Hey guys,
This week was good. We had an exchange with some Elders down in Naples. Elder Salmon came with me and we had a great time. He is from Provo and is going to to UVU when he gets back in about two weeks. He taught me a lot from the day and a half I was with him. At night we got some tim-tams and and boiled some hot coco and did the TimTam slam. mmmmmmmmm It was so good and I think I gained a couple pounds from it.
Margie is doing very well. She is so excited that after church she was trying on White jumpsuits for her baptism. Scott came to church a second time and he is still searching. We went over to visit with him while Margie was at work and we found out that he hasn't really asked if God yet if Joseph smith is a prophet and if the Book Of Mormon is True. So we challenged him to do so. I think that I need to refer him to Moroni !0: 3-5 again for an out line. We still are having difficulties finding some more people to teach. I am determined to get someone this week, and it is going to be awesome. he he.
Another cool thing that happened was that one of the Vanegas kids went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. She seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.
In church I learned a good lesson. Don't Murmur. In sacrament meeting last week they talked about pioneers so this week they all talked on Murmuring. It was a very enjoyable / chastising moment. I know I need to work on not murmuring. One of the speakers talked about how Satan and his angles are professional Murmurers. I liked that. And one of them said," Murmuring is an Extension of pride." I hope that everyone can learn to not murmur, judge, or be negative and Jealous. " When we are negative and Jealous we don't have faith."( Sacrament speaker).
Elder Gordon and I gave a training this week on a talk by David A. Bednar, called, "In the Strength of the Lord." I invite everyone to read this magnificent talk. It was a very good training and I learned more of the enabling power of the Atonement. It has changed the way I pray and work. I pray for strength to change my circumstances instead of asking the lord to change them for me. Just like when Nephi was bound by his brothers and he prayed for strength to burst the cords, and then in faith that the lord would help him he broke them. Nephi probably didn't just sit there and wait for the bands to be loosened off from him, he acted, instead of being acted upon. I loved that talk It has changed my perspective of what the Atonement is for me. We don't have to do it alone, Jesus is there to strengthen us and lift us higher.
To find this talk just look up on google and type in the strength of the lord. You should be able to find it. I love you all. have a good week and READ THAT TALK.!
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Thursday, July 28, 2011
It's been a hard week
Hey everybody,
This week not one of our Investigators went to church. We found out that Kelly dosen´t want to get baptized because her boyfriend is a member of the Adventista of The 7th Day church, and she thinks that if she get baptized in another church it would destroy her relationship with her boyfriend. So we´re in a pickle. And her mom won´t want to give up going to dances on Sunday.
Jurandir is to smart for his own good. It seems like he gets lost in his knowledge and understanding, and he still needs to quit smoking but hes coming along.
Zilda and Paula, it seems like they will never go to church. We have been visiting them for about 5 weeks and they always say they will go but then never do.
And Marcos, he dosen´t even want to quit drinking, so theres not much we can do to help him.
With just about all of these people it seems like they don´t understand how the Gospel can help them in there lives.
We had interviews with pres. Pinho, hes a really cool guy. And we got Marcos and his wife married a week ago.
I love you all.
Elder Stephen Larson
This week not one of our Investigators went to church. We found out that Kelly dosen´t want to get baptized because her boyfriend is a member of the Adventista of The 7th Day church, and she thinks that if she get baptized in another church it would destroy her relationship with her boyfriend. So we´re in a pickle. And her mom won´t want to give up going to dances on Sunday.
Jurandir is to smart for his own good. It seems like he gets lost in his knowledge and understanding, and he still needs to quit smoking but hes coming along.
Zilda and Paula, it seems like they will never go to church. We have been visiting them for about 5 weeks and they always say they will go but then never do.
And Marcos, he dosen´t even want to quit drinking, so theres not much we can do to help him.
With just about all of these people it seems like they don´t understand how the Gospel can help them in there lives.
We had interviews with pres. Pinho, hes a really cool guy. And we got Marcos and his wife married a week ago.
I love you all.
Elder Stephen Larson
This week was pretty crazy. Elder Gordon and I are doing great. We were separated because of exchanges with other missionaries in our Zone. I spent some time with a new missionary in his area. It was pretty strange, it reminded me of the time I was first out here and now I am the older missionary trying to be a good example to the other missionaries.
Margie and Scott are doing very well. We have been teaching them at some members house and the spirit is always so strong. We taught them the plan of Salvation and we challenged Margie and Scott to be baptized on the 30th. Margie just looked at us with a confused look, I was worried, then she said, " Wasn't that the goal all along?" I was so happy, my joy was full. Scott on the other hand wasn't sure about it. He believes in what we have taught but hasn't really got or recognized the holy ghost. We taught them two more times and asked Scott if he would make it to church this time, like we always do( but he never comes). He told us if it snowed than he would come. The rest of that Saturday night we were trying to figure out how to make it snow than we prayed that he would come to church. Sunday morning we have our meetings as usual and then I see Margie and Scott struggling to open the locked door to the church. I ran with joy in seeing Scott come for the first time. It was a miracle, I guess it snowed some how.
