Good Morning to you all,
This week has been a bery good week. From Monday to Saturday the space in the back of my mind was being taken up by the thought of transfers. It wasn't worrying me because I know as I have always known that where ever I go is where the lord has need of me. I found out that after Six months of being in bonita I am getting transfered to .......... drum roll... Tampa 4. When I found out I was just like," Tampa 4 again?" I guess I messed up the first time the lord sent me there so he is sending me back. Hehe the lord has a great sense of humor, he has to, to be able to deal with us all the time. Right after we found out we went over to Margies and Scotts house and told them the news. Margie was so sad and also very angry that I was leaving. She told me that she is going to write president Summerhays telling him that to send me back here until he does it. I guess she is going to be writing president a lot. Scott told me that he was very thankful for all the things that I had done for him and his family. Then for the last time we played Ispy go fish with scottie. what a kid. They kid knapped us for most of the day and it was way fun. WE went to a little community fair where they raced down the river in Kiaks. We talked to a lot of people who were there and we also got our pictures taken by a the Bonita news paper. So pretty much we are famous. its too bad I am leaving I could have used that.
The ward is so sad to see me leave. Bishop called me up to bear my testimony for the last time and it felt like I was giving a farewell testimony from my home. This sunday was probably the most busy I have ever been. Everyone invited us over for dinner and I think we had about 3 or 4 dinners. I am dead and still stiuffed full today.
I have been pondering a lot this week about something that I read, " ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you." this saying hit me harder than ever before. I feel like Joseph Smith because I have been searching in the scriptures a lot and I have been getting frusterated trying to find answers to my questoins and not finding the answers as fast as I want. But the lord gave me that assurance that he will answer and it may come slowly and unnoticed like the rising of the sun on a cloudy day just like Elder Bednar stated in his conference talk a while ago. So I am happy and excited for the answers that do come and I am thankful for all that the lord has blessed me with. There is a quote that says," The man who forgets to be thankful, is asleep in life," That also was very helpful and is helpful to all who are in search for happiness and truth.
You all will find this story really funny. We went over to John and Richard Hallquist's house for a dinner during the week. They have a bigger plot of yard than a lot of people in the area so they use those big lawn mowers you ride on to mow there grass. For some weird reason they had three of them, so Richard challenged us to a race. We drew straws on which Mower we were to use. I got the fasted one and the got the slower ones, but it didn't matter they were all super low speed. I could jog faster than those things. NOn the less we lined up and raced around the block. I was right behind Elder Cook and I almost passed him but because he took the inside corner he won. After the race we went in and had a very spiritual lesson with them and Richard now really wants to be more active in the church.
We also had probably one of the best lessons with a girl named ashely this week. Shge is Seventh day adventist and is still sort of active. She was super busy with her school work so we just had the lesson over the phone. We had challenged her to read 3 nephi 11 the previous visit and as we talked about it I sensed a change in her. Before she didn't really want to come to church but now she is willing to come and find out if the things we are saying are really true. It was the most amazing phone lesson I have ever had.
So it has been very fun serving here in bonita. I am going to miss all the funny stuff that happens and all the funny people. Ben, I haven't had any poop experiences quite like that during a lesson yet but I am sure that I would laugh super hard.
I wish I could send pics but my camera hasn't been cooperating but I will try again next week.
I know that all that I go through out here and I am going to go through is a great blessing from the lord. I am so happy to be out here and I am just happy in general. I love life. I love you all., Take care.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Monday, October 24, 2011
I talk too much
Hey everybody,
I loved ben´s photos, he looks so wierd as a missionary. It looks like he is still being him-self, funny and goofy. ha
This week was a good week. My comp elder Barbosa doesn´t talk very much during the lessons, or I just talk too much. I like to conversate with everybody about whatever. The computers that I have been using haven´t been letting me send pictures but I love you all.
Have a good week. I know god loves us.
Elder stephen larson
I loved ben´s photos, he looks so wierd as a missionary. It looks like he is still being him-self, funny and goofy. ha
This week was a good week. My comp elder Barbosa doesn´t talk very much during the lessons, or I just talk too much. I like to conversate with everybody about whatever. The computers that I have been using haven´t been letting me send pictures but I love you all.
Have a good week. I know god loves us.
Elder stephen larson
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Baby pooed
Dear Dad and Kris and Anni and Davo,
How are you guys? I am doing good here on my mission. It is weird to sing or think about the song, "I hope they call me on a mission" cause I remember singing it as a primary kid, and now I am here! What!!?? Cool beans!!! I never would have thought that I would have been here in the Philippines serving my mission.
So this week was pretty good, it has had it's Happy and harder times! I have a funny story to tell you, Anni and Davo I think you will like this one a lot!
So Saturday me and my companion went to a part member family for our last visit. Part member means a member of the family is a member of the church too, so in this case the wife is a member and the husband isn't and they have a little baby boy named Si who is about 1 and a half years old.
Anyways, so we went to there house and when Sister Barbie, the member and wife, opened the door the baby Si wasn't wearing any pants or diapers cause they are expensive and are used sparingly. So the baby was naked, ha which isn't a big deal at all, to us or to sister barbie, so we just walked in and she put some shorts on her baby. The husband wasn't home so we decided to share a message to the wife. So I got to share the message, as usual whenever we share a message, which is good cause it helps me learn the language, anyways, so I was sharing a scripture and the baby was just playing on the cement floor, then as I was sharing my testimony the baby stood up, and there were two pieces of poop on the floor and pee puddle. Ha it was so funny! Sister Barbie said, " Ayyyy!! Baby!!" and picked him up and carried him to the bathroom to clean him off, then she went to find a rag, and before she could find one, little Si found one and came over to the mess he made, and started trying to clean it up, but really he was just spreading his crap all over the floor!! We moved him so sister could clean it up, and it was so so funny. Ha probably the funniest thing thats happened during a lesson!!
