Elder Benjamin Larson

Monday, January 16, 2012

Trio Still

Hey Everyone,

We had a very good week, but it seemed like it was very slow. We have been working a lot on trying to find some new investigators and we are starting to find them along with all the other crazy people. Since last week we have seen Big Jo a lot. She has a case of short term memory loss so every time we go over she says the same phrases like, "I am short but I make up for it with my big mouth and my left hook." She is from new jersey so she has an accent that makes her sound like a tough old grandma. I love her a lot and was very excited that she was coming to church this week but she forgot that we were coming and went to church with her other friend. I am just glad that she is still a live and well, It made me nervous when we knocked on the door and nobody answered.

Nothing has happened with Donnell last week but we are seeing him today. We have net with Mia a lot as well and she came to church. She brought her son and her nephew with her. They are both primary age and after church i asked them if they would like to come back next week. Mia's nephew replied," I want to come back every day!" That made me giggle inside. Mia is doing so good, she is really being serious about baptism and really looking for the truth. I asked her how the Book of Mormon has made her fell as she read it. She said that it made her spirit or heart feel good and expand from with in her. She knows.

Jannett is another investigator we have.She is from the virgin Islands, has four kids and lives in a trailer with her mom Rosa. She was taught before but she really didn't get anything of what the missionaries taught her. She has a hard time understanding gospel concepts the way we would usually teach it. so we are working on teaching her with pictures and movies. I think she likes me a little too much. She calls me "sweet" because I guess I say "sweet!" all the time.

I went on exchange with Elder Glover this past week and it was so much fun. He is a very good guy. We also had an experience with a non-active Lady who was looking to leave the church. Elder Glover and I convinced her to let us come back and teach her what she doesn't understand. When we went back she had her son with her who was very anti to our church. He showed us a video about why we are wrong in our religion and he told us how we don't believe in the same Jesus. it was Really sad to listen to this Former member speak this way to us. But through it all I was very calm and i felt inspired to bear my heart felt testimony about the gospel and the plan of Salvation. The spirit was strong as i did so. He wouldn't listen to the spirit or my words and continued to deny what was true. That experience really strengthened my testimony of the plan of Salvation and Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that we have the gift of choice to choose eternal life through Christ or to choose captivity and death. And it is never to late to turn to the savior. Never. He loves us all and pleads all the time for us to come to him.

I love you all and wish that you all have a happy week.

[Elder Spencer Larson]

P.S. i am staying with Elder Elizondo and Elder Ryan Larson for another transfer. Yeah!!!!!!!!!

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