The last miracle that happened was with the Vanegas kids, Nadia, Melquisha and Joel. We set a baptismal date with them for the 16th of July and it was not looking good. They were flaking on lessons and didn't show a strong desire to get baptized. Then Two days before the baptism they said they wanted to get baptized. So we scrambled to get everything done. There interview was the next day and they couldn't meet us until 9: 30 pm to do it. Ahhhhhh! Don't worry we got permission to stay out. But the funnier part was that we had to interview them at the near by ghetto McDonald's it is a memory that I will never forget. So the next day they had to have another interview and they all past and were baptized and confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. They were so happy and It is going to bless their whole family so much. The Lord has blessed us so much this week it is amazing. I know that this gospel brings the most Joy that anyone can ever have. If people think they are happy with out it they have no idea how much they are missing.
Have a good week everybody . Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
This week was pretty crazy. Elder Gordon and I are doing great. We were separated because of exchanges with other missionaries in our Zone. I spent some time with a new missionary in his area. It was pretty strange, it reminded me of the time I was first out here and now I am the older missionary trying to be a good example to the other missionaries.
Margie and Scott are doing very well. We have been teaching them at some members house and the spirit is always so strong. We taught them the plan of Salvation and we challenged Margie and Scott to be baptized on the 30th. Margie just looked at us with a confused look, I was worried, then she said, " Wasn't that the goal all along?" I was so happy, my joy was full. Scott on the other hand wasn't sure about it. He believes in what we have taught but hasn't really got or recognized the holy ghost. We taught them two more times and asked Scott if he would make it to church this time, like we always do( but he never comes). He told us if it snowed than he would come. The rest of that Saturday night we were trying to figure out how to make it snow than we prayed that he would come to church. Sunday morning we have our meetings as usual and then I see Margie and Scott struggling to open the locked door to the church. I ran with joy in seeing Scott come for the first time. It was a miracle, I guess it snowed some how.
The last miracle that happened was with the Vanegas kids, Nadia, Melquisha and Joel. We set a baptismal date with them for the 16th of July and it was not looking good. They were flaking on lessons and didn't show a strong desire to get baptized. Then Two days before the baptism they said they wanted to get baptized. So we scrambled to get everything done. There interview was the next day and they couldn't meet us until 9: 30 pm to do it. Ahhhhhh! Don't worry we got permission to stay out. But the funnier part was that we had to interview them at the near by ghetto McDonald's it is a memory that I will never forget. So the next day they had to have another interview and they all past and were baptized and confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. They were so happy and It is going to bless their whole family so much. The Lord has blessed us so much this week it is amazing. I know that this gospel brings the most Joy that anyone can ever have. If people think they are happy with out it they have no idea how much they are missing.
Have a good week everybody . Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]

New mission president
Hey everybody,
This week was one of the best weeks I´ve had on the mission as far as goals go. We Have 2 investigators that we are really excited about Jurandir (37) and Kelly(22). Both of them are marked for baptism(13th of Agosto) and progressing, even though we Jurandir smokes (But he´s going to stop soon), and Kelly dosen´t seem to have any difficulty's. Jurandir, Kelly and Kelly´s mom Aparecida (59), which will take a little bit longer to baptize because she likes to go dancing all night on Sunday Nights,´The Day of the Lord´.haha) went to church, Kelly is a little bit timid (she was nervous) but she said she liked it. They both said that there excited for the 13th(there baptismal date!)!
So our new Mission President is a big goof-ball, he´s way funny. In our 1st meeting with him he was showing us film clips to teach us, and cracking jokes, he´s really excited to help us do the Lords Work.Yeah!
Hey dad I found the credit Card that you gave me, we need to notify the Drivers Licence people that you moved.
I´m doing good with my clothes so don´t worry.
I LOVE you guys and I know that the Church is true and that we will be happy if we keep the Commandments of God. Have a good week. Love you Ben and Spencer keep working hard and be good.
-Edler Stephen Larson

This week was one of the best weeks I´ve had on the mission as far as goals go. We Have 2 investigators that we are really excited about Jurandir (37) and Kelly(22). Both of them are marked for baptism(13th of Agosto) and progressing, even though we Jurandir smokes (But he´s going to stop soon), and Kelly dosen´t seem to have any difficulty's. Jurandir, Kelly and Kelly´s mom Aparecida (59), which will take a little bit longer to baptize because she likes to go dancing all night on Sunday Nights,´The Day of the Lord´.haha) went to church, Kelly is a little bit timid (she was nervous) but she said she liked it. They both said that there excited for the 13th(there baptismal date!)!
So our new Mission President is a big goof-ball, he´s way funny. In our 1st meeting with him he was showing us film clips to teach us, and cracking jokes, he´s really excited to help us do the Lords Work.Yeah!
Hey dad I found the credit Card that you gave me, we need to notify the Drivers Licence people that you moved.
I´m doing good with my clothes so don´t worry.
I LOVE you guys and I know that the Church is true and that we will be happy if we keep the Commandments of God. Have a good week. Love you Ben and Spencer keep working hard and be good.