So another cool thing that happened, is that Brother Manuel Edano and Sister Jocelyn can be baptized!!!!!! YAYYY! Cause we weren't sure what to do cause they can't get married cause brother is still married and it is expensive to enolled, or divorce. So we were sad but we interviewed them to President Delamare and he said because they have been living together for 10 years they can be baptized!!! They were both so excited and wanted to be baptized the next day!! We told them, "how about this saturday. the 22 of October!" So thats their baptism date and they are stoked. Tay, Brother Edano said " we will go swimming!!!!!" Ha I will also have the great privalage to baptize him! Elder Samson my companion, will baptize sister Jocelyn!!! I am happy!
So this week has been a slow one I feel like. Our numbers aren't very high and that is bugging me. Also there was a sister we met in the internet shop we e-mail at 2 weeks ago that came up to us after our e mails and asked us a bunch of questions so we gave her a pamphlet and asked if we could come visit her sometime she said yes, and we scheduled a time for the next wednesday. Turns out she isn't in our area so we had to give her to the sisters! Ha they are good missionaries though! But I am trying not to compare myself with any other missionaries, I find that I am trying to compare myself to Stephen and Spencer a lot actually and see if I am doing as well as I think they are doing, Ha which doesn't make sense cause they are both so far a way and I shouldn't be comparing myself to anyone else anyway. so thats what I am working on this week, focussing on my own efforts and my investigators.
Also Kris I do know that Elder, Elder Dalisay, He is actually a batch younger than me, so I am one transfer ahead of him. We met in the MTC, ha it is weird that I am already older than someone in the mission, ha but he is better at tagalog than me. Like really, he understands everything and talks almost fluently, he is Filipino I think, and his parents used to speak tagalog to him so he is way good. Ha blast. No I am trying to be patient and I know I will get the language soon. Hopefully.
Well I love you all so much. And I hope you are so happy in Wyoming, in your new school Anni and Davo, and I hope you are making friends still. I hope you Dad and You Kris are happy too, I hope hawaii is nice!! Ha
Love your son and Brother Elder Benjamin Larson
How are you guys? I am doing good here on my mission. It is weird to sing or think about the song, "I hope they call me on a mission" cause I remember singing it as a primary kid, and now I am here! What!!?? Cool beans!!! I never would have thought that I would have been here in the Philippines serving my mission.
So this week was pretty good, it has had it's Happy and harder times! I have a funny story to tell you, Anni and Davo I think you will like this one a lot!
So Saturday me and my companion went to a part member family for our last visit. Part member means a member of the family is a member of the church too, so in this case the wife is a member and the husband isn't and they have a little baby boy named Si who is about 1 and a half years old.
Anyways, so we went to there house and when Sister Barbie, the member and wife, opened the door the baby Si wasn't wearing any pants or diapers cause they are expensive and are used sparingly. So the baby was naked, ha which isn't a big deal at all, to us or to sister barbie, so we just walked in and she put some shorts on her baby. The husband wasn't home so we decided to share a message to the wife. So I got to share the message, as usual whenever we share a message, which is good cause it helps me learn the language, anyways, so I was sharing a scripture and the baby was just playing on the cement floor, then as I was sharing my testimony the baby stood up, and there were two pieces of poop on the floor and pee puddle. Ha it was so funny! Sister Barbie said, " Ayyyy!! Baby!!" and picked him up and carried him to the bathroom to clean him off, then she went to find a rag, and before she could find one, little Si found one and came over to the mess he made, and started trying to clean it up, but really he was just spreading his crap all over the floor!! We moved him so sister could clean it up, and it was so so funny. Ha probably the funniest thing thats happened during a lesson!!
So another cool thing that happened, is that Brother Manuel Edano and Sister Jocelyn can be baptized!!!!!! YAYYY! Cause we weren't sure what to do cause they can't get married cause brother is still married and it is expensive to enolled, or divorce. So we were sad but we interviewed them to President Delamare and he said because they have been living together for 10 years they can be baptized!!! They were both so excited and wanted to be baptized the next day!! We told them, "how about this saturday. the 22 of October!" So thats their baptism date and they are stoked. Tay, Brother Edano said " we will go swimming!!!!!" Ha I will also have the great privalage to baptize him! Elder Samson my companion, will baptize sister Jocelyn!!! I am happy!
So this week has been a slow one I feel like. Our numbers aren't very high and that is bugging me. Also there was a sister we met in the internet shop we e-mail at 2 weeks ago that came up to us after our e mails and asked us a bunch of questions so we gave her a pamphlet and asked if we could come visit her sometime she said yes, and we scheduled a time for the next wednesday. Turns out she isn't in our area so we had to give her to the sisters! Ha they are good missionaries though! But I am trying not to compare myself with any other missionaries, I find that I am trying to compare myself to Stephen and Spencer a lot actually and see if I am doing as well as I think they are doing, Ha which doesn't make sense cause they are both so far a way and I shouldn't be comparing myself to anyone else anyway. so thats what I am working on this week, focussing on my own efforts and my investigators.
Also Kris I do know that Elder, Elder Dalisay, He is actually a batch younger than me, so I am one transfer ahead of him. We met in the MTC, ha it is weird that I am already older than someone in the mission, ha but he is better at tagalog than me. Like really, he understands everything and talks almost fluently, he is Filipino I think, and his parents used to speak tagalog to him so he is way good. Ha blast. No I am trying to be patient and I know I will get the language soon. Hopefully.
Well I love you all so much. And I hope you are so happy in Wyoming, in your new school Anni and Davo, and I hope you are making friends still. I hope you Dad and You Kris are happy too, I hope hawaii is nice!! Ha
Love your son and Brother Elder Benjamin Larson
I doing good
Hey everybody,
Dad, is it true that you named me after the name of your best friend(as it was written in spencer's e-mail)? I am doing well, this week it has been rainning every day, but I have been liking it because I prefer the cold more than sweeting all the time, and it seems like you walk faster in the cold weather.
Here in our area we have been having a hard time finding new investagators(but I know that this is, to every missionary, a problem). This week we taught a couple that are from another church, and they only let us teach them because Adriano(the husband) whats to convert us to his church. So it's like a race to see who's going to get converted first.! But Aricia(the wife) is starting to believe in the Book Of Mormon, so I Think we are going to win;) haha, but they are very nice and are very reseptive, with an opened mind. We also entered into a house across the stree from Adriano that had 8 adults, and two of these adults are baptized members but they are inactive. IN the house there was also a sick woman that is the mother of 4 of these adults, and after we had talked for a little bit 3 of them asked us if we could give a blessing to there mother. Then we gave a blessing to her, and everybody that was there was very grateful.
