well have a good week.
Elder Stephen Larson

It's a good life
Hey family,
It is so good to hear from you and to hear the experiences and the stories. I am super excited for Ben. I have never had so much joy come into my heart as I have done emails. I hope and prayer for Aunt Nita and her baby that everything goes well.
I am having a lot of joy as I have served in Bonita. I am healthy and strong and the work in this area is picking up as we work diligently and strive to be exactly obedient. I know that Obedience is the only way to have a fullness of joy while a missionary and in everyday life.
Peggy has been a member for a week and she is doing pretty good. We are teaching her the lessons over again and helping her with all her sewing equipment. Oh, Mom, you would really get along with this lady. She is a sewing junkie. She has hundreds of costumes that she is donating to the church. I actually tried on one of her Roman solider costumes when we went over to teach her.
A couple days ago we set a baptismal date with The Venegas kids for the 7th of July. They were not so sure if they were ready to get baptized, but we encouraged them that if they read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and Come to church they will feel ready when the time comes. I was hoped that we didn't scare them away, but my fear left me as they came to church the next day.
Me and Elder Gordon are getting along a lot better. I thought that we would never be able to get along again but the lord blessed us as we tried to get along and now I feel the greatest love for him. And we are working well with each other.
I was reading in the Book of Mormon this week about Korihor the anti Christ. And as we were following up with less actives we ran into a korihor. When she opened the door I felt an immediate difference in the atmosphere in a very negative way. She was nice but she was just so confused and just denied the scriptures and the restoration of the gospel and said whole bunch of stuff that was very untrue. It was an experience. But I know that The holy ghost doesn't lie and that god lives and the evidence is everywhere.
The coolest thing in this area is that every Saturday we get to make pizza at Armandos Pizza. It was great and we made this pizza with Vodka. Don't worry the vodka cooked out. So I am going to be the master pizza maker when I get home so beware.
I love this work, it is such a joy to me. I love you all and hope you have a good week. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
It is so good to hear from you and to hear the experiences and the stories. I am super excited for Ben. I have never had so much joy come into my heart as I have done emails. I hope and prayer for Aunt Nita and her baby that everything goes well.
I am having a lot of joy as I have served in Bonita. I am healthy and strong and the work in this area is picking up as we work diligently and strive to be exactly obedient. I know that Obedience is the only way to have a fullness of joy while a missionary and in everyday life.
Peggy has been a member for a week and she is doing pretty good. We are teaching her the lessons over again and helping her with all her sewing equipment. Oh, Mom, you would really get along with this lady. She is a sewing junkie. She has hundreds of costumes that she is donating to the church. I actually tried on one of her Roman solider costumes when we went over to teach her.
A couple days ago we set a baptismal date with The Venegas kids for the 7th of July. They were not so sure if they were ready to get baptized, but we encouraged them that if they read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and Come to church they will feel ready when the time comes. I was hoped that we didn't scare them away, but my fear left me as they came to church the next day.
Me and Elder Gordon are getting along a lot better. I thought that we would never be able to get along again but the lord blessed us as we tried to get along and now I feel the greatest love for him. And we are working well with each other.
I was reading in the Book of Mormon this week about Korihor the anti Christ. And as we were following up with less actives we ran into a korihor. When she opened the door I felt an immediate difference in the atmosphere in a very negative way. She was nice but she was just so confused and just denied the scriptures and the restoration of the gospel and said whole bunch of stuff that was very untrue. It was an experience. But I know that The holy ghost doesn't lie and that god lives and the evidence is everywhere.
The coolest thing in this area is that every Saturday we get to make pizza at Armandos Pizza. It was great and we made this pizza with Vodka. Don't worry the vodka cooked out. So I am going to be the master pizza maker when I get home so beware.
I love this work, it is such a joy to me. I love you all and hope you have a good week. Take care.
-Elder Spencer Larson
Friday, June 17, 2011
Ben's in the MTC
Ben just went into the MTC this Wednesday June 15th 2011. He will be there for about 2 months so that he can learn the language and learn how to be an effective missionary. He will then go to the Philippines on Aug 10th to teach the people of Quezon city. Were going to miss him, but we're so proud that he is willing to go to a place that he has never been before and try to touch the hearts of the people so that they can know for themselves the truth.
We love you Ben!!
(Oh p.s. Ben's posts will be in the color green)

