Ben is in the MTC! How awesome. I forgot to tell you guys about the name ´Benjamin´. In Portages ´Benjamin´ sounds like ´Beja Mim´ which means ´´Kiss ME!´´. I thought that was very funny, It´s like ´´Hey, ´kiss me´ is on a mission.´´. haha.
This week was a good week. Some people scolded us, some drunks talked to us, we walked a lot, taught the Gospel, felt the spirit, and got really tired. ha But everything is going good.
I took some pictures of were I´m living, and of the ´Shepherds Pie´ that I mead last week. It turned out alright, not as good as mom makes it but whatever.
We don´t have a very firm investagator that we are teaching but we are seeking them out. I hope you guys have a good week and that your all happy:)
ELder stephen larson

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