-Edler Stephen Larson

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Lord's hugs
Dear Mom and Jess
This day and week has been crazy!!! I have a few interesting stories to tell you! So Let's start with what happened on Friday the 8th so it's a regular boring p-day with no gym. Then it's night time and I finish writing in my journal and get all ready for bed, then an Elder in my zone comes in and tells us all to go to his room, he wants to talk to everyone. I have no idea whats going on. So we all pile into his small room, it was so hot!! But he sits us down and tells us he has decided to go home. That he thinks its best and its what God wants for him. He tells everyone in the room, each person, about 20-30, how much he loves them, and something he likes about each of us. It was very emotional because in the 4 weeks I have know him, we have gotten close, We have all gotten close, we are all like brothers. So it was sad to hear he was leaving. He said he just thought he needed to take care for somethings. So on Saturday we all took a zone picture and said goodbye one last time. Then he went in and met with the district president, one last time. We all went to class and carried on our days. Next thing we know this Elder comes in our class, and tells us, he is staying!! That he doesn't need to go home!! That made every ones Saturday so much better!! I love the Atonement!! I love the impact it has on my life and on the lives of those around me!!
So it all turned out great, and we had a great day!! We played zone 2 sand volley ball then zone 3! probably the best gym I have had yet!!
And then that day ends and its today, Sunday!!!! A normal Sunday until we are all studying in our class room and the president comes in and tells me and 3 other missionaries, who are all in the same room as me, to stay after cause he wants to talk to us. I am thinking we are busted cause our room is too messy or something, so we all stay, me and my comp, and the other companionship. Then the pres starts by saying, " I hope your all OK with what we are going to do," we all just nod cause you don't say "no" to the pres. Then he switches our companions. So my comp is no longer Elder Brunker, now its Elder Quinton, the Canadian!! He is so cool, we played the Zone 2 volley ball together and our nicknames for each other are, "goose," that's me, and "maverick" that's him. I will miss teaching lessons with Elder Brunker, but I am excited to start teaching with Elder Quinton!! I am excited to get to know him, and learn and grow in the spirit with him, and through his example.
So that was a big surprise, usually that doesn't happen in the MTC. Usually your comp, in the MTC stays your comp through out!! So it is a bit weird my first companion transfer!
Basta (anyway) life is good here!! Gym is my favorite, I love sand volleyball! And I like having cereal parties with my new comp Elder Quinton!! Those are always fun!!
Man I really hope you are all doing good! Believe it or not I do worry about you guys! I stay pretty focused most of the time, some days I do let my mind wander about you guys. But like I said, I am staying pretty focused!
So yeah ha it has been a weird and crazy week/day! I am excited to start working with Elder Quinton! He has a fun spirit!!
I Love you guys. I am doing good. I want you to know that!! I am doing good!! you don't need to worry about me. I am excited to serve in the Philippines!!!! The language is tough but I will grow so much in so many ways by being patient, having faith, and enduring to the end! I know I can do this , because God called me to do this!!! He is my rock, the rock of my foundation!
I love you! Spread my hugs and love to the family and Carol and Ron! Tell them I keep their rock with me whenever I have pockets!!
Mom I love you!! When I think of teaching someone how repentance and the arms of the Lord feel, I tell them its like after having a hard hard day, and you come to your mom, and she hugs you!! And it feels so happy and peaceful because you know she loves you so much, no matter what!!
Thank you mom, for all your help and love!! I could never have lived my life with out your warm hugs, or without the Lords amazing hugs of repentance!!
Jess I love you!! I am sorry for when I have been grumpy and frustrated in the past, and taken it out on you!! You are amazing!! You are definitely one of my favorite people to talk to. You listen, just like our Lord listens when we pray to him, you listen when I need to talk!! You have helped me become better at talking about my feelings. I am still working on it, but you have helped me!! I love you Jess!!
You both have been such blessings in my life!I know God sent me to be part of your family because he knew I would need warm arms to fall into, to feel regenerated with his love. Mom you have the Lords love in you!! And he knew I would need to vent and talk to someone wise about my trials and problems. Who better to do that with then my big sister! You have the best listening ears I know! I love you both and am grateful for you in my life!! Mahal Ko Kayo (I love you both)
Your son and brother
Elder Benjamin L Larson
P.s. I hope your crying right now cause I sure am; writing this!! Ha I love you!!

Me and Elder Gallecher are being tough guys, fire power for Canada (Elder Quinton) and Elder Clark under Gallacher's legs!! At the temple
This day and week has been crazy!!! I have a few interesting stories to tell you! So Let's start with what happened on Friday the 8th so it's a regular boring p-day with no gym. Then it's night time and I finish writing in my journal and get all ready for bed, then an Elder in my zone comes in and tells us all to go to his room, he wants to talk to everyone. I have no idea whats going on. So we all pile into his small room, it was so hot!! But he sits us down and tells us he has decided to go home. That he thinks its best and its what God wants for him. He tells everyone in the room, each person, about 20-30, how much he loves them, and something he likes about each of us. It was very emotional because in the 4 weeks I have know him, we have gotten close, We have all gotten close, we are all like brothers. So it was sad to hear he was leaving. He said he just thought he needed to take care for somethings. So on Saturday we all took a zone picture and said goodbye one last time. Then he went in and met with the district president, one last time. We all went to class and carried on our days. Next thing we know this Elder comes in our class, and tells us, he is staying!! That he doesn't need to go home!! That made every ones Saturday so much better!! I love the Atonement!! I love the impact it has on my life and on the lives of those around me!!
So it all turned out great, and we had a great day!! We played zone 2 sand volley ball then zone 3! probably the best gym I have had yet!!
