Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, January 16, 2012

hey family,

This week was a learning week. we didn't have a lot going on because everything kept falling through. The good thing is that we prayerfully studied out in our minds how we can improve and make our efforts more effective. One thing that i learned to improve on was talking to people at the door. I have done it a lot on my mission in the heat of the sun and I had had a lot of good experiences like when I found scott and margie. but it seemed to not be working. I learned to seek the lords way instead of my way, but we still had to try on our part. We were one day driving around in an area that we thought would be a good place then a street stood out to us and we started talking to people who were in their drive way. The next door down this 91 year old lady opened up to talk with us. she said she had a church but that she was some what interested in what we had to say. As we walked away she called us back and said that she would like to come to church tomorrow with us. I was very happy and surprised and she expressed greater desires to meet with us. she didn't end up coming to church because her ride fell through and she went to the hospital.

The next day we had more experiences like it and it is the greatest experience to meet someone who is genuinely open to hear what we have to say. We also talked to a Born again Christian and that was a long conversation. hehe. But he was a very nice guy.

We also got in contact with a guy named Donnell who we taught the first lesson a month ago. When we read the promise in Moroni he was touched by the spirit. We had given him a Book Of Mormon and he by himself has read about a third of it and is very positive about it. I am so excited to teach donnell again.
I guess that is all for now. Take care guys.

[Elder Spencer Larson]

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