We love you Ben!!
(Oh p.s. Ben's posts will be in the color green)

Monday, June 6, 2011
Adriano baptized
Hey everybody,
I am doing great, two days ago we had a baptism. Adriano was baptized as you can see in the pictures. He went from being a guy that didn´t believe in god to believing in god and his son, and in the scriptures, thanks to his girlfriend Poliana(also in the picture). He´s a really good person and is really smart, I hope I can come back to see them get sealed in the Temple in a year.
So I have been transferred to another area. I only stayed here 2 transfers(3 months) and I´m already leaving, That sucks. We started teaching this lady named Nadir (about 50 years old) last week, she went to the baptism of Adriano, went to church the next day, she is reading the book of Mormon, and praying about it, and asked a lot of questions. I pretty sure she will be baptized.
Everythings going good with me, I hope everyones doing well and I am so happy for Ben. Love you all.
So I have been transferred to another area. I only stayed here 2 transfers(3 months) and I´m already leaving, That sucks. We started teaching this lady named Nadir (about 50 years old) last week, she went to the baptism of Adriano, went to church the next day, she is reading the book of Mormon, and praying about it, and asked a lot of questions. I pretty sure she will be baptized.
Everythings going good with me, I hope everyones doing well and I am so happy for Ben. Love you all.
Elder Stephen Larson
Hey everybody,

So now I am in a new area, with a new comp (Elder Machado). My new comp is elder Machado, he is from the same state as my last comp elder Justino, but they never met before the Mission. My is 27 years old and he has about the same time as I do on the Mission. He likes to mess with computers, and ride his bike, he wants to learn the Piano when he gets home. He worked as a Cleaning Man before the Mission so when I got to the house in this area it was clean, and Its the biggest house in the Mission.
My new area where I will teaching people the gospel is called Itararé. Its a small city in the country, its about a 61/2 hour dive from São Paulo. Its a Hick Town, the people here have a very different way of talking.
We had a miracle this last week, I talked with a young woman on the street and I invited her to visit our church like we tell everybody. And on Sunday she actually went. it was awesome.
love you all, have a good week.
My new area where I will teaching people the gospel is called Itararé. Its a small city in the country, its about a 61/2 hour dive from São Paulo. Its a Hick Town, the people here have a very different way of talking.
We had a miracle this last week, I talked with a young woman on the street and I invited her to visit our church like we tell everybody. And on Sunday she actually went. it was awesome.
love you all, have a good week.
elder Stephen Larson