And then that day ends and its today, Sunday!!!! A normal Sunday until we are all studying in our class room and the president comes in and tells me and 3 other missionaries, who are all in the same room as me, to stay after cause he wants to talk to us. I am thinking we are busted cause our room is too messy or something, so we all stay, me and my comp, and the other companionship. Then the pres starts by saying, " I hope your all OK with what we are going to do," we all just nod cause you don't say "no" to the pres. Then he switches our companions. So my comp is no longer Elder Brunker, now its Elder Quinton, the Canadian!! He is so cool, we played the Zone 2 volley ball together and our nicknames for each other are, "goose," that's me, and "maverick" that's him. I will miss teaching lessons with Elder Brunker, but I am excited to start teaching with Elder Quinton!! I am excited to get to know him, and learn and grow in the spirit with him, and through his example.
So that was a big surprise, usually that doesn't happen in the MTC. Usually your comp, in the MTC stays your comp through out!! So it is a bit weird my first companion transfer!
Basta (anyway) life is good here!! Gym is my favorite, I love sand volleyball! And I like having cereal parties with my new comp Elder Quinton!! Those are always fun!!
Man I really hope you are all doing good! Believe it or not I do worry about you guys! I stay pretty focused most of the time, some days I do let my mind wander about you guys. But like I said, I am staying pretty focused!
So yeah ha it has been a weird and crazy week/day! I am excited to start working with Elder Quinton! He has a fun spirit!!
I Love you guys. I am doing good. I want you to know that!! I am doing good!! you don't need to worry about me. I am excited to serve in the Philippines!!!! The language is tough but I will grow so much in so many ways by being patient, having faith, and enduring to the end! I know I can do this , because God called me to do this!!! He is my rock, the rock of my foundation!
I love you! Spread my hugs and love to the family and Carol and Ron! Tell them I keep their rock with me whenever I have pockets!!
Mom I love you!! When I think of teaching someone how repentance and the arms of the Lord feel, I tell them its like after having a hard hard day, and you come to your mom, and she hugs you!! And it feels so happy and peaceful because you know she loves you so much, no matter what!!
Thank you mom, for all your help and love!! I could never have lived my life with out your warm hugs, or without the Lords amazing hugs of repentance!!
Jess I love you!! I am sorry for when I have been grumpy and frustrated in the past, and taken it out on you!! You are amazing!! You are definitely one of my favorite people to talk to. You listen, just like our Lord listens when we pray to him, you listen when I need to talk!! You have helped me become better at talking about my feelings. I am still working on it, but you have helped me!! I love you Jess!!
You both have been such blessings in my life!I know God sent me to be part of your family because he knew I would need warm arms to fall into, to feel regenerated with his love. Mom you have the Lords love in you!! And he knew I would need to vent and talk to someone wise about my trials and problems. Who better to do that with then my big sister! You have the best listening ears I know! I love you both and am grateful for you in my life!! Mahal Ko Kayo (I love you both)
Your son and brother
Elder Benjamin L Larson
P.s. I hope your crying right now cause I sure am; writing this!! Ha I love you!!

Me and Elder Gallecher are being tough guys, fire power for Canada (Elder Quinton) and Elder Clark under Gallacher's legs!! At the temple
Sunday, July 17, 2011
rock, paper, sizers
Hey mom!
So I got your package with the card and everything!! Thank you so much for the packages you send me!!! Ha I love them!! If you get sick of sending them just send letters, through Dear elder or whatever, cause those are just as good!!!!!!!!
I am doing good here in the MTC, I have seen a few kids come and go, cause they are all going state side so they are only here for 3 weeks, ha Jealous!! But I know the lord needs me here so i can learn the Tagalog language so that i can actually communicate with the Filipino people!!!
we do a lot of practice teaching, we try our best to teach in Tagalog, but I really suck at it! I hope the lord will help me pick it up soon! I know he will, i just need to learn patience in myself, probably the hardest kind if you ask me! there are times i just wish i could speak already! and those days when i am impatient i pray, and the lord blesses me, but he blesses me in a way i never had before.
Whenever i get down, and pray for the lords help, that day I always get a chance to bare my testimony! and that always makes my day so so so much better!!!!!!!!!!! I love sharing my testimony, it reminds me of why i am here and what my purpose is, and I love that!
I love working with Elder Quinton, My new companion as of Sunday, he is Great!!! We have so much fun, sometimes too much!! We have this rock paper sizers competition going on between us! I swear he can read my mind, cause the score right now is like 27 to 8, ha I am losing! I love him to death, he reminds me a little of Stephen!! Maybe that's why we get along so well.
Well I have to go. out of time! I love you, mom and Jess!!! I hope to hear from you soon!!! letter or whatever!!!
Know that i am doing good, and that the lord is watching over his son as well as yours!!
Elder Benjamin Larson
So I got your package with the card and everything!! Thank you so much for the packages you send me!!! Ha I love them!! If you get sick of sending them just send letters, through Dear elder or whatever, cause those are just as good!!!!!!!!
I am doing good here in the MTC, I have seen a few kids come and go, cause they are all going state side so they are only here for 3 weeks, ha Jealous!! But I know the lord needs me here so i can learn the Tagalog language so that i can actually communicate with the Filipino people!!!
we do a lot of practice teaching, we try our best to teach in Tagalog, but I really suck at it! I hope the lord will help me pick it up soon! I know he will, i just need to learn patience in myself, probably the hardest kind if you ask me! there are times i just wish i could speak already! and those days when i am impatient i pray, and the lord blesses me, but he blesses me in a way i never had before.
