This week was pretty crazy. Elder Gordon and I are doing great. We were separated because of exchanges with other missionaries in our Zone. I spent some time with a new missionary in his area. It was pretty strange, it reminded me of the time I was first out here and now I am the older missionary trying to be a good example to the other missionaries.
Margie and Scott are doing very well. We have been teaching them at some members house and the spirit is always so strong. We taught them the plan of Salvation and we challenged Margie and Scott to be baptized on the 30th. Margie just looked at us with a confused look, I was worried, then she said, " Wasn't that the goal all along?" I was so happy, my joy was full. Scott on the other hand wasn't sure about it. He believes in what we have taught but hasn't really got or recognized the holy ghost. We taught them two more times and asked Scott if he would make it to church this time, like we always do( but he never comes). He told us if it snowed than he would come. The rest of that Saturday night we were trying to figure out how to make it snow than we prayed that he would come to church. Sunday morning we have our meetings as usual and then I see Margie and Scott struggling to open the locked door to the church. I ran with joy in seeing Scott come for the first time. It was a miracle, I guess it snowed some how.
The last miracle that happened was with the Vanegas kids, Nadia, Melquisha and Joel. We set a baptismal date with them for the 16th of July and it was not looking good. They were flaking on lessons and didn't show a strong desire to get baptized. Then Two days before the baptism they said they wanted to get baptized. So we scrambled to get everything done. There interview was the next day and they couldn't meet us until 9: 30 pm to do it. Ahhhhhh! Don't worry we got permission to stay out. But the funnier part was that we had to interview them at the near by ghetto McDonald's it is a memory that I will never forget. So the next day they had to have another interview and they all past and were baptized and confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. They were so happy and It is going to bless their whole family so much. The Lord has blessed us so much this week it is amazing. I know that this gospel brings the most Joy that anyone can ever have. If people think they are happy with out it they have no idea how much they are missing.
Have a good week everybody . Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]

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