This week was one of the best weeks I´ve had on the mission as far as goals go. We Have 2 investigators that we are really excited about Jurandir (37) and Kelly(22). Both of them are marked for baptism(13th of Agosto) and progressing, even though we Jurandir smokes (But he´s going to stop soon), and Kelly dosen´t seem to have any difficulty's. Jurandir, Kelly and Kelly´s mom Aparecida (59), which will take a little bit longer to baptize because she likes to go dancing all night on Sunday Nights,´The Day of the Lord´.haha) went to church, Kelly is a little bit timid (she was nervous) but she said she liked it. They both said that there excited for the 13th(there baptismal date!)!
So our new Mission President is a big goof-ball, he´s way funny. In our 1st meeting with him he was showing us film clips to teach us, and cracking jokes, he´s really excited to help us do the Lords Work.Yeah!
Hey dad I found the credit Card that you gave me, we need to notify the Drivers Licence people that you moved.
I´m doing good with my clothes so don´t worry.
I LOVE you guys and I know that the Church is true and that we will be happy if we keep the Commandments of God. Have a good week. Love you Ben and Spencer keep working hard and be good.
-Edler Stephen Larson

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