Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, January 30, 2012

Transfers are coming

Hey dad kris and kids.

I am doing good. This week was a little hard but good.

I am still hard in the language, but hopefully it starts coming.

This week, nothing too exciting happened, I have almost been here in Pasig 3 (my first area) for 6 months. In Feburary, I will have been in the field for 6 months. I am learning a lot, hopefully I learn everything I need to, Like this language. Sometimes I wonder if I will get better at it after I have a 2nd area, maybe it will force me to open my ears and mouth more and stuff. At the same time I don't want to leave the people, here. I love them, the families are great, and I am getting closer to some of our frequent investigators. I know it will all work out.

The reason why I am talking about transfers right now is because they are next week. I think i might be transfering. I will know by tuesday I think. Or wednesday. Our P-day next week I think is on wednesday.

Oh I gave a talk in church yesterday. I spoke on service, cause saturday we helped this family, the Cinco family (my favorite) move to a different house, it wasn't far, just another street in the town, but we and only like 3 other members showed up. So we ended up only getting 3 lessons that day cause we were busy helping them move all there stuff. I was so tired, and sore the next day. They didn't have many stuff, but the heavy stuff I had to carry, cause no one else could lift them, and then their new house is at the top of the building, 4th floor. I was stinky and exhausted at the end of the day. But I was glad to help them move, and see them settle into their new house.

Also my talk, I thought it was pretty good, then the second councelor in the bishopric leaned over to me after I had finished and he told me I wasn't close enough to the microphone, no one could hear me, my voice was too weak. Well that's that. I felt pretty dumb, but it's ok. I have that feeling a lot out here.

I love you guys. And Davo I am so proud of you and helping your friend learn the gospel, good job buddy. And Anni, you are probably so beautiful!! All the boys asking you to dances! Just remember, no dating until you are 16, and on that day, I get to talk to you date and ask him a billion questions and embarrass the crap out of you in front of him. haha, no but really, Listen to your parents, they know what they are doing, and you will be happier if you obey them, I promise.

I love you all, and hope you are all happy.


Elder Benjamin L. Larson

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