Whenever i get down, and pray for the lords help, that day I always get a chance to bare my testimony! and that always makes my day so so so much better!!!!!!!!!!! I love sharing my testimony, it reminds me of why i am here and what my purpose is, and I love that!
I love working with Elder Quinton, My new companion as of Sunday, he is Great!!! We have so much fun, sometimes too much!! We have this rock paper sizers competition going on between us! I swear he can read my mind, cause the score right now is like 27 to 8, ha I am losing! I love him to death, he reminds me a little of Stephen!! Maybe that's why we get along so well.
Well I have to go. out of time! I love you, mom and Jess!!! I hope to hear from you soon!!! letter or whatever!!!
Know that i am doing good, and that the lord is watching over his son as well as yours!!
Elder Benjamin Larson
I dont have much time
Hey everybody,
We were trying to teach ´Marcus and Adriana´ this week, and two times when we pasted by there lights on in the house but no one wanted to open the door to us. We did catch him in front of his house on Saturday cooking some meat on the BBQ, we talked with him a little bit and invited him to an activity we were having that same night, but he didn´t go.
We taught Jurandir(33) one time this week. He has been reading the Book of Mormon, yeah, but he didn´t go to church when he said he would. He smokes and wants to quit, but he doesn´t think he can. He´s a very smart guy and we are going to keep working with him.
We a Zilda(40), and her daughter Paula(15), and her nice Andressa(13) The law of Chasity. We have already taught to Zilda The Restoration, The Plan of Salvation, and The word of Wisdom. She seems very interested in our lessons and she reads the book of Mormon, but she doesn´t understand many things and she hasn´t gone to church yet!
I feel like never have time to write everything I want in my E-mails! But what can I do.....
-Elder Stephen Larson
We were trying to teach ´Marcus and Adriana´ this week, and two times when we pasted by there lights on in the house but no one wanted to open the door to us. We did catch him in front of his house on Saturday cooking some meat on the BBQ, we talked with him a little bit and invited him to an activity we were having that same night, but he didn´t go.
We taught Jurandir(33) one time this week. He has been reading the Book of Mormon, yeah, but he didn´t go to church when he said he would. He smokes and wants to quit, but he doesn´t think he can. He´s a very smart guy and we are going to keep working with him.
We a Zilda(40), and her daughter Paula(15), and her nice Andressa(13) The law of Chasity. We have already taught to Zilda The Restoration, The Plan of Salvation, and The word of Wisdom. She seems very interested in our lessons and she reads the book of Mormon, but she doesn´t understand many things and she hasn´t gone to church yet!
I feel like never have time to write everything I want in my E-mails! But what can I do.....
-Elder Stephen Larson
Storms, storms, and more storms
Hey my family,
Its been a busy week for Elder Gordon and I. We have been working hard and smart to find new investigators. We also are really trying to help the vanegas family and Megan Fitzgerald get ready for their baptisms. Megan has been sick this week so things have really stopped progressing with her. She is going to have to work a lot harder to keep us away.
The vanegas kids are struggling right now. Their date is for the 16Th of July (next Saturday) and they were super excited about it. But to my surprise they didn't show up to church despite all of our offers to give them a ride. We visited with them later in the evening and they were not happy at all. The spirit was immediately gone as we walked up to greet them. I didn't know what to do and how they could have gone from such a happy state to the lowest of the low. The only thing that came to mind was the Savior, Jesus Christ. We told them words of love and encouragement. The spirit came back and they felt it, even though their troubles were still weighing on them. I am concerned for them and that they might not get baptized on the 16Th. But we are praying and fasting for those kids and the mom.
Scott and Margie Nelson are like doing alright, they are complete opposites. Margie is happy and social and Scott is sad and shy. We went over this week to set up an appointment and we ended up getting taken to lunch and ice cream. It was pretty nice of them and they really love us a lot. Margie came to church and loved it. We are going to set a date with them both this next meeting with them. We set it up so we will have dinner with them in a members home. I am excited for that. I am working as good as I can to have the spirit with me and it is paying off.
Last night as Elder Gordon and I were trying to sleep we saw and heard storms coming our way. The flashes of lightening grew brighter and the pounding of the thunder crashed harder until it blinded us and shook us greatly. So we decided to sing
a hymn since we were afraid for our lives.:) The hymn that I thought to sing was, "We Thank Thee o God for a Prophet".
The spirit was there as we sang and when we started to sing the second verse we both laughed at the lyrics which said," When dark clouds of trouble hang orr us, To Threaten our peace to destroy, There is hope smiling brightly before us and we know that deliverance is nigh." Its funny how the lord will comfort us.
I love you all. Don't let the storms of life scare you or drag you down. Instead sing and praise god and he will lift you from the ground. :)
-Elder Spencer Larson
Its been a busy week for Elder Gordon and I. We have been working hard and smart to find new investigators. We also are really trying to help the vanegas family and Megan Fitzgerald get ready for their baptisms. Megan has been sick this week so things have really stopped progressing with her. She is going to have to work a lot harder to keep us away.
The vanegas kids are struggling right now. Their date is for the 16Th of July (next Saturday) and they were super excited about it. But to my surprise they didn't show up to church despite all of our offers to give them a ride. We visited with them later in the evening and they were not happy at all. The spirit was immediately gone as we walked up to greet them. I didn't know what to do and how they could have gone from such a happy state to the lowest of the low. The only thing that came to mind was the Savior, Jesus Christ. We told them words of love and encouragement. The spirit came back and they felt it, even though their troubles were still weighing on them. I am concerned for them and that they might not get baptized on the 16Th. But we are praying and fasting for those kids and the mom.
