I am being transfered to a new area, so I will be leaving the country side and will be returning to the Big city, São Paulo. I have never had an area that I wanted to leave, I have liked all of them Palmares, Praque Paraíso, Educandário, and to add to the list of area, Itararé. Elder L. Pinheiro will be staying in the area and will work with our investagators Venessa, Michelle,Jessica, Janaina, Ana claudia, Jefferson, Silvio, Marcia, ana, sezer, and the unforgettable Jurandir that hates Joseph Smith but likes us so continues to let us come back. Out of all our investagators the closest one to get baptized next month and wants to is Jessica (15years).
Genral Confrence was wonderful. I watched the saterday sessions in Portugês but then on sunday I watched in english. I love watching the confrence in english, because you can hear the emotion and there conviction in there voices. I feel that our Father in heaven whats to bless us a ton, but we need to ask specifically for those blessing to recive them as was spoken in confrence. I know that what we pass through in our lives, will help us turn into the type of person that our Father wants us to be at the end. I feel like i am being shaped and changed and its not being easy. I love you all and hope for your happyness. With love,
Elder stephen larson

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