This day and week has been crazy!!! I have a few interesting stories to tell you! So Let's start with what happened on Friday the 8th so it's a regular boring p-day with no gym. Then it's night time and I finish writing in my journal and get all ready for bed, then an Elder in my zone comes in and tells us all to go to his room, he wants to talk to everyone. I have no idea whats going on. So we all pile into his small room, it was so hot!! But he sits us down and tells us he has decided to go home. That he thinks its best and its what God wants for him. He tells everyone in the room, each person, about 20-30, how much he loves them, and something he likes about each of us. It was very emotional because in the 4 weeks I have know him, we have gotten close, We have all gotten close, we are all like brothers. So it was sad to hear he was leaving. He said he just thought he needed to take care for somethings. So on Saturday we all took a zone picture and said goodbye one last time. Then he went in and met with the district president, one last time. We all went to class and carried on our days. Next thing we know this Elder comes in our class, and tells us, he is staying!! That he doesn't need to go home!! That made every ones Saturday so much better!! I love the Atonement!! I love the impact it has on my life and on the lives of those around me!!
So it all turned out great, and we had a great day!! We played zone 2 sand volley ball then zone 3! probably the best gym I have had yet!!
And then that day ends and its today, Sunday!!!! A normal Sunday until we are all studying in our class room and the president comes in and tells me and 3 other missionaries, who are all in the same room as me, to stay after cause he wants to talk to us. I am thinking we are busted cause our room is too messy or something, so we all stay, me and my comp, and the other companionship. Then the pres starts by saying, " I hope your all OK with what we are going to do," we all just nod cause you don't say "no" to the pres. Then he switches our companions. So my comp is no longer Elder Brunker, now its Elder Quinton, the Canadian!! He is so cool, we played the Zone 2 volley ball together and our nicknames for each other are, "goose," that's me, and "maverick" that's him. I will miss teaching lessons with Elder Brunker, but I am excited to start teaching with Elder Quinton!! I am excited to get to know him, and learn and grow in the spirit with him, and through his example.
So that was a big surprise, usually that doesn't happen in the MTC. Usually your comp, in the MTC stays your comp through out!! So it is a bit weird my first companion transfer!
Basta (anyway) life is good here!! Gym is my favorite, I love sand volleyball! And I like having cereal parties with my new comp Elder Quinton!! Those are always fun!!
Man I really hope you are all doing good! Believe it or not I do worry about you guys! I stay pretty focused most of the time, some days I do let my mind wander about you guys. But like I said, I am staying pretty focused!
So yeah ha it has been a weird and crazy week/day! I am excited to start working with Elder Quinton! He has a fun spirit!!
I Love you guys. I am doing good. I want you to know that!! I am doing good!! you don't need to worry about me. I am excited to serve in the Philippines!!!! The language is tough but I will grow so much in so many ways by being patient, having faith, and enduring to the end! I know I can do this , because God called me to do this!!! He is my rock, the rock of my foundation!
I love you! Spread my hugs and love to the family and Carol and Ron! Tell them I keep their rock with me whenever I have pockets!!
Mom I love you!! When I think of teaching someone how repentance and the arms of the Lord feel, I tell them its like after having a hard hard day, and you come to your mom, and she hugs you!! And it feels so happy and peaceful because you know she loves you so much, no matter what!!
Thank you mom, for all your help and love!! I could never have lived my life with out your warm hugs, or without the Lords amazing hugs of repentance!!
Jess I love you!! I am sorry for when I have been grumpy and frustrated in the past, and taken it out on you!! You are amazing!! You are definitely one of my favorite people to talk to. You listen, just like our Lord listens when we pray to him, you listen when I need to talk!! You have helped me become better at talking about my feelings. I am still working on it, but you have helped me!! I love you Jess!!
You both have been such blessings in my life!I know God sent me to be part of your family because he knew I would need warm arms to fall into, to feel regenerated with his love. Mom you have the Lords love in you!! And he knew I would need to vent and talk to someone wise about my trials and problems. Who better to do that with then my big sister! You have the best listening ears I know! I love you both and am grateful for you in my life!! Mahal Ko Kayo (I love you both)
Your son and brother
Elder Benjamin L Larson
P.s. I hope your crying right now cause I sure am; writing this!! Ha I love you!!

Me and Elder Gallecher are being tough guys, fire power for Canada (Elder Quinton) and Elder Clark under Gallacher's legs!! At the temple
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