I am so grateful for my life and all of the experiences that I have had that have helped me to grow, learn, and have more understanding. The spirit has reviled to me that this The BofM is ture and that it is of God, we have a prophet on the earth, we all can live with our Heavenly Father and our familys for ever if we keep the comandments and recive the holy ordenances of Baptizum, the Holy Ghost, and Eternal Marrige. All these ordenances(holy acts) we can recive because God called a prophet and gave him the Powers of Heaven, and reorginized the church of Christ on the earth, which is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. This is what I feel, and believe. I don't know all of the anwsers and no one will because if we knew all of the anwsers then we wouldn't have FAITH. Faith requiers questions, douts, uncertenty, so that we can believe without knowing, act without knowing, this is Faith.
I love you all, have a good week, love
Elder stephen larson
Dad, is it true that you named me after the name of your best friend(as it was written in spencer's e-mail)? I am doing well, this week it has been rainning every day, but I have been liking it because I prefer the cold more than sweeting all the time, and it seems like you walk faster in the cold weather.
Here in our area we have been having a hard time finding new investagators(but I know that this is, to every missionary, a problem). This week we taught a couple that are from another church, and they only let us teach them because Adriano(the husband) whats to convert us to his church. So it's like a race to see who's going to get converted first.! But Aricia(the wife) is starting to believe in the Book Of Mormon, so I Think we are going to win;) haha, but they are very nice and are very reseptive, with an opened mind. We also entered into a house across the stree from Adriano that had 8 adults, and two of these adults are baptized members but they are inactive. IN the house there was also a sick woman that is the mother of 4 of these adults, and after we had talked for a little bit 3 of them asked us if we could give a blessing to there mother. Then we gave a blessing to her, and everybody that was there was very grateful.
I am so grateful for my life and all of the experiences that I have had that have helped me to grow, learn, and have more understanding. The spirit has reviled to me that this The BofM is ture and that it is of God, we have a prophet on the earth, we all can live with our Heavenly Father and our familys for ever if we keep the comandments and recive the holy ordenances of Baptizum, the Holy Ghost, and Eternal Marrige. All these ordenances(holy acts) we can recive because God called a prophet and gave him the Powers of Heaven, and reorginized the church of Christ on the earth, which is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. This is what I feel, and believe. I don't know all of the anwsers and no one will because if we knew all of the anwsers then we wouldn't have FAITH. Faith requiers questions, douts, uncertenty, so that we can believe without knowing, act without knowing, this is Faith.
I love you all, have a good week, love
Elder stephen larson
Dear Family,
This was a pretty slow week but it was still a week full of blessings from the lord. I went on the last exchange of the transfer with Elder Burton aka Harry Potter and we had a pretty good time. If he were to have a Patronis figure it would be Mario because he loves video games.
Sarah is still doing well, but it is hard trying to help her transition into the ward that she is supposed to be in. She likes us a lot and is still having a hard time trusting in people other than us and Christ. I think it will take longer for this transition to happen than we all would like.
On Saturday we went a service project that the whole stake was involved with. It was at the Estero State park and the Governor, governor Scott was there to thank us and help us a bit. I am sure it will be in the newspaper and on the news. They put me and a couple guys in charge of building new benches for the park. It was way fun. I thought I was going to get tackled by his body guards because I was holding a saw most of the time and I was using the saw when the governor was close by.
We also had a very good dinner at a less active members house. her names is sister Brooks and while we were at her house we talked a lot about parenting. It made me think of what kind of a parent or leader i was and the leader/ father I want to be. I don't want to be a push over dad like a lot of the parents in this world today but I don't want to be heartlessly mean to them either. so there is a balance there, and I can see how the Gospel applies in all the ways of parenting.
Recently the Stake has made a YSA branch that meets in our building. President Summerhays put Elder Cook and myself in charge of it until he put new missionaries in. He asked us what what we thought of that and of course we said that sounds great. But right after we said that we both got this feeling that something wasn't right. So we called him back and told him what we felt. So lately I have been pondering and studying out in my mind what needs to happen. And we have found that Sisters should come into the estero YSA branch. We both felt very good about that and are going to talk with Pres. about it.
This might be my last week in Bonita Springs so I am going to enjoy it the best that I can. I hope that you all have a great week and do as King Benjamin says in Mosiah 2:17, Serve one another. I love you
[Elder Spencer Larson]
This was a pretty slow week but it was still a week full of blessings from the lord. I went on the last exchange of the transfer with Elder Burton aka Harry Potter and we had a pretty good time. If he were to have a Patronis figure it would be Mario because he loves video games.
Sarah is still doing well, but it is hard trying to help her transition into the ward that she is supposed to be in. She likes us a lot and is still having a hard time trusting in people other than us and Christ. I think it will take longer for this transition to happen than we all would like.
On Saturday we went a service project that the whole stake was involved with. It was at the Estero State park and the Governor, governor Scott was there to thank us and help us a bit. I am sure it will be in the newspaper and on the news. They put me and a couple guys in charge of building new benches for the park. It was way fun. I thought I was going to get tackled by his body guards because I was holding a saw most of the time and I was using the saw when the governor was close by.
We also had a very good dinner at a less active members house. her names is sister Brooks and while we were at her house we talked a lot about parenting. It made me think of what kind of a parent or leader i was and the leader/ father I want to be. I don't want to be a push over dad like a lot of the parents in this world today but I don't want to be heartlessly mean to them either. so there is a balance there, and I can see how the Gospel applies in all the ways of parenting.
Recently the Stake has made a YSA branch that meets in our building. President Summerhays put Elder Cook and myself in charge of it until he put new missionaries in. He asked us what what we thought of that and of course we said that sounds great. But right after we said that we both got this feeling that something wasn't right. So we called him back and told him what we felt. So lately I have been pondering and studying out in my mind what needs to happen. And we have found that Sisters should come into the estero YSA branch. We both felt very good about that and are going to talk with Pres. about it.