Scott and Margie Nelson are like doing alright, they are complete opposites. Margie is happy and social and Scott is sad and shy. We went over this week to set up an appointment and we ended up getting taken to lunch and ice cream. It was pretty nice of them and they really love us a lot. Margie came to church and loved it. We are going to set a date with them both this next meeting with them. We set it up so we will have dinner with them in a members home. I am excited for that. I am working as good as I can to have the spirit with me and it is paying off.
Last night as Elder Gordon and I were trying to sleep we saw and heard storms coming our way. The flashes of lightening grew brighter and the pounding of the thunder crashed harder until it blinded us and shook us greatly. So we decided to sing
a hymn since we were afraid for our lives.:) The hymn that I thought to sing was, "We Thank Thee o God for a Prophet".
The spirit was there as we sang and when we started to sing the second verse we both laughed at the lyrics which said," When dark clouds of trouble hang orr us, To Threaten our peace to destroy, There is hope smiling brightly before us and we know that deliverance is nigh." Its funny how the lord will comfort us.
I love you all. Don't let the storms of life scare you or drag you down. Instead sing and praise god and he will lift you from the ground. :)
-Elder Spencer Larson
"No matter where I go, you will always be my mother"
Hi mom!!!!!!!!!!
Its been good here in the MTC, I am getting more excited to leave to the Philippines and really start serving the lord and his people!! I know that someday I will learn the Tagalog language, and it will happen sooner than i think!! I am sending you guys some pictures, they should be here tonight or tomorrow! I hope they bring smiles to your faces and show you how great I am doing and how much fun I have with my district!!!
I hope you are all very happy!!!! I am so blessed to have you as my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! And am blessed to have Jess as my sister!!!!
I Love all the packages you send me, ha if it is too much or you are spending too much sending me so much, it's OK, you can cut back if you want, or need! I am OK! I enjoy your letters and your words more than anything!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha the twizlers and better cheddar are good too!!! You are so great to me, i am so blessed to have you in my life!!!!!!!! I don't know what or who i would be without you in my life!! You are the best mother in the world!! I was thinking of Tarzan the other day and the line when Tarzan says, "no matter where I go you will always be my mother!!" This is so true for me!! No matter where I go or what I do or who I meet or what experiences I have, You will always be MY MOTHER and I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!!
Thank you again for all you do for me and all you have done for me! I am sorry for taking them for granted at times, but i am grateful for this time to help me realize how important you are and what an influence you have had on my life!! I am am grateful that you are my mom, but I am more grateful that i was blessed to be your son!!! The lord knows what we need, and when we need it! HE knows who we need, and I know i needed you so many times in my life, and i continue to need you now and will need you for a long time later!!
I am grateful to be apart of this family and be numbered amongst the Rodabough's!! What a cool blessing it is to say I am a Rodabough!! I love you all!!!
Your Grateful son,
Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson!!
Its been good here in the MTC, I am getting more excited to leave to the Philippines and really start serving the lord and his people!! I know that someday I will learn the Tagalog language, and it will happen sooner than i think!! I am sending you guys some pictures, they should be here tonight or tomorrow! I hope they bring smiles to your faces and show you how great I am doing and how much fun I have with my district!!!
I hope you are all very happy!!!! I am so blessed to have you as my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! And am blessed to have Jess as my sister!!!!
I Love all the packages you send me, ha if it is too much or you are spending too much sending me so much, it's OK, you can cut back if you want, or need! I am OK! I enjoy your letters and your words more than anything!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha the twizlers and better cheddar are good too!!! You are so great to me, i am so blessed to have you in my life!!!!!!!! I don't know what or who i would be without you in my life!! You are the best mother in the world!! I was thinking of Tarzan the other day and the line when Tarzan says, "no matter where I go you will always be my mother!!" This is so true for me!! No matter where I go or what I do or who I meet or what experiences I have, You will always be MY MOTHER and I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!!
Thank you again for all you do for me and all you have done for me! I am sorry for taking them for granted at times, but i am grateful for this time to help me realize how important you are and what an influence you have had on my life!! I am am grateful that you are my mom, but I am more grateful that i was blessed to be your son!!! The lord knows what we need, and when we need it! HE knows who we need, and I know i needed you so many times in my life, and i continue to need you now and will need you for a long time later!!
I am grateful to be apart of this family and be numbered amongst the Rodabough's!! What a cool blessing it is to say I am a Rodabough!! I love you all!!!
Your Grateful son,
Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Oooww Shampany
Hey everybody,
It is good to here from you all. Mom did the Baileys move away? I really liked them and he was a very good example to me and I have become a better man because of him and what he has done in my life.
This week was a slower week because the Vanegas kids flaked on us a lot and Megan Fitzgerald said that she couldn't meet with us at all. So we just tried to find new investigators and look for past investigators in the area book. I know fun right. It was alright actually. We actually found a guy named Fransisco. So we received a name of a non active member so we went to go see how she was doing. Fransisco answered the door and he was interested in learning more about our church. It is funny how we are lead to these people that the lord has ready for us.
