So now I am in a new area, with a new comp (Elder Machado). My new comp is elder Machado, he is from the same state as my last comp elder Justino, but they never met before the Mission. My is 27 years old and he has about the same time as I do on the Mission. He likes to mess with computers, and ride his bike, he wants to learn the Piano when he gets home. He worked as a Cleaning Man before the Mission so when I got to the house in this area it was clean, and Its the biggest house in the Mission.
My new area where I will teaching people the gospel is called Itararé. Its a small city in the country, its about a 61/2 hour dive from São Paulo. Its a Hick Town, the people here have a very different way of talking.
We had a miracle this last week, I talked with a young woman on the street and I invited her to visit our church like we tell everybody. And on Sunday she actually went. it was awesome.
love you all, have a good week.
My new area where I will teaching people the gospel is called Itararé. Its a small city in the country, its about a 61/2 hour dive from São Paulo. Its a Hick Town, the people here have a very different way of talking.
We had a miracle this last week, I talked with a young woman on the street and I invited her to visit our church like we tell everybody. And on Sunday she actually went. it was awesome.
love you all, have a good week.
elder Stephen Larson

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