This might be my last week in Bonita Springs so I am going to enjoy it the best that I can. I hope that you all have a great week and do as King Benjamin says in Mosiah 2:17, Serve one another. I love you
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Good Morning Family,
It is just a very beautiful morning in Florida right now I don't sweat anymore when I step outside. This is the type of weather that is the best kind. Its been a good week this week. Sarah Gursky was Baptized and confirmed this past weekend and it was a very good experience for her. I could tell after she came out of the water that she was just so happy. More happy than I have ever seen her. She changed from this scared fragile girl who didn't think that anybody liked her to a happy, more confident person, standing up right in the sight of god. She knows that she is a Daughter of god and nobody can convince her other wise. Her family life is still really not good but she has the gift of the holy ghost now to help her and strengthen her more. The next step for her is to continue to help her stay strong in the gospel and help her go to her correct ward. It will be a long process I think.
Scott received the Aaronic Priesthood this Sunday and was given some families to go home teach. I saw the emotion in his eyes as he received that sacred priesthood of god. Margie and Scott are both looking to get their Patriarchal Blessings and Scottie is getting ready to become a deacon in the near future. So they are doing very well.
One cool experience I had this last week happened while I was on exchange with one of my favorite Missionaries, Elder Glover.
The special thing about Elder Glover is that Elder Glover's dad(Stephen Glover) in high school was best friends with you Dad. And you named Stephen after his dad. At least that is what I have been told by him. Anyway we spent three days together and it was a blast. We went to a College campus called Ave Maria. It is a catholic school in the middle of nowhere. So we went there and accidentally got stuck in a mass when we went to use the bathroom in their cathedral. It was very short, 30 min mass and everyone there gave looks of interest and wonder. Then after ward we got bombarded by a whole bunch of people out in the front of the church wanting to know who we were, Where we were from and what our church was all about. We had a really good time talking and telling them about our beliefs. We than walked to the cafeteria to get some lunch. We sat down at a table and minutes later some students sat with us and talked with us. It was really good to talk with them and I learned so much about their beliefs and how true our church really is. They all looked pretty sincere and open to what we had to say. Except One kid who was studying Philosophy got a little frustrated with our doctrine and was trying to bash with us. We get bashed all the time so it wasn't a big deal at all. We answered all his questions and when he got even more frustrated the rest of the students told him to be quiet and listen to us. Everyone of the students wanted us to come back next week so they can learn more. As we were walking out a girl stopped us because she recognized us from mass and she asked us who we were. when we told her she asked us if we were going to give talks in the next mass. WE all laughed and elder Glover wanted to take her up on that. It was a fun time and I really grew in my testimony of the gospel.
This church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints is the only true and living church on earth and Jesus Christ is at the head of it. I hope you all have a very pleasant week. I love you all.
It is just a very beautiful morning in Florida right now I don't sweat anymore when I step outside. This is the type of weather that is the best kind. Its been a good week this week. Sarah Gursky was Baptized and confirmed this past weekend and it was a very good experience for her. I could tell after she came out of the water that she was just so happy. More happy than I have ever seen her. She changed from this scared fragile girl who didn't think that anybody liked her to a happy, more confident person, standing up right in the sight of god. She knows that she is a Daughter of god and nobody can convince her other wise. Her family life is still really not good but she has the gift of the holy ghost now to help her and strengthen her more. The next step for her is to continue to help her stay strong in the gospel and help her go to her correct ward. It will be a long process I think.
Scott received the Aaronic Priesthood this Sunday and was given some families to go home teach. I saw the emotion in his eyes as he received that sacred priesthood of god. Margie and Scott are both looking to get their Patriarchal Blessings and Scottie is getting ready to become a deacon in the near future. So they are doing very well.
One cool experience I had this last week happened while I was on exchange with one of my favorite Missionaries, Elder Glover.
The special thing about Elder Glover is that Elder Glover's dad(Stephen Glover) in high school was best friends with you Dad. And you named Stephen after his dad. At least that is what I have been told by him. Anyway we spent three days together and it was a blast. We went to a College campus called Ave Maria. It is a catholic school in the middle of nowhere. So we went there and accidentally got stuck in a mass when we went to use the bathroom in their cathedral. It was very short, 30 min mass and everyone there gave looks of interest and wonder. Then after ward we got bombarded by a whole bunch of people out in the front of the church wanting to know who we were, Where we were from and what our church was all about. We had a really good time talking and telling them about our beliefs. We than walked to the cafeteria to get some lunch. We sat down at a table and minutes later some students sat with us and talked with us. It was really good to talk with them and I learned so much about their beliefs and how true our church really is. They all looked pretty sincere and open to what we had to say. Except One kid who was studying Philosophy got a little frustrated with our doctrine and was trying to bash with us. We get bashed all the time so it wasn't a big deal at all. We answered all his questions and when he got even more frustrated the rest of the students told him to be quiet and listen to us. Everyone of the students wanted us to come back next week so they can learn more. As we were walking out a girl stopped us because she recognized us from mass and she asked us who we were. when we told her she asked us if we were going to give talks in the next mass. WE all laughed and elder Glover wanted to take her up on that. It was a fun time and I really grew in my testimony of the gospel.
This church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints is the only true and living church on earth and Jesus Christ is at the head of it. I hope you all have a very pleasant week. I love you all.
Hello Everyone,
I doing good, I have a new comp and a new area. My new comp is Elder Barbosa, he´s from the Amazon(the jungle) and he has about the same amont of time that I have on the mission. My new area called ´Parelheiros´, it´s pritty close to my first area, and I have been running into some of the people that I met in my frist area.My address here in Parelheiros is:
Rua Mario Trape, 380
JD Novo Parelheiro
04890-430 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
The area is really big and there´s a lot of hills, maybe I will be losing more puonds. Maybe you guys won´t even reconnize me when I get back.