We also have been teaching the Nelson a ton. We gave Scott nelson a church tour and I challenged him to pray every night and if he did he would feel an increase of joy and happiness in his life. And we got the Nelsons to come to the ward party on the 2nd. Their was so much food and face painting and the best part was that their were so many fireworks. I told them what me and Jessica say when we see the really sparkly ones go off. " oooww shampany". I love this country and I feel the spirit so much as we honor and up hold the principles that god has set for it. I love you all and hope you have a happy 4 th of July.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
It is good to here from you all. Mom did the Baileys move away? I really liked them and he was a very good example to me and I have become a better man because of him and what he has done in my life.
This week was a slower week because the Vanegas kids flaked on us a lot and Megan Fitzgerald said that she couldn't meet with us at all. So we just tried to find new investigators and look for past investigators in the area book. I know fun right. It was alright actually. We actually found a guy named Fransisco. So we received a name of a non active member so we went to go see how she was doing. Fransisco answered the door and he was interested in learning more about our church. It is funny how we are lead to these people that the lord has ready for us.
We also have been teaching the Nelson a ton. We gave Scott nelson a church tour and I challenged him to pray every night and if he did he would feel an increase of joy and happiness in his life. And we got the Nelsons to come to the ward party on the 2nd. Their was so much food and face painting and the best part was that their were so many fireworks. I told them what me and Jessica say when we see the really sparkly ones go off. " oooww shampany". I love this country and I feel the spirit so much as we honor and up hold the principles that god has set for it. I love you all and hope you have a happy 4 th of July.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
robbing people
Hey everybody,
We are Teaching a Zilda(40), marcus(44) who has a problem with drinking and adriana(39) his wife, Zeneide(42) who has a son who uses drugs and is really ruining her life, and one Jurandir(33) who smokes but hes really smart and receptive to what we say, he pretty much fed up with other churches and as he said ´´robbing people´´. None of these whet to church this Sunday but were trying help them.
Have a good week.
elder Larson
We are Teaching a Zilda(40), marcus(44) who has a problem with drinking and adriana(39) his wife, Zeneide(42) who has a son who uses drugs and is really ruining her life, and one Jurandir(33) who smokes but hes really smart and receptive to what we say, he pretty much fed up with other churches and as he said ´´robbing people´´. None of these whet to church this Sunday but were trying help them.
Have a good week.
elder Larson
Saturday, July 2, 2011
2 Babies
Hi mom!
Those babies look so adorable!! I am so glad Ashton still loves her even though she isn't' a boy!! Ha ha. I am doing good here in the MTC. I have grown a lot, I feel like! and even though i don't speak Tagalog as well as i would like. I know that the Lord has blessed me and has helped me to learn!!
We have been teaching a lot of lessons lately, mostly in English, but we do our best in Tagalog. we have been teaching fake investigators, but the spirit is still so strong as we see them grow and exercise their faith in prayer and in their father in heaven!!! I love sharing the gospel with them, the only problem is the language again, i can't see myself speaking it but I know i will! And i cant wait until i can feel the spirit bare witness to the investigators through Tagalog!!! That will be so great!
One thing i have learned this week is that teaching without the spirit is impossible!!! I was trying to teach a part of a lesson about the atonement and I wasn't really focused on bringing the spirit and i didn't really prepare the best i could have, and i blanked, i couldn't remember anything, luckily my comp stepped in and it was a great lesson.
I am in the process of printing pictures so i can send them to you,!!! so it will take a little while! But I will get them soon, i hope, maybe Monday!!
I love you all so much! I will pray for both the babies and the families!! The lord knows our needs, even better than we know them, and he WILL provide them for us!! I know he will, I have already felt his hand in my life, so close in my mission! I cant' wait to get to the Philippines and really start teaching! And of course to learn the language! And I love you mom, and i always will! You are the greatest mom ever, and everything i am and have is from your great sacrifices and teaching, thank you, I love you!
Elder Ben Larson
Those babies look so adorable!! I am so glad Ashton still loves her even though she isn't' a boy!! Ha ha. I am doing good here in the MTC. I have grown a lot, I feel like! and even though i don't speak Tagalog as well as i would like. I know that the Lord has blessed me and has helped me to learn!!
We have been teaching a lot of lessons lately, mostly in English, but we do our best in Tagalog. we have been teaching fake investigators, but the spirit is still so strong as we see them grow and exercise their faith in prayer and in their father in heaven!!! I love sharing the gospel with them, the only problem is the language again, i can't see myself speaking it but I know i will! And i cant wait until i can feel the spirit bare witness to the investigators through Tagalog!!! That will be so great!
One thing i have learned this week is that teaching without the spirit is impossible!!! I was trying to teach a part of a lesson about the atonement and I wasn't really focused on bringing the spirit and i didn't really prepare the best i could have, and i blanked, i couldn't remember anything, luckily my comp stepped in and it was a great lesson.
I am in the process of printing pictures so i can send them to you,!!! so it will take a little while! But I will get them soon, i hope, maybe Monday!!
I love you all so much! I will pray for both the babies and the families!! The lord knows our needs, even better than we know them, and he WILL provide them for us!! I know he will, I have already felt his hand in my life, so close in my mission! I cant' wait to get to the Philippines and really start teaching! And of course to learn the language! And I love you mom, and i always will! You are the greatest mom ever, and everything i am and have is from your great sacrifices and teaching, thank you, I love you!