time is flying!!
Hey guys,
I am still here down in Bonita Springs where it is twice as hot and more likely to get rained on during the duration of the day. I am having a good time with Elder Gordon trying to get the work going in this area. Peggy Vaughn is looking really good for her baptism on the 4th of June. We challenged her to keep the word of wisdom by giving up coffee and and tea. She didn't understand why, but she was willing to give it up anyway bless her heart. She is the sweetest lady and she has such amazing faith in God. She told us one day after a good lesson," I am sorry I am moving so slow and not learning fast enough." We quickly told her that she was doing better than any one that we have ever taught. She is already in Jacob after only 4 weeks.
This whole last week has been a finding effort because we don't have as many people to teach. It was super hard to stay motivated and uplifting as we got reject and rejected again. But later that day we had much success in finding about 4 people to teach. We are going to try and follow up with them tomorrow.
I am so happy to hear about Ben's farewell talk going well. He is going to be the most awesome missionary ever. I know this for a fact. Ben don't hold any of your gifts back. Use all of the Gifts that God has so mercifully given you. I love you all and I hope that I can do all that I can do and be all that I can be to bring the souls of our Brothers and sisters to a Fullness of joy and peace. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
I am still here down in Bonita Springs where it is twice as hot and more likely to get rained on during the duration of the day. I am having a good time with Elder Gordon trying to get the work going in this area. Peggy Vaughn is looking really good for her baptism on the 4th of June. We challenged her to keep the word of wisdom by giving up coffee and and tea. She didn't understand why, but she was willing to give it up anyway bless her heart. She is the sweetest lady and she has such amazing faith in God. She told us one day after a good lesson," I am sorry I am moving so slow and not learning fast enough." We quickly told her that she was doing better than any one that we have ever taught. She is already in Jacob after only 4 weeks.
This whole last week has been a finding effort because we don't have as many people to teach. It was super hard to stay motivated and uplifting as we got reject and rejected again. But later that day we had much success in finding about 4 people to teach. We are going to try and follow up with them tomorrow.
I am so happy to hear about Ben's farewell talk going well. He is going to be the most awesome missionary ever. I know this for a fact. Ben don't hold any of your gifts back. Use all of the Gifts that God has so mercifully given you. I love you all and I hope that I can do all that I can do and be all that I can be to bring the souls of our Brothers and sisters to a Fullness of joy and peace. Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Hey my family,
You all sound like you are doing so well. It makes me so happy to hear the progress of Ben as he embarks in the service of God. He is such a great blessing to heavenly father.
Things in Bonita are picking up a little bit from the past, especially the heat. We set a baptismal date with an old lady named Peggy Vaughn. We had a great lesson with her at a members home about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything seemed to agree with her and she felt so good and the spirit was there. And her Date is on June 4th, I am so excited for her.
I got super sick this last week with some bad cold. It hit me hard and we had to stay in for a whole day because I couldn't work. It was terrible, but I was able to read the Book of Mormon a lot and I have never in all my life understood and applied the Book of Mormon so much. The Book of Mormon is true and It testifies of Jesus Christ and makes clearly and plainly the will and character of God.
But the next day I push myself out the door and began to do the work. Tracting in this area isn't as good as Tampa 3. People just don't want to listen and cast us out like Alma and Amulek in the City of Ammoniha. Hehe. Never the less we never give up and we keep trusting in the lord.
One cool event that we were able to go to was the Harmony Concert all the way from BYU. We went with a recent convert Adrienne O'donnell and her non-member parents. They performed well both singing and entertaining. Adrienne's parents liked it and I think that they felt the spirit of the message and songs.
Keep being happy and enjoy the journey as you all go through many diverse experiences in this life. I love you and pray for your happiness.
-Elder Spencer Larson
You all sound like you are doing so well. It makes me so happy to hear the progress of Ben as he embarks in the service of God. He is such a great blessing to heavenly father.
Things in Bonita are picking up a little bit from the past, especially the heat. We set a baptismal date with an old lady named Peggy Vaughn. We had a great lesson with her at a members home about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything seemed to agree with her and she felt so good and the spirit was there. And her Date is on June 4th, I am so excited for her.
I got super sick this last week with some bad cold. It hit me hard and we had to stay in for a whole day because I couldn't work. It was terrible, but I was able to read the Book of Mormon a lot and I have never in all my life understood and applied the Book of Mormon so much. The Book of Mormon is true and It testifies of Jesus Christ and makes clearly and plainly the will and character of God.
But the next day I push myself out the door and began to do the work. Tracting in this area isn't as good as Tampa 3. People just don't want to listen and cast us out like Alma and Amulek in the City of Ammoniha. Hehe. Never the less we never give up and we keep trusting in the lord.
One cool event that we were able to go to was the Harmony Concert all the way from BYU. We went with a recent convert Adrienne O'donnell and her non-member parents. They performed well both singing and entertaining. Adrienne's parents liked it and I think that they felt the spirit of the message and songs.
Keep being happy and enjoy the journey as you all go through many diverse experiences in this life. I love you and pray for your happiness.
-Elder Spencer Larson
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