David thats so good that your such a good soccer player kep it up, and you too Annika with all your activitys. I love all of you guys.
elder stephen larson
I doing good, I have a new comp and a new area. My new comp is Elder Barbosa, he´s from the Amazon(the jungle) and he has about the same amont of time that I have on the mission. My new area called ´Parelheiros´, it´s pritty close to my first area, and I have been running into some of the people that I met in my frist area.My address here in Parelheiros is:
Rua Mario Trape, 380
JD Novo Parelheiro
04890-430 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
The area is really big and there´s a lot of hills, maybe I will be losing more puonds. Maybe you guys won´t even reconnize me when I get back.
David thats so good that your such a good soccer player kep it up, and you too Annika with all your activitys. I love all of you guys.
elder stephen larson
Hey mom and Jess.
Sorry I am E-mailing you before you get the chance to send me one. I am not sure what happened. But it is P-day and my time to e-mail you guys!
So I am doing good here in the Philippines!!! I hope you enjoyed conference!!! We didn't get to watch it yet because of the time difference. But they are going to broadcast it all over the Philippines this Saturday and Sunday!! I hope it was still special and wonderful mom!!!
So First I have to talk about my shirts. So the guy at MR. Mac who sold them to me told me to get the ones I got because they are more sturdy and will hold up here, He is full of nuts and cheese!! Probably 3 or 4 of them are fraying on the shoulder seams, and the pockets in 6 of them are dying! ha that's so funny. It's even more funny that one elder in our apartment who has been here for almost a year, bought all his shirts at Walmart, and they are still holding up good!! Ha, and the salesman guy at mr. mac said don't go to walmart!! I should have gone to Walmart!!! Ha so moral of the story is this kids, If a sales man tells you not to do something, do it! Don't listen to sales men ever!!!!! And shop at Walmart!! Haha
So I am loving it here in the Philippines! The language is hard and sometimes gets me down, but only a little and I am happy again. The work has been kind of slowish I think. We haven't really been finding very many people, and I don't know why, and also the investigators we challenge to come to church, haven't been coming. Our mission goal for church attendance for our investigators is around 10, we have only been getting like 3. It's ok though. We are going to step it up, and be more firm!!! I am excited!
So yesterday something funny happened. We were asked to come to a funeral type thing, and maybe share a small message or something, so we went, luckily we weren't asked to share, cause I had no Idea what we would have said, but half way through the service, a drunk guy came walking into the home, and just sat down on the floor. We weren't sure what to do so we just left him there. Ha then we sang our closing hymn and he started to hum and sing and wave his hand like he was directing the music. Ha ha what the. Then after the service when we were talking to the family a bit the drunk man got up and went over to the coffin and fell to his knees next to it and put his face and hands over it and just started bawling and saying, 'why, why" ha ha I don't even think he knew the lady who died but I thought it was funnier than crap and just couldn't help but laugh. What a character. Than when we were leaving he said, ' hey joe, joe. I want to shake your hand joe! HE was talking to me, and he just told me, " you are so cool Joe, you are my best friend. I like you joe." ha oh the drunk people in the Philippines. Ha I am glad for these type of experiences, I can look back on them and have a good laugh with my family.
So that is some of the stuff going on here. Oh and the couple I told you about before, Brother Manuel and sister Jocelyn, their baptism date is for October 15 or 22 I think. Cause wow, marriage is a hard thing to plan!!!!!!!!! Ha so that will be excited and they seem really excited about it!
I love you all, and hope you are all happy and well!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such great blessings and strength to me here on my mission! I love you!!
Love your son and brother,
Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson
Sorry I am E-mailing you before you get the chance to send me one. I am not sure what happened. But it is P-day and my time to e-mail you guys!
So I am doing good here in the Philippines!!! I hope you enjoyed conference!!! We didn't get to watch it yet because of the time difference. But they are going to broadcast it all over the Philippines this Saturday and Sunday!! I hope it was still special and wonderful mom!!!
So First I have to talk about my shirts. So the guy at MR. Mac who sold them to me told me to get the ones I got because they are more sturdy and will hold up here, He is full of nuts and cheese!! Probably 3 or 4 of them are fraying on the shoulder seams, and the pockets in 6 of them are dying! ha that's so funny. It's even more funny that one elder in our apartment who has been here for almost a year, bought all his shirts at Walmart, and they are still holding up good!! Ha, and the salesman guy at mr. mac said don't go to walmart!! I should have gone to Walmart!!! Ha so moral of the story is this kids, If a sales man tells you not to do something, do it! Don't listen to sales men ever!!!!! And shop at Walmart!! Haha
So I am loving it here in the Philippines! The language is hard and sometimes gets me down, but only a little and I am happy again. The work has been kind of slowish I think. We haven't really been finding very many people, and I don't know why, and also the investigators we challenge to come to church, haven't been coming. Our mission goal for church attendance for our investigators is around 10, we have only been getting like 3. It's ok though. We are going to step it up, and be more firm!!! I am excited!
So yesterday something funny happened. We were asked to come to a funeral type thing, and maybe share a small message or something, so we went, luckily we weren't asked to share, cause I had no Idea what we would have said, but half way through the service, a drunk guy came walking into the home, and just sat down on the floor. We weren't sure what to do so we just left him there. Ha then we sang our closing hymn and he started to hum and sing and wave his hand like he was directing the music. Ha ha what the. Then after the service when we were talking to the family a bit the drunk man got up and went over to the coffin and fell to his knees next to it and put his face and hands over it and just started bawling and saying, 'why, why" ha ha I don't even think he knew the lady who died but I thought it was funnier than crap and just couldn't help but laugh. What a character. Than when we were leaving he said, ' hey joe, joe. I want to shake your hand joe! HE was talking to me, and he just told me, " you are so cool Joe, you are my best friend. I like you joe." ha oh the drunk people in the Philippines. Ha I am glad for these type of experiences, I can look back on them and have a good laugh with my family.
So that is some of the stuff going on here. Oh and the couple I told you about before, Brother Manuel and sister Jocelyn, their baptism date is for October 15 or 22 I think. Cause wow, marriage is a hard thing to plan!!!!!!!!! Ha so that will be excited and they seem really excited about it!
I love you all, and hope you are all happy and well!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such great blessings and strength to me here on my mission! I love you!!