Elder Ben Larson
Hey Dad and Kris
Hey dad!!
How is everybody!! Thankyou guys so much for the package, it really helped and made my day!! I loved Anni and Dave's letters and pictures!!!! They were great!! I love you all so much!!
So we have taught a lot this week, they are all fake investigators but i treat them like real ones and the spirit is still so strong during them. It is hard to teach in Tagalog but we do our best, I could try and do better though so i will work on that this week!!
One thing i learned this week is that teaching without the spirit is ridiculous and impossible!!! Me and my companion were teaching the plan of salvation and we studied together pretty well but personal study i could have done better. And when it got to my turn with teaching the atonement, my mind blanked and I had no idea what to say!! Luckily i have a great comp. and he stepped in and the lesson turned out good! So now I am going to focus on bringing the spirit into my study and teaching time!!
I love you all so much!! I am excited to get out and start really teaching! And i am also excited for when i can finally speak this language!! its hard for me to see myself speaking it but I know that with the Lords help I will!! I don't know how, but I just know I will!!
I like bearing my testimony to the people we teach!! I hope that they feel the spirit as strong as i do!! I never know if they can feel it or just me, so i will have to think of a way to ask them if they fell it and explain what they are feeling!!
I love you dad, and Kris!! You two are great parents and I am excited to hear and see how Anni and Dave grow!! I love you and them, Anni and David you are so great! I love the key chains you gave me, everytime i see them it brings warmth to my heart!! I love them and i love you so much!! remember who you are! You are Gods children and he loves you!! And remember to pray to him for help and guidance and he will bless you with his love!!
I love you all, spread my love to our family, Pray for Gods' work to go forth!!
Your son and brother
How is everybody!! Thankyou guys so much for the package, it really helped and made my day!! I loved Anni and Dave's letters and pictures!!!! They were great!! I love you all so much!!
So we have taught a lot this week, they are all fake investigators but i treat them like real ones and the spirit is still so strong during them. It is hard to teach in Tagalog but we do our best, I could try and do better though so i will work on that this week!!
One thing i learned this week is that teaching without the spirit is ridiculous and impossible!!! Me and my companion were teaching the plan of salvation and we studied together pretty well but personal study i could have done better. And when it got to my turn with teaching the atonement, my mind blanked and I had no idea what to say!! Luckily i have a great comp. and he stepped in and the lesson turned out good! So now I am going to focus on bringing the spirit into my study and teaching time!!
I love you all so much!! I am excited to get out and start really teaching! And i am also excited for when i can finally speak this language!! its hard for me to see myself speaking it but I know that with the Lords help I will!! I don't know how, but I just know I will!!
I like bearing my testimony to the people we teach!! I hope that they feel the spirit as strong as i do!! I never know if they can feel it or just me, so i will have to think of a way to ask them if they fell it and explain what they are feeling!!
I love you dad, and Kris!! You two are great parents and I am excited to hear and see how Anni and Dave grow!! I love you and them, Anni and David you are so great! I love the key chains you gave me, everytime i see them it brings warmth to my heart!! I love them and i love you so much!! remember who you are! You are Gods children and he loves you!! And remember to pray to him for help and guidance and he will bless you with his love!!
I love you all, spread my love to our family, Pray for Gods' work to go forth!!
Your son and brother
Hey Jess
I miss you too so much!! I wish i could get you drinks still, ha i actually miss it a little!!!
Thankyou for the testimony, it was beautiful, It was so great to hear it, I was almost crying in the middle of all these missionaries here, don't worry i pretended something was in my eye.!!
I love you so much sis, and i hope everything works out with your school!!!! I will pray for you!!! And i am glad you have this chance to get the babies to like you more than me, but just know, in 2 years when i get home, its game on!!!
I love you so much Jess!! I too know that god is our father in heaven , and whats more is I know he loves us!! that is such an important thing to know!! And also to know that we can turn to him in prayer whenever we need his guidance!!! I am so glad for that wonderful blessing and I am grateful for this chance i have to share that and teach others to turn to our loving heavenly father and ask if he loves them!! I know that he does and so when i challenge them to pray about it with Sincere Heart I know that he will answer them!!! What a great experience that will be for them!!!!
I love you Jess!! Give Anni and David and the rest of the fam and kids my love!! Give them hugs for me! Big ones!!
Your little bro
Elder Ben Larson
I miss you too so much!! I wish i could get you drinks still, ha i actually miss it a little!!!
Thankyou for the testimony, it was beautiful, It was so great to hear it, I was almost crying in the middle of all these missionaries here, don't worry i pretended something was in my eye.!!
I love you so much sis, and i hope everything works out with your school!!!! I will pray for you!!! And i am glad you have this chance to get the babies to like you more than me, but just know, in 2 years when i get home, its game on!!!
I love you so much Jess!! I too know that god is our father in heaven , and whats more is I know he loves us!! that is such an important thing to know!! And also to know that we can turn to him in prayer whenever we need his guidance!!! I am so glad for that wonderful blessing and I am grateful for this chance i have to share that and teach others to turn to our loving heavenly father and ask if he loves them!! I know that he does and so when i challenge them to pray about it with Sincere Heart I know that he will answer them!!! What a great experience that will be for them!!!!
I love you Jess!! Give Anni and David and the rest of the fam and kids my love!! Give them hugs for me! Big ones!!
Your little bro
Elder Ben Larson
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