Love your son and brother,
Elder Benjamin Lamoreaux Larson
What a wonderful conference. This has been the most meaningful conference of my life. I think it is because we never get to watch tv and we are so involved in what they are talking about. One of my favorite talks was Elder Eyrings talk. How he didn't know what to do when he was asked to speak at the university but he wasn't allowed to share the gospel. It was powerful to me how he prepared and prayed and asked what to do. So he stood alone or what to our natural eyes see as alone and spoke the words of god dispite the opposition. Also I liked president Monsons talk when he told of the experience he had on the bus. A lady asked about the church and nobody stood to answer her. So he stood up after some silence and bore his testimony. I feel like in my life I have struggled to stand up especailly when I was going to be the only one standing. Those men are such good examples to me to help me to stand when I am called upon to stand.
We met a guy named Lenard who just walked right into the church building after church. So we went over to visit with him and we found out that he owns a frieght company out of Salt Lake City and he has many Mormon Friends. We taught him and gave him a book of mormon. Then he came to all 5 sessions of Conference. He was really impressed with the leadership of the church and how one we are with eachother. I over heard him speaking to a member of our ward and he said that he was going to join this church. He is golden.
Scott and his family are doing well. He started a new job as a nurse that goes to make visits to people in there homes. It has been worrying him for a while so but I know that the gospel will help him to have the right perspective on the many situations he will be put into.
Sarah is looking good for her baptism this weekend. We still have to teach her the 4th lesson and interview her so I hope that we can fit all that in before. We are going to have a dinner with her and meet her parents for the first time. She loved conference especailly the talks by President Monson. Satan is working hard on her but she is is strong and will make it through.
I hope you all are well and not getting bitten by snakes. cough cough.
i love you all.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
We met a guy named Lenard who just walked right into the church building after church. So we went over to visit with him and we found out that he owns a frieght company out of Salt Lake City and he has many Mormon Friends. We taught him and gave him a book of mormon. Then he came to all 5 sessions of Conference. He was really impressed with the leadership of the church and how one we are with eachother. I over heard him speaking to a member of our ward and he said that he was going to join this church. He is golden.
Scott and his family are doing well. He started a new job as a nurse that goes to make visits to people in there homes. It has been worrying him for a while so but I know that the gospel will help him to have the right perspective on the many situations he will be put into.
Sarah is looking good for her baptism this weekend. We still have to teach her the 4th lesson and interview her so I hope that we can fit all that in before. We are going to have a dinner with her and meet her parents for the first time. She loved conference especailly the talks by President Monson. Satan is working hard on her but she is is strong and will make it through.
I hope you all are well and not getting bitten by snakes. cough cough.
i love you all.
[Elder Spencer Larson]
Feast on the words of the prophet
Hey Dad!!
So first, I am doing good here in Philippines! This week was hard mostly cause the language and I was beginning to feel useless in the work. But I am continuing to be lifted up and made stronger in these times through my prayers, faith and love. I know that our father in heaven answers our prayers, and he wraps us in his spiritual arms in times when no one else can, and for that I am truly grateful!!
So, Conference sounded like it was fun for you. We haven't seen it yet here in the Philippines, because of the time difference they couldn't show it regularly, but they will broadcast it all throughout the Philippines this Sunday, and Saturday! It will be weird not being with you for Priesthood session and no snacks the other sessions. But I am still excited, cause I get to FEAST on the WORDS of the prophet and apostles!! That is so cool to think about!
We had our fast Sunday yesterday, and it was good!! We had a good fast and I was able to bare my testimony to our ward here in Pasig 3. I like this area, the work is going slower it feels like, in finding that is. I feel like we haven't found as many people as we should. I think maybe that is what we will focus on this week, well and getting our investigators to church. I think Those are some big things in this work growing, Cause if the investigators we have don't come to church they can't gain a testimony. Or at least it's way harder. And also if we aren't finding knew investigators, then the work will be at a temporary pause, so I am praying for help in Tagalog and also in being able to teach and speak the words the lord would have me say so that the people will become interested in our message.
Ha also remember how we went to MR. Mac and he told us to get the Sunday shirts that were more sturdy and cotton instead of Polyester, so that they would, 'hold up better and not fall apart'. Well guess what, they are starting to fray, at the seams in the shoulders and in the pockets! HA what the junk, that guy lied I'm thinking, or just he gave me the 6 bad shirts he had, haha. oh well. but one of the elders in our appartment who has been here for almost a year, bought all his shirts at Walmart, and they are all fine! Man I should have gone to Walmart! Ha
So that was kind of bothersome to me. But It's okay, I still have shirts at least. It sounds exciting that the house is almost done! Oh dad, I hope you had a good birthday, Sorry I didn't send anything, but I will try, we have to go to the post office in order to send things, and it is far away, so I will try my best. I am really sorry dad.
So I am doing good here, and I am trying to do my best, in Tagalog and in the Work. Sometimes the language really gets to me and affects my attitude in the work, which effects the work, maybe that's what I need to change.
I hope you are all happy, and I hope you guys are having fun in your new house! And school anni and davo!! I hope you guys are having fun there and in sports! And David, it's ok to play other sports than soccer. I know soccer is so so fun, but you never know if you like something else too unless you try it! so try football and baseball and all that stuff for your big brother ok. But do soccer too and most important have fun!!!!!!!!! You too Anni!! I am so proud of Both of you and how much you like to try new things, you are better than I was!
Kris I got your letter today, It was good thankyou!!! I hope everything works out with your buisness and those investigators you are working with!
Again I love you all!! And I pray for you always!
Love Elder Benjamin L Larson
So first, I am doing good here in Philippines! This week was hard mostly cause the language and I was beginning to feel useless in the work. But I am continuing to be lifted up and made stronger in these times through my prayers, faith and love. I know that our father in heaven answers our prayers, and he wraps us in his spiritual arms in times when no one else can, and for that I am truly grateful!!
So, Conference sounded like it was fun for you. We haven't seen it yet here in the Philippines, because of the time difference they couldn't show it regularly, but they will broadcast it all throughout the Philippines this Sunday, and Saturday! It will be weird not being with you for Priesthood session and no snacks the other sessions. But I am still excited, cause I get to FEAST on the WORDS of the prophet and apostles!! That is so cool to think about!
We had our fast Sunday yesterday, and it was good!! We had a good fast and I was able to bare my testimony to our ward here in Pasig 3. I like this area, the work is going slower it feels like, in finding that is. I feel like we haven't found as many people as we should. I think maybe that is what we will focus on this week, well and getting our investigators to church. I think Those are some big things in this work growing, Cause if the investigators we have don't come to church they can't gain a testimony. Or at least it's way harder. And also if we aren't finding knew investigators, then the work will be at a temporary pause, so I am praying for help in Tagalog and also in being able to teach and speak the words the lord would have me say so that the people will become interested in our message.
Ha also remember how we went to MR. Mac and he told us to get the Sunday shirts that were more sturdy and cotton instead of Polyester, so that they would, 'hold up better and not fall apart'. Well guess what, they are starting to fray, at the seams in the shoulders and in the pockets! HA what the junk, that guy lied I'm thinking, or just he gave me the 6 bad shirts he had, haha. oh well. but one of the elders in our appartment who has been here for almost a year, bought all his shirts at Walmart, and they are all fine! Man I should have gone to Walmart! Ha
So that was kind of bothersome to me. But It's okay, I still have shirts at least. It sounds exciting that the house is almost done! Oh dad, I hope you had a good birthday, Sorry I didn't send anything, but I will try, we have to go to the post office in order to send things, and it is far away, so I will try my best. I am really sorry dad.
So I am doing good here, and I am trying to do my best, in Tagalog and in the Work. Sometimes the language really gets to me and affects my attitude in the work, which effects the work, maybe that's what I need to change.
I hope you are all happy, and I hope you guys are having fun in your new house! And school anni and davo!! I hope you guys are having fun there and in sports! And David, it's ok to play other sports than soccer. I know soccer is so so fun, but you never know if you like something else too unless you try it! so try football and baseball and all that stuff for your big brother ok. But do soccer too and most important have fun!!!!!!!!! You too Anni!! I am so proud of Both of you and how much you like to try new things, you are better than I was!
Kris I got your letter today, It was good thankyou!!! I hope everything works out with your buisness and those investigators you are working with!
Again I love you all!! And I pray for you always!
Love Elder Benjamin L Larson
Im returning to the big city
Hey everybody,
I am being transfered to a new area, so I will be leaving the country side and will be returning to the Big city, São Paulo. I have never had an area that I wanted to leave, I have liked all of them Palmares, Praque Paraíso, Educandário, and to add to the list of area, Itararé. Elder L. Pinheiro will be staying in the area and will work with our investagators Venessa, Michelle,Jessica, Janaina, Ana claudia, Jefferson, Silvio, Marcia, ana, sezer, and the unforgettable Jurandir that hates Joseph Smith but likes us so continues to let us come back. Out of all our investagators the closest one to get baptized next month and wants to is Jessica (15years).
Genral Confrence was wonderful. I watched the saterday sessions in Portugês but then on sunday I watched in english. I love watching the confrence in english, because you can hear the emotion and there conviction in there voices. I feel that our Father in heaven whats to bless us a ton, but we need to ask specifically for those blessing to recive them as was spoken in confrence. I know that what we pass through in our lives, will help us turn into the type of person that our Father wants us to be at the end. I feel like i am being shaped and changed and its not being easy. I love you all and hope for your happyness. With love,
Elder stephen larson

I am being transfered to a new area, so I will be leaving the country side and will be returning to the Big city, São Paulo. I have never had an area that I wanted to leave, I have liked all of them Palmares, Praque Paraíso, Educandário, and to add to the list of area, Itararé. Elder L. Pinheiro will be staying in the area and will work with our investagators Venessa, Michelle,Jessica, Janaina, Ana claudia, Jefferson, Silvio, Marcia, ana, sezer, and the unforgettable Jurandir that hates Joseph Smith but likes us so continues to let us come back. Out of all our investagators the closest one to get baptized next month and wants to is Jessica (15years).
Genral Confrence was wonderful. I watched the saterday sessions in Portugês but then on sunday I watched in english. I love watching the confrence in english, because you can hear the emotion and there conviction in there voices. I feel that our Father in heaven whats to bless us a ton, but we need to ask specifically for those blessing to recive them as was spoken in confrence. I know that what we pass through in our lives, will help us turn into the type of person that our Father wants us to be at the end. I feel like i am being shaped and changed and its not being easy. I love you all and hope for your happyness. With love,
Elder stephen larson

The tree of life
Hey dad and Kris and anni and davo and rest of family, ( if you read this) ha
Life here in the philippines is good!! Pasensia, (sorry) that I didn't write you until wednesday, It is P-day today instead monday cause of transfers. So today we found out that none of us are transferring!! Which I am very excited about! Because I wouldn't know what to do if I was the only one who knew the area. Ha I am still too new!
So that was exciting! We have had an awesome week. We are teaching this one Nay (older lady, in the philippines you call all grandma age women 'Nay' and grandpa age men 'tay') So the Nay that we are teaching is named Estella Buco, and she is great. When we gave her the Aklat ni Mormon, Book of mormon, she was so grateful and gave me and my companion a hug!! We weren't too sure about that but we said because she was a 'Nay' it was ok that once! Also I was so excited that she was so excited! She also told us of a dream she had where in her dream there was one pillar of light, and in the light, there was a tree (I know, classic dream in the Book of Mormon. Sweet!!) And she said there was also a person by the tree who was trying to give her a present, I don't know what happened cause I can't understand her very well and it's hard for my companion to explain it to me in english, so it sounds pretty sweetly cool to me, and the coolest part is that she dreamed the dream a couple days before we met her!! I hope that she realizes a connection between the gift of light and the gift we are offering her! And I hope she accepts, cause it sounded like in the dream she didn't accept it! Ah I am praying though!
Also I found out one of my Kabahay,( roomates) is rich. He is from hawaii and when he graduated from high school, Anni and Davo you will think this is cool, His parents bought out Disney Land for half a day, so 6 am to 4 pm and it was just him and a group of his friends in the whole park all by themselves! That would be cool.
Also We did another split last sunday, Ugh, I don't like them very much, but It's ok cause i know they help me grow a lot. SO anyway, we, Me and two members, were walking down one street and we saw four 'Tay's" remember what that means? Anyways, so we saw four older grandpa age men sitting out and talking It looked like. One called me over, and so Natrually we went, Then I noticed they were all sharing 2 big bottles of beer like good old man friends do here in the Philippines. The one who called me over, said, " Share what you have to my friends" so I pulled out a pamphlet and introduced myself and our church, I did it in Tagalog,( kind of) They thought it was cool that I could kind of speak tagalog but wanted me to speak english cause they wanted to learn english more, A lot of people here say that to me. But I insisted to speak Tagalog so I tried my best. It was so hard to share the message to them cause they were so drunk and just kept on interupting. I asked them to try to listen, but they wouldn't. One of them grabbed my arm, and started to pull on me and try to grab my bag. But I am so strong and broke his grip and told them all to be still or they might die by the power of god!! Ha ha Joke, That didn't really happen, well I did talk to drunk guys and they were very disruptive but they didn't touch me accept the hand shakes we exchanged when I left cause I couldn't stand them interupting me anymore. Ha that would be funny though!! Sorry if I scared ya, Just having fun. Hak hak, (that's how the Filipinos make laughing in texting and typing.)
So we had a good week and I love the " Nay's " here!! Both Nanay Buco and Nanay Sison are doing great and continue to have great desire to learn. Oh one more sister we are teaching who is really fun, She is a young mother with the wildest questions. For example. One question she asked us after she read the restoration pamphlet was, "If the 'Pillar of Light' Joseph smith saw was even brighter than the sun, How come other people didn't see it either?" WHAT the Junk!! My companion didn't know what to say, and i didn't understand anything going on, so we just told her that the veil was taken from Joseph's Eyes, through the lords power! Ha she is a fun one to teach. Her name is Sister Janalyn.
So I hope you enjoyed that story! I thought they were pretty great! I hope you are all doing well, and it sounds like you have moved into, or almost moved into the new house!! awesome, and be carefull of ratlesnakes! Don't play with the big ones!
Love you all so much, and pray for you always!
Love your son and brother,
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
Life here in the philippines is good!! Pasensia, (sorry) that I didn't write you until wednesday, It is P-day today instead monday cause of transfers. So today we found out that none of us are transferring!! Which I am very excited about! Because I wouldn't know what to do if I was the only one who knew the area. Ha I am still too new!
So that was exciting! We have had an awesome week. We are teaching this one Nay (older lady, in the philippines you call all grandma age women 'Nay' and grandpa age men 'tay') So the Nay that we are teaching is named Estella Buco, and she is great. When we gave her the Aklat ni Mormon, Book of mormon, she was so grateful and gave me and my companion a hug!! We weren't too sure about that but we said because she was a 'Nay' it was ok that once! Also I was so excited that she was so excited! She also told us of a dream she had where in her dream there was one pillar of light, and in the light, there was a tree (I know, classic dream in the Book of Mormon. Sweet!!) And she said there was also a person by the tree who was trying to give her a present, I don't know what happened cause I can't understand her very well and it's hard for my companion to explain it to me in english, so it sounds pretty sweetly cool to me, and the coolest part is that she dreamed the dream a couple days before we met her!! I hope that she realizes a connection between the gift of light and the gift we are offering her! And I hope she accepts, cause it sounded like in the dream she didn't accept it! Ah I am praying though!
Also I found out one of my Kabahay,( roomates) is rich. He is from hawaii and when he graduated from high school, Anni and Davo you will think this is cool, His parents bought out Disney Land for half a day, so 6 am to 4 pm and it was just him and a group of his friends in the whole park all by themselves! That would be cool.
Also We did another split last sunday, Ugh, I don't like them very much, but It's ok cause i know they help me grow a lot. SO anyway, we, Me and two members, were walking down one street and we saw four 'Tay's" remember what that means? Anyways, so we saw four older grandpa age men sitting out and talking It looked like. One called me over, and so Natrually we went, Then I noticed they were all sharing 2 big bottles of beer like good old man friends do here in the Philippines. The one who called me over, said, " Share what you have to my friends" so I pulled out a pamphlet and introduced myself and our church, I did it in Tagalog,( kind of) They thought it was cool that I could kind of speak tagalog but wanted me to speak english cause they wanted to learn english more, A lot of people here say that to me. But I insisted to speak Tagalog so I tried my best. It was so hard to share the message to them cause they were so drunk and just kept on interupting. I asked them to try to listen, but they wouldn't. One of them grabbed my arm, and started to pull on me and try to grab my bag. But I am so strong and broke his grip and told them all to be still or they might die by the power of god!! Ha ha Joke, That didn't really happen, well I did talk to drunk guys and they were very disruptive but they didn't touch me accept the hand shakes we exchanged when I left cause I couldn't stand them interupting me anymore. Ha that would be funny though!! Sorry if I scared ya, Just having fun. Hak hak, (that's how the Filipinos make laughing in texting and typing.)
So we had a good week and I love the " Nay's " here!! Both Nanay Buco and Nanay Sison are doing great and continue to have great desire to learn. Oh one more sister we are teaching who is really fun, She is a young mother with the wildest questions. For example. One question she asked us after she read the restoration pamphlet was, "If the 'Pillar of Light' Joseph smith saw was even brighter than the sun, How come other people didn't see it either?" WHAT the Junk!! My companion didn't know what to say, and i didn't understand anything going on, so we just told her that the veil was taken from Joseph's Eyes, through the lords power! Ha she is a fun one to teach. Her name is Sister Janalyn.
So I hope you enjoyed that story! I thought they were pretty great! I hope you are all doing well, and it sounds like you have moved into, or almost moved into the new house!! awesome, and be carefull of ratlesnakes! Don't play with the big ones!
Love you all so much, and pray for you always!
Love your son and brother,
Elder Benjamin L. Larson
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